Tuesday, 19 April 2011 09:57
'The Securities and Exchange Commission Friday charged Goldman Sachs & Co. and one of its executives with fraud in a risky offshore deal backed by subprime mortgages that cost investors more than $1 billion.
The SEC also contends that Goldman allowed a client, Wall Street hedge fund Paulson & Co., to help select the securities to be sold. Paulson in turn bought insurance against the deal and when the securities tanked, losing almost all their value, Paulson made a $1 billion profit.
The civil fraud charges were the first to be filed against Goldman, the prestigious Wall Street investment-banking titan that’s at the center of multiple inquiries into the causes of the global financial meltdown. Paulson has acknowledged that it reaped a $3.7 billion profit by betting against the housing market as it nose-dived in 2006 and 2007.'
Read more: Finally!! Goldman Sachs and Executive Charged With Fraud!
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 09:06
'On 7th July 2005, at 09.48 US Eastern Standard Time, a CNN breaking news report was filed with a news service giving details of a conversation between a reporter and Brian Paddick of the Metropolitan police (CNN, 2005). In this conversation, a reporter asked Brian Paddick:
“Can you tell me -- the rumors that a police sniper shot dead a suicide bomber at Canary Wharf -- do you know anything about that?” Paddick responded: “We have no reports of any police sniper shooting at anybody today.” The time stamp on the CNN report indicates that the news summary was posted at 13.48 GMT.
At least one press agency and media outlet were aware of an alleged shooting at Canary Wharf on the morning of 7th July. These alleged shootings have now become central to an alternative theory about 7/7 presented in an internet documentary called 7/7 Ripple Effect (Hill, 2007).'
Read more: What Happened at Canary Wharf on 7th July 2005
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 08:16
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 08:09
'Charges of a conspiracy theory are a convenient pretext to dismiss criticism when the global financial elites meet to shape the next evolution of centralized control of all economic activity. When Mayer Amschel Rothschild admitted, “Give me the power of the money and it will not matter anymore who is commanding”, he exposed the true nature of international finance.
The new front man for the shadow masters of money is George Soros. His visibility is used to deflect attention away from the supra national circle of recluse manipulators, who set the agenda for globalism. The history of world politics is really the chronicle of money, debt and banking. Only by understanding this clash of titans, can one interpret the language of worldwide finance.'
Read more: Bretton Woods II — The Final Enslavement of Mankind
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 07:28
'Since the dawn of civilization, the entrance of sacred and mysterious places have been guarded by two pillars. Whether in art or in architecture, twin pillars are archetypal symbols representing an important gateway or passage towards the unknown. In Freemasonry, the pillars are named Jachin and Boaz and represent one of the Brotherhood’s most recognizable symbol, prominently featured in Masonic art, documents and buildings. This article will look at the origins of this timeless symbol and its esoteric meaning.'
Read more: The Esoteric Meaning of the Twin Pillars: Boaz and Jachin
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 07:10
David Icke has been saying this for weeks and exposing the plan to bring China and Russia into a Third World War with the 'West' for years out of a conflict in the Middle Eastern region, clearly, too, including Africa.
There is no 'mystery' about why China and Russia did not block the UN resolution to send the boys into Libya - the inner sanctum that controls North America, the European Union, NATO, Russia and China are all working to the same script.
All the rest are just stooges of a lethal game that they don't understand.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 06:28
'When I met Phil the other night, he was on fire, enraged by what he believes is the scam of the century that no one wants to talk about, because so many powerful people armed with legions of lawyers want unquestioning allegiance, and will sue you into silence.
He studies the oil/food issue carefully and has concluded, “It’s a scam folks, it’s nothing but a huge scam and it’s destroying the US economy as well as the entire global economy but no one complains because they are ‘only’ stealing about $1.50 per gallon from each individual person in the industrialized world.”
“It’s the top 0.01% robbing the next 39.99% – the bottom 60% can’t afford cars anyway (they just starve quietly to death, as food prices climb on fuel costs). If someone breaks into your car and steals a $500 stereo, you go to the police, but if someone charges you an extra $30 every time you fill up your tank 50 times a year ($1,500) you shut up and pay your bill. Great system, right?”'
Read more: Is There a Financial Scam Behind the Rise in Oil and Food Prices?
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 05:46
'A magnitude-6.6 earthquake has struck off New Zealand's coast, raising fear that a tsunami could follow the powerful tremor.
The US Geological Survey said the quake struck the northeastern coastal areas at 1:02 a.m. local time (1302 GMT) on Monday. The quake struck around 550 kilometers east of Auckland.'
Read more: Magnitude 6.6 Quake Jolts New Zealand
Why they haven't been back to the Moon
The Moon is a hollowed-out planetoid or construct which is manipulating life on Earth and human perception via what David Icke calls the 'Moon Matrix'.
See his book Human Race Get Off Your Knees - click here for details ...
'The Aliens are on the Moon'
(Actually, in it more than anything)
Monday, 18 April 2011 09:49
'That it is now a crime, as human beings together, to peaceably protest, lawfully challenge or say no to any “legislation” that challenges our indigenous sovereign unalienable and fundamental rights to peacefully protest. It is also the introduction of “thought crime.” It is now forbidden to “think” and share thoughts about how to protect badgers or to challenge the cull within the designated cull area.
Now whether we are pro cull or anti cull or living within the cull area or anywhere in the “U.K.” this unlawful “order” should be setting of huge clanging alarm bells in our heads.'
Monday, 18 April 2011 09:44
'On a secluded estate in England, a small group from the elite UK think-tank, The Royal Society, are openly discussing control over the planet's weather. The Orwellian nature of the discussion is stunning, as this select group seemingly wrings their hands over how to delegate the proper authority to research such godlike power. They begin by asking a rhetorical question, "Who decides?"'
Read more: Masters Of The World Meet To Play God With The Climate
Monday, 18 April 2011 09:20
'Poul Thorsen, the principal coordinator of multiple studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to deny a vaccine/autism link was indicted on April 13th on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money-laundering. The charges relate to funding for work he conducted for the CDC, which claimed to disprove associations between the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, and increased rates of autism.
SafeMinds first voiced concerns in 2003 regarding a series of epidemiology studies out of Denmark and under the jurisdiction of Thorsen that provided the basis for the Institute of Medicine's claim that there was no association between thimerosal and autism. That claim has been responsible for the continued unsafe use of mercury in influenza vaccines in the United States and infant vaccines around the world.'
Read more: CDC Autism-Vaccine Link Denier Indicted For Fraud
Monday, 18 April 2011 09:05
'An MP who is launching an inquiry into excessive and possibly unlawful court secrecy says a new type of gagging order is hampering the work of investigative journalists. John Hemming said the new breed of injunction, which was used in relation to a case in the high court in London last week, meant journalists could face jail simply for asking questions.'
Read more: New Breed of Gagging Order Could Send Journalists to Jail, MP Claims
Monday, 18 April 2011 08:38
'A Morgan Stanley property fund failed to make $3.3 billion in debt payments by a deadline on Friday, handing over the keys to a central Tokyo office building to Blackstone (BX.N) and other in
The $4.2 billion MSREF V real estate fund missed its April 15 deadline to repay 278 billion yen($3.3 billion) vestors, the largest repayment failure of its kind in Japan. The refinanced debt was sold in six different tranches by Morgan Stanley to investors.
Now comes the question on WHY Morgan Stanley did this?'