Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate Quote for the Week “If we don´t help these children, who will?” Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (spiritual Leader of the Chabad Movement in a terse one sentence note to his emissaries, four years after the Chernobyl disaster. It says it all. ) * ‘Resilient and dynamic’; ‘ framework is coherent’; ‘unaffected by the global crisis and already improving’; model is….performing well’; ‘already robust institutions are being strengthened’. We have a question, two in fact: Who’s doing the talking and what are they talking about? Just by coincidence we know the answers to both. Anthony Thomas – never heard of him? Neither had we – who is the VP of Moody’s Investment Services, probably the foremost credit rating company in the world, is who and the Israeli economy is what. So there we have it, folks. A scintillating summary of our economic well being without a figure in... (According to Honig) The world pretends that no people is culpable for the holocaust and no particular group was targeted. But the same hatred of the Jews which offered them no escape from their destruction, now singles them out for hatred as the new Nazis. And most of the same countries that doomed the Jews to their fate in Europe are now dooming them to their fate in their homeland.T. Belman “By universalism’s distorted yardstick, bloodstained Germany can under fortuitous circumstances transform into spotless, progressive New Germany, while Jews (whose life-affirming, justice-affirming and peace-affirming ethos is the antithesis of what Germany generated) can become the New Nazis.” By Sarah Honig If a netherworld truly exists, then its most infamous denizen, one Adolf Hitler, must be rubbing his hands in glee. During his lifetime, when he preoccupied the entire world with his war, he never ceased to proclaim hysterically that his paramount aim was... Danny Dayan: Admit Oslo Is Dead Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to cancel his upcoming Bar-Ilan II speech and annex Area C in Judea and Samaria. “The prime minister must cancel Bar-Ilan II and say one thing,” Dayan said. “That Bar-Ilan I is off the table – a Palestinian state will not arise.” I totally agree with him. As I recently wrote Israel should go on offense and annex the settlements at least.. Caroline Glick lets loose on Israeli Governments since Oslo. She says Its time to choose. It is a pathetic joke. But worse than a pathetic joke, it is a national tragedy. It is a tragedy... By Yisrael Ne’eman, Mid-East On Target Recent events in Syria point to escalating violence between the secular Ba’athist led government of Bashar Assad and popular protests throughout the country. Over the past month and a half, over 500 demonstrators have been killed. Many believe the 40 year Assad family control of the country is slipping. There are several scenarios to the presently emerging civil conflict which could erupt into a civil war. Libya serves as an example with an estimated 30,000 killed (according to the Arab satellite TV station AlJazeera) however the Syrian episode is far more complicated, containing sweeping implications for the Middle East. The next week or so will prove critical and the possibility of events spinning out of control should not be ruled out. All these opinions are in line with the position I took in The repercussions of a UN recognition of Palestine over two weeks ago. T. Belman by Hillel Fendel, INN Three well-known figures – Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, ex-Ambassador to Egypt Tzvi Maz’el, and Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan – answered this question for the weekly B’Sheva magazine, and Hevron Jewish Community David Wilder spoke up as well. Their answers: Ex-Ambassador to Egypt, Sweden and Romania Tzvi Maz’el: Berg doen’t get into the definition of “natural born citizen” here. The Constitution requires that a person to be eligible to be President,must be a “natural born citizen”. The Court would have to decide what that term means as it is ambiguous or uncertain. To do this it would look at the intent of the legislators at the time as disclosed by what they have written. The Federalist papers clearly say that such a person must be born to two U.S. citizens. Obama’s father was not a US citizen. Obama has spent $2 million to avoid a Court dealing with this issue and the Indonesian issue. T. Belman By Phillip Berg OBAMA and his “SUPPOSED” LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE WHAT ABOUT OBAMA’S INDONESIAN CITIZENSHIP? (Lafayette Hill, PA – 04/28/11) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama on August 21, 2008 challenging Obama’s lack of “Constitutionally Eligibility” to serve as President of the United... By Ted Belman Egypt’s Foreign Minister said yesterday that preparations were underway to open the Rafah border crossing with Gaza on a permanent basis. He told al Jazeera that within seven to 10 days, steps will be taken in order to alleviate the “blockade and suffering of the Palestinian nation.” Haaretz reports “Rafah’s opening would be a violation of an agreement reached in 2005 between the United States, Israel, Egypt, and the European Union, which gives EU monitors access to the crossing. The monitors were to reassure Israel that weapons and militants wouldn’t get into Gaza after its pullout from the territory in the fall of 2005. “ Similarly, Res 1701 was to prevent Hezbollah from rearming or moving south of the Litani River. It provided inter alia, “Decides further that all States shall take the necessary measures to prevent, by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft: ... By Andrew L. Jaffee, The UNRWA Workers Union, whose members are paid with U.S. tax dollars, are “‘adamantly opposed’ to Holocaust education that will ‘confuse the thinking’ of children.” Isn’t that special. According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW): “The Workers’ Union emphasized its adamant opposition to teaching the Holocaust of the Jews within the educational curriculum of UNRWA schools, as part of the topic of human rights. The union said, ‘We emphasize our adamant opposition to confusing the thinking of our students’ by means of Holocaust studies in the human rights study curriculum, and emphasize study of the history of Palestine and the acts of massacre which have been carried out against Palestinians, the most recent of which was the war against Gaza.’ [Union chairman, Suheil] Al-Hindi, explained to France Press, that UNRWA ‘approved teaching the...Good News Israel
Universalism’s toxic saccharine
Israel should annex Area “C” now.
Now the PA has again made the choice by signing the newest peace deal with Hamas. In a real sense, Netanyahu’s call for the PA to choose is the political equivalent a man telling his wife she must choose between him and her lover, after she has left home, shacked up and had 5 children with her new man.Syria: Reassertion or Disintegration
Supposedly the regime is being challenged by “pro-democracy demonstrations” a term used loosely by anyone challenging the entrenched secular dictatorial regimes in the Arab...How Israel Should Deal with PA’s Intention to Declare State
We must deal with this on the diplomatic and informational levels… It appears that the Prime Minister is traveling to France and Great Britain to discuss this topic. In my opinion, he must make it clear to the Americans, Europeans, and others that convening the UN General Assembly will strike a blow at all the agreements we have signed with the , which determined that all problems and issues that arise between us and them… must be solved in direct talks between...The legal case against Obama’s eligibility
Never trust an international guarantee
Your tax dollars funding UNRWA Holocaust denial?
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 30 April 2011
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Britannia Radio