Sunday, 17 April 2011
Boehner: Next fight over trillions, not billions! This week, Congress is moving toward approval of an agreement on the largest spending cut in history to help begin to create a better environment for private-sector job growth.
While the president's party still controls Washington, House Republicans have dragged a reluctant Senate and White House into taking this imperfect first step toward getting spending under control. The agreement will reduce government spending by $38.5 billion over the next few months - and by hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming decade.
This is real money. And as Stanford University economics professor John B. Taylor observed, "Reducing discretionary spending in 2011 ... will help establish credibility and show that government can actually take needed actions, not just promise to take them."
In addition to its own editorials, USA TODAY publishes a variety of opinions from outside writers. On political and policy matters, we publish opinions from across the political spectrum.
Roughly half of our columns come from our Board of Contributors, a group whose interests range from education to religion to sports to the economy. Their charge is to chronicle American culture by telling the stories, large and small, that collectively make us what we are.
We also publish weekly columns by Al Neuharth, USA TODAY's founder, and DeWayne Wickham, who writes primarily on matters of race but on other subjects as well. That leaves plenty of room for other views from across the nation by well-known and lesser-known names alike.
But the agreement is far from perfect, and we need to do much more if we're serious about creating new jobs, fixing our spending-driven debt crisis, and ending the uncertainty that continues to plague our economy.
That's why this week, we'll advance our fight from saving billions of dollars to saving trillions of dollars as we turn our full attention to the GOP budget outlined by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., aptly titled "The Path to Prosperity."
The Path to Prosperity is a powerful blueprint for economic growth and fiscal responsibility that will help our economy get back to creating jobs, stop Washington from spending money we don't have, and lift the crushing burden of debt that threatens our children and grandchildren.
Before serving in Congress, I ran a small business. Created jobs. Met a payroll. I understand how important the Path to Prosperity is because I've seen firsthand how irresponsible choices in Washington hamper our economy by creating uncertainty and eroding confidence.
Small businesses are the engine of job creation in America, and every decision a small business owner makes - particularly when it comes to making a new investment or adding payroll - involves weighing risks.
When government engages in policies that rattle confidence or decrease predictability, employers tend to do the logical thing: They sit on their hands. Rather than hiring new workers, launching new ventures, or investing in new equipment, they stand pat, keep their heads down and attempt to ride it out.
The Path to Prosperity seeks to end much of that uncertainty. It leads where the administration has failed and takes on autopilot spending that's driving our debt crisis while preserving critical health and retirement security programs for the future; expands American energy production to create jobs and address rising gas prices; repeals and defunds the health care law that threatens jobs; and much more.
The budget by Chairman Ryan has set the bar. If the president is willing to follow our lead and offer serious proposals that address the drivers of our debt and the barriers that are holding back our economy, we'll welcome it, and we're open to hearing them. But in order to be credible, the White House plan must preserve and protect programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and set us on a path to pay down the national debt.
So far, the president has only outlined an irresponsible budget that would impose a job-crushing $1.5 trillion tax hike, add $9.1 trillion to the debt over the next decade, and do nothing to address our autopilot spending. Instead, it locks in place the spending binge that has increased every child's share of the national debt to $45,000.
Rather than removing uncertainty for private-sector job creators and bolstering confidence in our economy, the president's budget is likely to deepen anxiety among families, small business operators and investors - the people who really create jobs in America.
President Obama also wants a debt limit increase, but says spending cuts and budget reforms shouldn't be attached .... Don't Just Sit There! READ THE REST OF THE STORY!
At one time, $5 per gallon gas seemed like a farfetched idea, but that is no longer the case.
As CBS 2's Roseanne Tellez reports, as of Monday, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the Chicago area is $4.11, compared with $3.71 a month ago, and about $3.10 a gallon at this time a year ago.
Some experts say $5 per gallon gas is possible by Memorial Day. Others caution that reaching that mark is unlikely over the next six weeks, but in Chicago, the prices keep rising to near-record levels.
Drivers Monday morning were practically numb to the price spikes.
"What are you going to do?" said Shannon Thompson. "We've become so gas-dependent in this country. There are so many SUVs. I mean, I've had a hybrid. It worked great. Right now, I'm just going to deal with it."
Prices at some gas stations outside the city were still below $4, a bargain compared to the $4.29-$4.40 range at some service stations downtown.
"It's painful," said Lamar Magee. "You've got to make a decision on where you drive and where you go nowadays." He said he is "definitely" making changes to his routines.
Magee says it will cost him about $120 to fill up the 30-gallon tank on his van.
But even that pales in comparison to the big rigs. Truck driver Mark Kanarowski says his truck holds 200 gallons.
"It's got to be a huge expense for the company," Kanarowski said. "I went to St. Louis over the weekend to fill up my own car, and I was paying about $4.13 a gallon. It hurts."
A limo driver shared his thoughts as he filled up his tank at the Des Plaines Oasis.
"Normal-sized tank, big price - when you get done at the pump, it's killing business, and a lot of one-way trips now," he said, "like I'm going to get somebody this morning, and I'm not bringing him home. His wife will probably bring him home, because everyone's trying to save a little bit here, a little bit there."
The Lundberg Survey says the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded as of Monday was $3.76. That is up 19 cents since March 18, and up 91 cents since this time last year.
The sharply rising prices hearken back memories of the summer of 2008.
That year, oil prices were driven well above $100 per.....Would You Please READ MORE!
Tea Party & Conservative Activists Only!
"To take Command of the political arena the Tea Party must effectively deploy the latest tools with the most efficient effort." Steve Eichler J.D./Minuteman Steve
Soon, a call for a united action will be sent.
Yes, America is heading to a political showdown of epic proportion and our nation hangs in the balance. The untied efforts of the Tea Party, Grassroots and Conservative groups are the only hope for our beloved nation.
Know this; the socialist agenda must be stopped! This can only be done by uniting and amplify our voices into a choir of freedom fighters.
Some are asking; how can this uniting be done? (It is not yet time to disclose the secret, but when it is time, a new and powerful tool will be at the Tea Parties disposal)
Soon, you will be asked to link up with others who share the same passion for our faulting nation. Your voice and the voices of millions of concerned Citizens will be unified into a single voice heard all the way to Washington!
Stand Ready! A new system has been developed in secret and the time is almost here to shake the world and change the game!
What can you do? We will be asking for 100 dedicated volunteers to test a new dynamic system. It is free and only costs you 1 hour of your time.
Here is comes!
Why is that? Because...
By Dr. Michael Savage
Pages 18 through 24 and the rest of the book!
1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.
2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
3. Stronger Military Is Essential.
4. Special Interests Eliminated.
5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
6. Government Must Be Downsized.
7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.
8. Deficit Spending Will End.
9. Bail-Out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
13. Intrusive Government Stopped.
14. English As Core Language Is Required.
15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.
"Common Sense Constitutional Conservative Self-Governance Is Our Mode Of Operation"
(Yes, We Are A Christian Nation) You don't have to be a Christian to enjoy freedom.
The Tea Party welcomes all Red Blooded U.S. Citizens.
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Britannia Radio