Thursday, 14 April 2011

Here is your Crux PM update:

Four ways China is outgrowing the world
"Nearly every aspect of Chinese life has experienced a dramatic transformation over the past decade..."

Big WSJ Opinion piece: Obama now "dishonest even by modern political standards."
One of the most popular essays on the Internet right now...

GFMS Chairman Klapwijk: Gold will soar over $1,600 this year
The major factors pushing the precious metal higher...

Why the real rate of inflation is near 10%
But the Federal Reserve still denies inflation risk...

Rare interview reveals top speculator Paulson's latest thoughts
Now bearish on housing... still super-bullish on gold...

Five examples of government corruption that will blow your mind
"At times it really is breathtaking how corrupt the U.S. government has become..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux