By Ted Belman Apparently Brack Obama was not born in Hawaii or Kenya but was discovered by his alleged mother, floating in a basket on a river, the name of which, which cannot be disclosed. This according to David Solway who reported on this startling fact in his article in Pajamas Media on the question of the birth controversy. Before he makes this startling revelation be describes the quandry. For some time now, even before his assumption of the presidency, the subject of Barack Obama’s origins has been a vexed and tenacious issue, with no sign as yet of diminishing. Is he a “natural born citizen,” as per Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the criterion of eligibility for the office of president? Was he born in Hawaii or Kenya or possibly in both places at the same time? Or is there, as potential 2012 presidential candidate Donald Trump speculates [1], “something on Obama’s birth certificate he doesn’t like”? Is there no dispositive evidence anywhere... Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana “This is the Day the Lord has Made. Let us Rejoice and be Thankful in it.” (From the Pesah liturgy. Psalm 118. See the first paragraph below) The Passover holiday is upon us , thorough spring cleaning is underway and: * The city of Holon will be holding a Seder – the ceremonial, festive evening meal – for 1300 people, all of them recent immigrants from Ethiopia. It will give these beautiful folk the opportunity of enjoying a pleasurable evening and a brief period of spiritual upliftment. And what’s in it for the city? Well they’ll be applying to the Guinness Book people for the record for the largest Seder ever. * As is the case every year, approximately 82% of all Jewish Israelis will be attending some form of Seder. There are those who... By Ted Belman Aaron David Miller, writing in the Washington Post, says the Palestinian attempt to get recognition from the UN is the dumbest move they have ever made. He then lists the ways, But the Koran is not holy to Christians and Jews.Baby Obama was found in a basket floating on a river.
Good News Israel
Aaron Miller says move by PA for recognition is dumb
Obama, Clinton and Patraeus:”the Holy Koran”
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Saturday, 16 April 2011
Joe, our CEO and the Staff of Anglo-Saxon Real Estate join in wishing our Jewish readers a joyful and Kosher Pesach.
Quote for the Week
First, a paper resolution, even one with monitoring and the threat of some collective action against Israel if no movement is made toward statehood, won’t produce a state. In fact, a U.N. campaign for statehood will reflect Palestinian weakness, not resolve. The Palestinian national movement today is divided; there are no guarantees that Hamas would support a U.N. campaign. The Palestinian Authority doesn’t control Gaza, most of the West Bank or its putative capital in East Jerusalem. An empty resolution in New York will score points where it doesn’t count and reflect a lack of capacity where it does — on the ground. Hamas gets more attention from Israel through its rockets than the Palestinians have gotten from their resolutions.
Second, actions produce reactions. No matter...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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Britannia Radio