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A tale of two birth certificates
'Rosetta Stone' documents provide comparison
By Jerome R. Corsi
That Obama's birth certificate lists a registrar that appears remarkably like a forger's signature joke onthe word"ukulele" is not the only peculiarity observed in comparing the president's record with other long-form Hawaiian birth certificates that have been fully authenticated.
The question is whether the Obama birth record the WhiteHousereleased Wednesday is an authentic photocopy of an original 1961 vital record or a modern-day forgery.
The Rosetta Stone for determining the authenticity of the Obama birth document is the long-form birth certificates for the Nordyke twins, whichWND discovered and authenticated in July 2009.
A side-by-side comparison of the Nordyke twins' birth certificates with the Obama birth certificate the WhiteHousereleased yesterday reveals many differences, some with regard to content, others to format.
- In the Nordyke twins' birth certificate, in Box 20, "Date Accepted by Local Reg." and Box 22, "Date Accepted by Reg. General," the date is stamped "AUG 11 1961," while the date is stamped on Obama's birth certificate as "AUG -8 1961," with a dash before the middle number designating the day.
- The Nordyke twins' birth certificates lists in Box 7c the mother's residence as located in Honolulu, Oahu, while Obama's in Box 7c lists the mother's residence as Honolulu,Hawaii.
- In the Nordyke twins' birth certificates, the type in Box 8, "Name of the Father" lines up to the right margin with the typing in the next three boxes below, while in the Obama birth certificate, the typing in Box 10, "Age of Father," and Box 15, "Age of Mother," are indented below the "R" in "Barack" in Box 8.
- In the Nordyke twins's birth certificate, the type in Box 9, "Race of Father," Box 12b, "Kind of Business or Industry," and Box 14, "Race of Mother," line up to the left margin of the box (in all three boxes for Susan Elizabeth Nordyke and in two of the three boxes for Gretchen Carter Nordyke), while in the Obama birth certificate, the type in each of these three boxes is indented from the right box margin, with varying indent spacing in each line.
- In Box 16, "Birthplace of Mother," in the Nordyke twins' birth certificate,the lettersof "Los Angeles, California," are aligned at the bottom margin, while in the Obama birth certificate, the "K" in Kansas rides up and appears only partially struck at the top.
- The left-margin alignment in the boxes throughout the Nordyke twins' birth certificates suggest a typewriter was set up to fill in information by tabbing through the document, as compared to the more irregular content of the information filled in the boxes on the Obama birth certificate.
- The typedlettersin the Nordyke twins' birth certificates appear irregularly spaced, often run together, as in the capitallettersof the boxes stating the name of the father and mother, while the typedlettersin the Obama birth certificate appear evenly spaced, not run together, not even with the capitallettersin the boxes stating the name of the father and the mother Boxes 8 and 13). Again, the differences more strongly suggest the Nordyke twins' birth certificates were prepared on amanualtypewriter.
- In Box 3, "This Birth," the "X" marking "Twins" in the Nordyke twins' birth certificates strikes the box upper left, as is the case with Box 4, "If Twin or Triple, Was Child Born," while Box 3 in Obama's is struck top right.
- Similar differences in how the "X" strikes the boxes can be seen in Box 6d and 7e where the "X" on Obama's birth certificate fits squarely into the box, drifting toward the top, and the "X" in the Nordyke twins' birth certificates fall high and to the right in the boxes provided.
- The Nordyke twins' birth certificates in Box 5a lists the birthdate as Aug. 5, 1961, with the month abbreviated, while Obama's in Box 5a lists the birthdate as August 4, 1961, with the month spelled out.
- In the Nordyke twins' birth certificates the "H" in "Honolulu" in Boxes 7a and 7c drifts high above the horizontal of the other typedletters, while in Obama's birth certificate the "H" in "Honolulu" is consistently on line with the otherlettersinthe word.
- The dates stamped in the Nordyke twins birth certificates in Boxes 20 and 22 appear irregularly stamped, at an angle, while the date stamps in the Obama birth certificate appear more evenly on line, at the center of the boxes, even if a bit high in the box.
- The local registrar in the Nordyke twins' birth certificate, Box 21, is different than the local registrar who signed the Obama birth certificate. Was there more than one local registrar operating to process birth certificates from Kapiolani hospital at this time?
- The Nordyke twins' birth certificate at the bottom have the printed signature of the director of health and the registrar general, along with the date the copies were issued, "5-5-1966," while the Obama birth certificate has no similar official designations indicating the date on which the copy was issued or that the copy was certified by the director of health and the registrar general to be a "true and correct copy" of the original record on file in the Research, Planning and Statistics Office of theHawaiiState Department of Health.
- The Norydke twins' birth certificates appear white against black, in the format typical of 1960s Photostats, while the Obama birth certificate appears to be a machine copy printed on hash-marked Department of Health paper; yet in Obama's modern photocopy, a black space at the top appears created by the fold of the paper at the top left corner into the binder and no similar indentation is seen in the Nordyke twins's photostatic copy.
Some of these differences may be explained by different people preparing the documents on different typewriters, yet how two different formats appear in the date stamp used in Boxes 20 and 22 is more difficult to explain if the Obama birth certificate is legitimate.
Both the Nordyke twins' birth certificates and the Obama birth certificate identify the birth hospital as Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital, even though there has been considerable Internet discussion that that was not the official name of the hospital in 1961.
AfterHawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie dismissed Dr. Neil Palafox from being appointed director of health, there may have been no one heading the Hawaiian Department of Health to sign off on the authenticity of the Obama birth document.
Still, it remains remarkable that theHawaiiDepartment of Health and the WhiteHousereleased the Obama birth certificate without the type of authenticating information that appears at the bottom of the Nordyke twins' birth certificates.
TheSmokingGun.com website notes several additional irregularitieswith the Obama birth certificate that do not appear on the Nordyke twin's birth certificates:
- In Box 3, "This Birth," there are two "Xs" above "Twin" and "Triplet" – why are these "Xs" here and what do they signify?
- What is the meaning of the smudges in the Obama birth certificate in the box containing the name of the attending physician?
- What is the significance of the numbers, seen vertically, on the right side of the Obama birth certificate?
WND has previously reported on information discrepancies between the birth dates, certificate numbers and registration numbers in comparing the Nordyke twins' birth certificates to the Obama birth certificate:
- AsWND reported, the numbers on the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins are lower than the number given President Obama, even though the president's birth certificate was accepted by the registrar general and stamped with a certificate number three days earlier.
- Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m.Hawaiitime on Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with theHawaiiregistrar Aug. 11, 1961.
- Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m.Hawaiitime Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with theHawaiiregistrar Aug. 11, 1961.
- Yet, according to theCertification of Live Birth released by FactCheck.org during the 2008 presidential campaign– and now according to the long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate the WhiteHousereleased yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordyke twins.
- Barack Obama was given Certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, on Aug. 8, 1961.
WND has previously reported on information discrepancies between the birth dates, certificate numbers and registration numbers in comparing the Nordyke twins' birth certificates to the Obama birth certificate:
In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals.
Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu.
This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned.
At the last step of the process, the documents were accepted by the registrar general, with the date of registration filled into box No. 22 on the lower right hand corner of the long-form birth certificate.
The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the same date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record.
The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased the birth certificate number by one each time the birth certificate was stamped.
The question is, in 1961, how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar gneral accepted Obama's birth certificate, when their birth certificate numbers are lower than Obama's number?
At the time the Nordyke twins' birth certificates were discovered, WND displayed copies of the two documents to make clear the limited information contained in the short-form Certification of Live Birth that Obama supporters at that time were claiming was the only Obama birth record needed to prove a Hawaiian birth.
In a recorded interview with WND, Eleanor Nordyke said she had no recollection of Ann Dunham having been in the hospital at the same time she delivered her twin daughters.
"I was in such pain delivering the twins," Mrs. Nordyke said, "that I have very little recollection of the experience at all, except for the pain."
Neither the White House nor the Hawaii Department of Health has yet provided an original copy of the Obama birth certificate for forensic examination.
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Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Along with serving as WND's senior staff reporter, Corsi is a senior managing director atGilford Securities.