Friday, 29 April 2011

Is Birther Circus A White House Political Ploy?
The White House’s decision to wade into the contentious echo chamber of the so-called “birther” issue just months before the campaign trail for 2012 begins, by releasing a dubious document that has only intensified the firestorm of interest surrounding the issue, is either political suicide or part of a well thought out ploy aimed at securing Obama a second term in the Oval Office.

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Obama Birth Certificate is Just as Authentic as the Money Supply, the Food Supply and Obamacare
Does it matter that it’s a fake in the first place? Given that most of the U.S. government’s job statistics are fake, and that the U.S. dollar is being counterfeited on a daily basis by the Fed, and that virtually the entire U.S. economy is built on fake “abundance” that’s really just more debt spending… isn’t it is some way actually more authentic to have a President at the helm who faked his birth certificate?

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery
Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by Hawaiian authorities today reveals the document is a shoddily contrived hoax. computer specialists dismissed the document as a fraud soon after examining it.

Glenn Beck: Some ‘birthers’ on same side as Obama

Obama Birth Certificate Number Proves Forgery?
Despite the establishment media declaring "case closed" on the birther issue, the release of what purports to be Barack Obama's long form birth certificate has only caused a firestorm of new suspicion amongst Americans, with the document only serving to confirm unexplained anomalies, such as why Obama's birth certificate number is higher than that of people born after him at the same hospital.

Americans are Preparing at Unprecedented Levels
Do you have enough larder to feed your family and some friends if grocery stores ran out of food? How about several assault rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo? Solar panels, a water filter, medical kits, bug-out bags, fire starters, tents, sleeping bags, some junk silver and reserve gasoline?

Gold hits fresh high as US dollar falls to three-year low

Gold climbed to a fresh high of more than $1,532 an ounce after US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke effectively ruled out an early interest rate rise, sending the US dollar skidding to three-year lows.

Relentless Dollar Pummeling Continues
At the current rate of collapse, in a few more days the dollar will take out all time lows. Currently holding at 73, after hitting 72.8 overnight, the DXY appears set to test the last support from when the dollar carry trade was all the rage again back in 2008.

How The Comex Lost 20% Of Its “Registered” Silver In One Week, Or Where There’s Smoke Of A Run, There’s Probably A Run
No Buyers for Treasuries or Toxic Waste
Has the Fed Decided to Fight Inflation Instead of Unemployment?
Student Loan Debt Hell: 21 Statistics That Will Make You Think Twice About Going To College
Panic selling of the U.S. dollar now underway as debt system implodes

US vs. China: Winner Takes It All?

Leading economists predict America’s age will end in five years. The International Monetary Fund forecasts that, after more than a century as the world’s largest economy, the U.S. will be usurped by CHINA as early as 2016. RT’s Kaelyn Forde looks at the sun’s definitely rising in the east.

Gerald Celente: ‘Bernanke Devaluing the Dollar’