Rolling Stone to Cause Rolling Heads? Judges Appointed by Conservatives are Worse Than those Appointed by Liberals Are We Supposed To Be Wealthy?, Part 16
There was good news Wednesday about a state reclaiming a bit of its independence and doing its part to keep unqualified political candidates off of ballots. Arizona’s Senate passed a Bill requiring political candidates to prove they meet lawful requirements to run for the office sought. The Bill has been sent on to the House for a vote. It’s out of Committee and is a work in progress. There is no doubt that The Donald raising this issue brought it to the attention of state legislators – hopefully in more places than......
by Marilyn Barnewall
Republican judges have had a significant part in outlawing God, killing the unborn, removing the 10 Commandments, and now government forced euthanasia. If Christians continue to believe that Republicans will save the day, they are living in 'lala land'. Here in Alabama it was 7 Republicans that voted to remove the 10 Commandments and Judge Roy Moore. It was 2 Republican judges and one Democrat on the 11th circuit court....... David Bay
This is a gift that has no strings attached. How many times has someone done a favor for you with the full expectation of YOU being the one that will repay them for the favor. God doesn’t work that way. When you do something for someone that is a seed and God will bring that harvest to you. We are not supposed to expect the person that we did the favor for to be the one to repay us......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 17 April 2011
April 17, 2011
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Britannia Radio