European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws. Proposed EU laws concern e-commerce groups
The amendments still have to gain approval from two more EU bodies. It is unclear whether the amendments will affect US-based merchants that ship to Europe from the US The amendments are proposed changes to the EU's Consumer Rights Directive. ...
See all stories on this topic »What is being done in Europe on the issue of internet privacy?
Malta Independent Online
However data which is processed for personal or household reasons, and an activity which isn't regulated by Community law such as public and State security, is not covered by this Directiveresulting in inefficiencies and lacunas in the law. The EU ...
See all stories on this topic »Tougher EU stance on human trafficking
Cyprus Mail
She added: “The new ambitious rules adopted today will keep the EU at the forefront of the international fight against human trafficking by protecting the victims and punishing the criminals behind this modern slavery." The directive's criminal law ...
See all stories on this topic »Do I have to pay to prove that my 16-month-old printer is faulty?
The SoG is still the primary law and offers stronger protection than the EU directive. For example rather than limiting people to two years' protection, it gives them up to six years (five in Scotland). Mr Abdul does have protection under the SoG. ...
See all stories on this topic » Request UK to bring the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 ...
When adopted by the European Union, directives give member states a timetable for the implementation of the intended outcome. Occasionally the laws of a ...
Saturday, 2 April 2011
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Britannia Radio