Friday, 29 April 2011

A Photo Of Obama's Real Father?

Obama provided the ammunition to bring him down

By: Devvy
April 28, 2011

The display put on yesterday by the putative president was one of the greatest displays of unbridled hubris I have ever seen in my decades of being an activist, watching and studying political figures. It simply was breath taking in scope and so vile, you want to vomit. Backed up by an array of sycophants in the media, that cheap gangster from Chicago actually thought he could foist another forgery on the American people and go about his business of destroying this republic.

There are several excellent articles about what happened yesterday and why those who can still think are outraged by this latest horse and pony show. Many are speculating the usurper suddenly produced a birth certificate because of Donald Trump. Millions have been demanding that birth certificate for almost three years, yet, supposedly, Obama/Soetoro is so afraid of "The Donald" he flies an attorney to Hawaii to pick up the alleged document. As for Trump, I gagged watching him brag that he forced the president of the U.S. to produce a document no one else could. Donald Trump is nothing more than the modern day version of Elmer Gantry.

Have to ask yourself, why the hurry? It costs a lot of money to fly a lawyer to Hawaii to pick up a piece of paper. I mean, why not express mail? Would a couple more days of "The Donald" ranting have made a difference? After all, Trump had already began moving on to the usurper's college records and the question of just how "smart" is Barry?

I think it more likely Obama's handlers are very worried about Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book, Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, which comes out May 17, 2011. By trumping Trump, they believe it will take the air out of Corsi's book. It is already a best seller and Barry's bosses should be worried. Dr. Corsi is a meticulous researcher who leaves nothing to chance. His book, Unfit for Command, "swift boated" John Kerry's bid for the White House. I've pre-ordered my copy and if you're interested, Amazon has it at the lowest price I could find. Jerome put out another short rebuttal yesterday about the "new" birth certificate where he again points out the discrepancies regarding the issuance of the birth certificates numbers, who issues them and when.

Is there any basis for believing the document shown around the world is authentic? Not in my book. With Obama/Soetoro already being caught in so many lies, why would anyone believe the piece of paper he's now waving around contains the truth? There's no question Barry has used five different aliases. There's no question in my mind any longer that the Manchurian Candidate has been using a fake social security number. His whole life is just one fabrication after another.

How can anyone, after all the research brought to light proving one discrepancy after another about the life of Obama/Soetoro and all his other known aliases he's used - how could anyone simply take that document as truth?

Well, I can tell you right now, a whole lot of people aren't, including me. We are not intimidated by the continued caterwauling about "the birthers" and other name calling. As I have written before, I know nothing about computer technology or some of the programs available to people who use the Internet. Never used Photoshop or any of the other programs discussed in the videos below. I know how to use my computer and word processor, but I am not a technical person like my web master. Below are three videos by individuals who carefully demonstrate and explain why the "new" birth certificate is a poor forgery.

• The LIES of Obama's Birth Certificate! 4:44 in length you must watch
• This video is 10:13 in length and very detailed
• How Obama's Birth Certificate Is 100% Fake - Watch What I Did In Illustrator

Please note what the narrator says about the Hawaii Health Department declaring on April 26, 2011, that it would no longer release any more long form birth certificates including one for a president of the United States. Obama/Soetoro sent his legal representative to Hawaii on April 25, 2011, to acquire the document. Act surprised - the next day it is now the policy of the Hawaii Health Department not to release the same document ever again. Are people so damn gullible they're going to buy this bilge? Also, please note the "new" birth certificate has "Attendant" and not doctor. The Attendant is someone named Sinclair. When you look at the long form birth certificates for Mrs. Nordyke's twins born the day after Barry at the same hospital -- at the bottom of those two birth certificates is the name and signature of the doctor; see here. At the bottom of the "new" BC released yesterday, that entire section is missing. As you can see, Mrs. Nordyke's copies are black with white ink. The original short form BC released in 2008 was on green paper and so is the "new" one.

I believe one of the most egregious aspects of the big show yesterday is this one thing. Ltc. Terry Lakin, an 18 year decorated member of the U.S. military was tried and convicted because Obama/Soetoro would not release a birth certificate. Lakin is due to be released in three weeks from Fort Leavenworth, a federal prison. Lakin was absolutely shredded by bloggers and "mainstream" media as being a coward and right wing nut. The usurper could have put a stop to all of it last year. Instead, he continued to hold expensive parties at the White House, fly around on Air Force One and take trips around the world while a good, decent American like Terry Lakin was railroaded into a federal prison. I have zero respect for Obama/Soetoro. Do you think a large number of our military and veterans will after they realize Barry could have taken the high road, but instead, continued to play with the American people and sent a fine man to prison?

Think tens of thousands of our active duty soldiers aren't steamed at this point? Think tens of thousands of veterans aren't PO'd when they think the mojo guy in the White House could have stepped forward last year and said, "Wait a minute. This soldier is asking a question that seems to have grown into an unnecessary controversy. Here is my long form birth certificate." No. Instead, he was on the golf course playing big man.

Obama/Soetoro is suddenly moved to pull a birth certificate out of the hat within a few hours, so how come he has spent so much money fighting lawsuits to keep that document concealed? Have any taxpayer dollars been used in the past three years for him to fight producing a "new" long form birth certificate? Questions not easily answered as covered in this piece about legal fees and lawsuitssince the putative president took office. However, we know the cost of concealing his real birth certificate (if one even exists, which I doubt) has cost a ton of money just by virtue of the amount of legal hours billed in fighting all the lawsuits over the past three years.

As a side note, no doubt even more campaign donations will be used to defend against the not talked about enough FEC bombshell dropped a couple of weeks ago: FEC Launches Audit of Obama’s 2008 Campaign

Just a couple of other things people have emailed me that warrant including here. One is the use of the word African for race. There are Caucasians born and living on the continent of Africa. If they immigrate here to the US, you could call them African Americans, but that is not their race nor would be African. I know the 2000 Census, after doing a little research, changed how races were to be listed. Who knows why; perhaps to not be offensive to someone somewhere on this planet. Obama's father was a Negro who lived in a British colony on the continent of Africa. This country has PC'd itself into stupidity. Using the word Negro somehow makes you a racist. I used it once in a column about Obama when discussing race. A man sent me an email saying the use of that word was "incendiary". My jaw dropped. How absurd. I guess the Department of Health, Education and Welfare back in 1961 were also racists for using the word Negro to designate race:

"A 1961 summary of U.S. vital statistics by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now known as Health and Human Services) indicates:

"Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and “other nonwhite.” The category “white” includes, in addition to persons reported as “white,” those reported as Mexican or Puerto Rican. With one exception, a reported mixture of Negro with any other race is included in the Negro group; other mixed parentage is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races to the race of the father."

The emailer provided a link which I brought up and that section is found on page 231. The word African was not used.

Lynn Stuter, who writes for, sent this over:

"On April 23, 2011, Mark Niesse, in his AP article, made this comment, "But those documents are state government property that can't be released to anyone, even the president himself, said Joshua Wisch, special assistant to the state attorney general. Obama would be able to inspect his birth records if he visited the Health Department in person, but original records of live birth are never released," he said.

"And this, from the article below, "A White House attorney traveled to Honolulu this week to pick up the copies, which arrived at the White House yesterday afternoon."

"So, who is lying and who is telling the truth? Further, who has lied consistently to the American people, about anything and everything?"

I went and found the AP article she cites (here). That AP article is dated April 23, 2011 (last Saturday). Obama/Soetoro's legal representative flies to Hawaii and obtains a document which allegedly will not be released to anyone only two days later. The date stamped at the bottom of the "new" birth certificate is April 25, 2011.

I am sickened by supporters of the pimp camped out at the White House as well as multi-millionaire anchors like Bill O'Reilly, Hannity and others who have ridiculed and attacked anyone who dare ask constitutional questions regarding a presidential candidate who lied and bluffed his way into power. In 1996, I wrote a booklet titled, Blind Loyalty. While it focused on vote fraud, it was also about Americans who will defend their favorite politician regardless of how corrupt, immoral or weak the individual. Nothing has changed except the level of stupidity and "artful" BS such as spewed by Bill O'Reilly when he repeats nightly, "I want to be fair to the president..." For one thing, between known electronic vote fraud, illegals voting and ACORN's illegal activities involving voter fraud in the 2008 election, we have no idea who actually won the primaries or the general election and that is a fact. Second, O'Reilly's nauseous "let's be fair" to the Red in the White House is so phony, it makes you want to puke, yet close to two million people sit glued to his show five nights a week.

This whole sorry mess is about upholding the law of the land won with rivers of blood. How shameful that the issue of whether or not a candidate is constitutionally qualified has become nothing more than bigger ratings for cable TV, "mainstream" [liberal, progressive] print media and talk radio with the "right" and "left" battling it out or defending the pathological liar in the White House.

Fake journalists, reporters and hosts like Chris Matthews are so morally bankrupt, they make Bill Clinton look like a choir boy. They whore for big paychecks. Those anti-truth media lackeys can continue to crow about Obama/Soetoro being born in Hawaii (based on another forgery) and therefore the issue is closed, but it doesn't change the legal fact that he was born with dual citizenship. Those miscreants are no better than old Barry because truth means nothing to them. Race baiters like Al Sharpton will haul out the worn out race card for those who see through this latest fraud paraded before the world, but we the people will not back down.

How shameful the herds of grazing cattle out there will continue to defend a sorry excuse for a man who would allow Terry Lakin go to prison while he hops on his favorite toy, Air Force One, to put on a demeaning display on the Oprah show. Let me quote one of the best writers on the Internet, Jim Schwiesow, in his recent column, A Man of Perdition:

"The media people are practically dancing in the streets and beside themselves with glee. They are in gala form one could say that they are absolutely giddy and like school children that have been provided the promise of an ice cream treat. Folks this one isn't over, not by a long shot. What it has done is open a can of worms that will spill over into an eventual criminal investigation of immense proportions. Someone somewhere is being prepared by unseen forces to spill the beans on the truth of this deceitfulness and cause a nation-wide uproar.

"Any Investigator or interrogator worth his salt would conclude upon watching the guileful demeanor of Obama as he made his announcement of a new found birth certificate - which he had failed to produce over a two year period of time - that he had simply gone from denying the obvious truth that he was foreign born, and was now merging a lie with a serious purposeful criminal action.

"The real tip-off was his attempt to trivialize the matter and make light of the controversy. When he characterized the assertions as “silly” it was definite indicator that he was now in an even deeper cover-up mode that moved him from a mere denial to a criminal conspiracy. In his own mind the fact that he is not American born and therefore not compliant with the Constitution in regard to the assumption of the Office of President is insignificant and immaterial. He thinks that the Constitution and the law in this regard is stupid, and as he termed it, “silly”.

The alleged birth certificate was blown up into a huge back drop behind the usurper as he grinned and yucked it up with Oprah. It was "Take this and shove it" right in your face. Obama is so dishonorable he's not fit to be in the same room with a truly honorable and courageous man like Terry Lakin. Keep laughing, Barry, but you won't have the last laugh. If you think the issue of your dual citizenship when you try to get on the ballot in many states isn't going to be THE issue of the 2012 election, think again.

Fifty birth certificates cannot erase the legal fact that Obama/Soetoro was born with dual citizenship and is forever ineligible to be president of the U.S. That will be the next phase of ballot and court challenges. Barry thinks he's so clever, but I submit to you that he just provided the rope needed to bring him down and hopefully an indictment for wire fraud, election fraud and a long list of other crimes for which he should go to prison for a long time. Perhaps that's what this whole Trump thing is really all about:

• George Soros Tells Progressive Donors Obama Might Not Be The Best Investment
- November 2010
• Soros Says Obama ‘Has Lost Control’ of U.S. Economic Agenda

Trump was registered as a member of the Reform Party from 1999 - 2000; allegedly he considered a run for president, but didn't. Frank Luntz conducts mini town hall meetings for FOX News; he also wrote a best seller about elections. He is VERY politically savvy. April 26, 2011, I caught a segment with him and Stu Varney filling in for Neil Cavuto on FOX. Luntz bet $10,000 to a charity that Trump will not run in the end. Luntz has his ear to the ground as they say. Ten grand is a lot of money and Luntz has never struck me as the wild type.

Well, we shall see how those big players decide to yank around the American people, again.

Important links:

Corsi: What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?
Obama document still doesn't answer all questions
Perkins Coie Got Obama's Birth Certificate
Are the Officials in Hawaii Nervous Yet?
Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth
Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion


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WorldNetDaily Exclusive

A tale of two birth certificates

'Rosetta Stone' documents provide comparison

April 28, 2011

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

That Obama's birth certificate lists a registrar that appears remarkably like a forger's signature joke onthe word"ukulele" is not the only peculiarity observed in comparing the president's record with other long-form Hawaiian birth certificates that have been fully authenticated.

The question is whether the Obama birth record the WhiteHousereleased Wednesday is an authentic photocopy of an original 1961 vital record or a modern-day forgery.

The Rosetta Stone for determining the authenticity of the Obama birth document is the long-form birth certificates for the Nordyke twins, whichWND discovered and authenticated in July 2009.

A side-by-side comparison of the Nordyke twins' birth certificates with the Obama birth certificate the WhiteHousereleased yesterday reveals many differences, some with regard to content, others to format.

  • In the Nordyke twins' birth certificate, in Box 20, "Date Accepted by Local Reg." and Box 22, "Date Accepted by Reg. General," the date is stamped "AUG 11 1961," while the date is stamped on Obama's birth certificate as "AUG -8 1961," with a dash before the middle number designating the day.

  • The Nordyke twins' birth certificates lists in Box 7c the mother's residence as located in Honolulu, Oahu, while Obama's in Box 7c lists the mother's residence as Honolulu,Hawaii.

  • In the Nordyke twins' birth certificates, the type in Box 8, "Name of the Father" lines up to the right margin with the typing in the next three boxes below, while in the Obama birth certificate, the typing in Box 10, "Age of Father," and Box 15, "Age of Mother," are indented below the "R" in "Barack" in Box 8.

  • In the Nordyke twins's birth certificate, the type in Box 9, "Race of Father," Box 12b, "Kind of Business or Industry," and Box 14, "Race of Mother," line up to the left margin of the box (in all three boxes for Susan Elizabeth Nordyke and in two of the three boxes for Gretchen Carter Nordyke), while in the Obama birth certificate, the type in each of these three boxes is indented from the right box margin, with varying indent spacing in each line.

  • In Box 16, "Birthplace of Mother," in the Nordyke twins' birth certificate,the lettersof "Los Angeles, California," are aligned at the bottom margin, while in the Obama birth certificate, the "K" in Kansas rides up and appears only partially struck at the top.

  • The left-margin alignment in the boxes throughout the Nordyke twins' birth certificates suggest a typewriter was set up to fill in information by tabbing through the document, as compared to the more irregular content of the information filled in the boxes on the Obama birth certificate.

  • The typedlettersin the Nordyke twins' birth certificates appear irregularly spaced, often run together, as in the capitallettersof the boxes stating the name of the father and mother, while the typedlettersin the Obama birth certificate appear evenly spaced, not run together, not even with the capitallettersin the boxes stating the name of the father and the mother Boxes 8 and 13). Again, the differences more strongly suggest the Nordyke twins' birth certificates were prepared on amanualtypewriter.

  • In Box 3, "This Birth," the "X" marking "Twins" in the Nordyke twins' birth certificates strikes the box upper left, as is the case with Box 4, "If Twin or Triple, Was Child Born," while Box 3 in Obama's is struck top right.

  • Similar differences in how the "X" strikes the boxes can be seen in Box 6d and 7e where the "X" on Obama's birth certificate fits squarely into the box, drifting toward the top, and the "X" in the Nordyke twins' birth certificates fall high and to the right in the boxes provided.

  • The Nordyke twins' birth certificates in Box 5a lists the birthdate as Aug. 5, 1961, with the month abbreviated, while Obama's in Box 5a lists the birthdate as August 4, 1961, with the month spelled out.

  • In the Nordyke twins' birth certificates the "H" in "Honolulu" in Boxes 7a and 7c drifts high above the horizontal of the other typedletters, while in Obama's birth certificate the "H" in "Honolulu" is consistently on line with the otherlettersinthe word.

  • The dates stamped in the Nordyke twins birth certificates in Boxes 20 and 22 appear irregularly stamped, at an angle, while the date stamps in the Obama birth certificate appear more evenly on line, at the center of the boxes, even if a bit high in the box.

  • The local registrar in the Nordyke twins' birth certificate, Box 21, is different than the local registrar who signed the Obama birth certificate. Was there more than one local registrar operating to process birth certificates from Kapiolani hospital at this time?

  • The Nordyke twins' birth certificate at the bottom have the printed signature of the director of health and the registrar general, along with the date the copies were issued, "5-5-1966," while the Obama birth certificate has no similar official designations indicating the date on which the copy was issued or that the copy was certified by the director of health and the registrar general to be a "true and correct copy" of the original record on file in the Research, Planning and Statistics Office of theHawaiiState Department of Health.

  • The Norydke twins' birth certificates appear white against black, in the format typical of 1960s Photostats, while the Obama birth certificate appears to be a machine copy printed on hash-marked Department of Health paper; yet in Obama's modern photocopy, a black space at the top appears created by the fold of the paper at the top left corner into the binder and no similar indentation is seen in the Nordyke twins's photostatic copy.

Some of these differences may be explained by different people preparing the documents on different typewriters, yet how two different formats appear in the date stamp used in Boxes 20 and 22 is more difficult to explain if the Obama birth certificate is legitimate.

Both the Nordyke twins' birth certificates and the Obama birth certificate identify the birth hospital as Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital, even though there has been considerable Internet discussion that that was not the official name of the hospital in 1961.

AfterHawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie dismissed Dr. Neil Palafox from being appointed director of health, there may have been no one heading the Hawaiian Department of Health to sign off on the authenticity of the Obama birth document.

Still, it remains remarkable that theHawaiiDepartment of Health and the WhiteHousereleased the Obama birth certificate without the type of authenticating information that appears at the bottom of the Nordyke twins' birth certificates. website notes several additional irregularitieswith the Obama birth certificate that do not appear on the Nordyke twin's birth certificates:

  • In Box 3, "This Birth," there are two "Xs" above "Twin" and "Triplet" – why are these "Xs" here and what do they signify?

  • What is the meaning of the smudges in the Obama birth certificate in the box containing the name of the attending physician?

  • What is the significance of the numbers, seen vertically, on the right side of the Obama birth certificate?

WND has previously reported on information discrepancies between the birth dates, certificate numbers and registration numbers in comparing the Nordyke twins' birth certificates to the Obama birth certificate:

  • AsWND reported, the numbers on the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins are lower than the number given President Obama, even though the president's birth certificate was accepted by the registrar general and stamped with a certificate number three days earlier.

  • Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m.Hawaiitime on Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with theHawaiiregistrar Aug. 11, 1961.

  • Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m.Hawaiitime Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with theHawaiiregistrar Aug. 11, 1961.

  • Yet, according to theCertification of Live Birth released by during the 2008 presidential campaign– and now according to the long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate the WhiteHousereleased yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordyke twins.

  • Barack Obama was given Certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, on Aug. 8, 1961.

WND has previously reported on information discrepancies between the birth dates, certificate numbers and registration numbers in comparing the Nordyke twins' birth certificates to the Obama birth certificate:

In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals.

Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu.

This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned.

At the last step of the process, the documents were accepted by the registrar general, with the date of registration filled into box No. 22 on the lower right hand corner of the long-form birth certificate.

The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the same date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record.

The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased the birth certificate number by one each time the birth certificate was stamped.

The question is, in 1961, how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar gneral accepted Obama's birth certificate, when their birth certificate numbers are lower than Obama's number?

At the time the Nordyke twins' birth certificates were discovered, WND displayed copies of the two documents to make clear the limited information contained in the short-form Certification of Live Birth that Obama supporters at that time were claiming was the only Obama birth record needed to prove a Hawaiian birth.

In a recorded interview with WND, Eleanor Nordyke said she had no recollection of Ann Dunham having been in the hospital at the same time she delivered her twin daughters.

"I was in such pain delivering the twins," Mrs. Nordyke said, "that I have very little recollection of the experience at all, except for the pain."

Neither the White House nor the Hawaii Department of Health has yet provided an original copy of the Obama birth certificate for forensic examination.

Related offers:

Get the free, in-depth special report on eligibility that could bring an end to Obama's presidency

There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.

See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!

Previous stories:

THE FULL STORY: See listing of exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Along with serving as WND's senior staff reporter, Corsi is a senior managing director atGilford Securities.

Gilford Securities, founded in 1979, is a full-service boutique investment firm headquartered in NYC providing financial services to institutional and retail clients, from investment banking and equity research to retirement planning and wealth management. The views, opinions, positions or strategies of the author are his alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Gilford Securities. Gilford Securities makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability or validity of any information herein and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.