1 The report is quoted selectively here to highlight some of key points, the full report is at:
Westminster prism.
It has failed to reflect a significant minority opinion that the UK should withdraw from the EU because this does not figure in the policies of the Westminster parties.
Journalists are unlikely to be able to explain the issues clearly unless they understand them themselves. There is much evidence that the public do not get the clear and accurate explanations they need because there is a lack of knowledge of the EU at every stage of the process from the selection of an item to the conduct of the interview. Presenters often appear to be ill-briefed and insufficiently armed with the facts necessary to challenge assertions made by interviewees in live interviews, reflecting not just pressure on them but a lack of understanding by programme researchers and producers.
All external witnesses pointed out that the BBC News agenda understates the importance and relevance of the EU in the political and daily life of the UK….We note that across the spectrum of opinion there is widespread criticism of the narrow nature of the coverage and the lack of reporting of issues which have a considerable domestic impact, for example the Working Time or Chemicals Directives.
Taken together, these criticisms strongly indicated that not enough was being done to cover the EU debate, especially with regard to conveying the range of opinions and in terms of explaining key developments.
In response, the BBC news division said it would “offer our audiences across all platforms clear, accurate and accessible information about the way EU institutions work and their impact on UK laws and life”. In addition, it would upgrade and improve appropriate elements of programming. A new post of Europe Editor was created, efforts were made to train all BBC staff more fully in EU affairs, and it was pledged that greater editorial effort would be made across the board to ensure that important news stories about aspects of the European Union and its development were covered more effectively.
Back in 2005, Mr Thompson told newspapers that the problems identified by Wilson had been clearly dealt with. More recently, however, at the end of 2010, he conceded that in the past there had been problems with the reporting of EU developments – including being “weak” in the coverage and nervous about “letting the debate happen” – though he did not define when this had been, identify specific instances, or outline how the problems fitted in with the improvements that he earlier claimed had been made.
Against this background, this complaint is that, despite the promises after the Wilson Report, withdrawal from the EU has not been adequately covered by the Today programme, and that those who have appeared on the programme who supported the withdrawal case have not been afforded 3 the opportunity to outline properly their views, despite commanding substantial and growing electoral support.
The complaint is based on systematic research into approximately half the Today programme’s output for approximately one year before and for six years after the Wilson Report. Each edition of the programme has been recorded and logged and the relevant EU content has transcribed. There are a total of 14 separate survey periods, each covered by individual detailed analysis that has been drawn upon in compiling the complaint.
The surveys cover only half the broadcasts of the Today programme and so it might be reasonable to infer that actual appearances by withdrawal supporters could have been double the figures quoted. However, it should also be noted that the surveys were carried out in periods of EU summits or major elections, when it would be reasonably expected that coverage of EU affairs would be at its most intense.
It should also be noted that since Wilson, the electoral support enjoyed by those in favour of withdrawal has consistently increased in key elections. UKIP was second-placed party in the 2009 European Parliamentary poll, and commanded almost 1m votes in the 2010 general election. Almost a quarter (24.5%) of those who voted in 2009 supported national parties (UKIP, BNP and the English Democrats) who advocated leaving the EU as a principal part of their platform. It would be expected that this higher level of votes would be reflected in coverage.
The Today programme is, of course, only one component of the BBC’s output. But it is the corporation’s self-declared flagship news and current affairs programme and as such it would be expected that it would carry coverage of EU affairs – and within that, the withdrawal perspective - that was balanced, accurate and sufficient to keep the audience appraised of key developments, in line with what the Wilson Report identified.
The evidence presented here includes that:
Coverage of withdrawal as a political issue has fallen, not risen since Wilson;
There were only 17 questions about withdrawal put to withdrawal advocates in 857 surveyed editions of Today between 2005 and 2010, an average of one every 50 programmes;
Explanation of withdrawal-related policies amounted to only 5,300 words (approximately 37 minutes of airtime, or 6 minutes for each year that was surveyed), strung across 89 separate, mostly fragmentary responses, an average of 59 words (about 23 seconds) per response. This was four ten thousandths of the time available to Today editors.
Thus, overall, withdrawal as a political issue was a very low priority.
This is, without doubt, the closest scrutiny ever mounted of BBC output; it is incumbent on the corporation to explain why the recommendations of Lord Wilson and his panel have so plainly not been met.
further pretty damning research about BBC EU/withdrawal bias here, on the Global Britain website. COVERAGE OF THE WITHDRAWAL DEBATE