Saturday, 23 April 2011

April 23, 2011

Cops to hijack citizens' cell phone data
Imagine driving in your automobile with your family on a bright, summer day and you hear a police cruiser's siren and the officer motions for you to pull over. The police officer walks up to your car and says hello using your full name without seeing your license. Not only that, he requests your cellular phone, and within seconds knows your home address, workplace, work-related telephone numbers, pictures and personal Internet information. Welcome to the 21st Century......
by NWV News

A Shattered Nation - A Shattered People
Daily violent tornadoes rip the middle sections of the mainland. These meandering black gigantisms rumble like freight trains across the plains leaving in their deadly wake ribbons of rubble, fields of debris, uprooted trees, and dead bodies. Elsewhere raging floods inundate hundreds of thousands of acres, submerging homes, businesses, and institutional buildings in stinking black muck. While in the West and Southwest hellish flames devour vast sections of land and gobble up homes, buildings, wild life, and........
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.

My FVCC Trustee Campaign: Why I am Running
To me, education is one of the most crucial elements of a successful life. Upon this basis, I have placed my name as a candidate for the Flathead Valley Community College trustee position, the election for which is May 3, 2011 in Flathead County, Montana. So, what is education? Before stating what it is, it is important to observe what it is not......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin