P.O. Box 671, Tel Aviv 61018, Israel April 17, 2011 TO: Mr. Stephen Mathias, assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Cc: Ban Ki-moon, Sec. General, Office of Legal Affairs This legal notice and motion has thereby been served on you. You’re obligated by the law to pass it to the S-G Ban Ki-moon. TO: S-G Ban Ki-moon: We serve this legal matter on you, with the motion to you to immediately cease and desist from inciting to arab occupants, illegal settlers and mass murderers’ terror in Israel, aiding and abetting proscribed terrorist organizations and enclaves in Ramallah and Gaza and facilitating the illegal creation of the illegal arab-terrorist state on occupied Jewish lands for muslim imposters and stateless actors illegally calling themselves “Palestinians”, albeit Jews were IDed as such by the British occupants. Otherwise, you and other UN officials will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, and under the int. private law, int. anti-terrorist and money laundering laws, since the so-called Palestinian Authority and its terrorist PLO and FATH leaders and members deal in terror against Israelis, illegal arms smuggling, drugs and prostitutes trafficking, money laundering and grand theft of the UN, US and EU funds transferred to them for no reason or justification, for arabs should be financed by arabs and muslims and not by Judeo-Christian world which is destroyed by barbarian arabs and muslims in their pervert gratitude to the civilized West. You and other UN officials will be liable and accountable after leaving the UN office for all wars and terror from to be illegally created arab state in Ramallah, so you and other UN representatives, and yours/their personal assets will be arrested by the Interpol on Israeli warrants to strand trial in Israel like Eichmann did, and to pay for all economic, physical and moral damages to Israelis and the victims of PA terror. In re: The fact is that for 13 centuries of arab occupation of Israel and up to 1973, local arabs never claimed to be the Palestinians with Palestinian lands and never proclaimed their own state even when under muslim Turkish, Egyptian and Jordanian rule. To clarify: the history indisputably proves, and Israeli PMs Ben Gurion and Golda Meir had publicly stated that “Jews are the true Palestinians, and the term Palestine came from Greek occupants of Israel who called themselves “Plishtims” in association with former Philistines or Pleshet which were defeated by the Israelites and seized to exist in ancient times.” Roman occupants had reiterated this name to justify their oppression and massacres of Israelites, occupation of two Israeli Kingdoms of Judea and Israel, and desecration, destruction and plunder of the Israeli capital Jerusalem where no arabs were in sight then and which was occupied by Jordanians only in 1948 where they had committed apartheid against Jews and hideous crimes against humanity and where they desecrated and destroyed 100 Jewish synagogues and made them to public toilets and stables by self-proclaimed “king” Hussein who was previously a common desert bandit and a tribe head as were the Saudis, etc. made by the Brits to kings and princes they never were in history. The fact is that Palestine was a Roman province in Syria, while Jewish Kings ruled in Judea (current Jordan) and in Israel (current Israel, Lebanon and Syria). In all said lands thousands of Jewish artifacts and inscriptions were found, with no traces of any arab or muslim culture. This is also applicable to the arab-Nazi mosques administration in Jerusalem which had signed an agreement with Hitler to kill Jews, and had illegally built illegal mosques by illegally occupying and desecrating holy grounds of the Temple of Solomon in Jewish Jerusalem, and destroyed there Jewish artifacts and relics by making illegal excavations and constructions in the Old City, also nowadays by PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ appointee Muhammad Ahmad Hussein made comments which suggested that suicide bombing was an acceptable tactic for Palestinians to use against Israel. Moreover, the false terms “Palestinians”, “the West Bank,” etc. were concocted by the arab-paid US State Dept. leaders and by the Israeli leftist traitors and criminals to justify the arab terror, incite to it, arm and finance it to commit second Holocaust in Israel. The fact is that arab occupants who for centuries committed genocide of Jews, apartheid and crimes against humanity have no bona fide claim of right to native and sovereign lands of Jewish Kingdom of Judea (current Jordan) and of Kingdom of Israel (current Syria and Lebanon), and have no good faith RE titles to native Jewish lands. All RE titles issued to them by the Turkish, British and French occupants were illegal and are null and void after the UN creation of Israel in 1948. To verify that you’re moved here to conduct the int. conference on who can be rightfully called the Palestinians, and to also confirm the previous int. agreements on Palestine, whereby all lands up to Iraqi border (includes illegal Jordan, Syria and Lebanon illegally created by the British occupants and the French-Nazi Vichy government by stealing 77% of Jewish lands) were allocated for Jewish Homeland by the 1917 Balfour Agreement, the 1920 League of Nations Decree (predecessor of the UN, hence your obligation to confirm it), and by the 1949 Geneva Conference. The indisputable fact is that three illegal arab-Palestinian totalitarian and terrorist states exist already on stolen and occupied Israeli lands, and those are Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, so there is no legal justification or a place for a fourth illegal and terrorist arab state on occupied Jewish territories. So, if it will be created by the UN, the UN must also create three more Jewish states of Hebron, Judea and Shomron on Jewish lands. You are herewith moved and are obligated by the international law and the UN protocol not to allow to the UN any false Palestinians who are stateless arab actors which have no legal right to be represented in the UN or submit their petitions against Israel. A propos: all UN resolutions against Israel are illegal, null and void, since Israel was created by the UN which has accordingly a conflict of interest and cannot pass therefore any resolutions against its own party, particularly when such resolutions are initiated by illegal arab and muslim states which exist de-facto and not de-juro, as Israel does. I remind you that the UN had never passed a resolution against totalitarian and terrorist arab and muslim states, but always and illegally against democratic Israel, and this was done by the UN in favor of muslim mass murderers of Jews and Christians. It was the UN criminals that had forced Israel to pass food and water to surrounded and defeated Egyptian army in 1973, to prevent thereby the just capitulation of the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian aggressors. (UN criminals would have been tried by the Nuremberg Tribunal if passing same resolution in favor of the Nazi German army). Same UN criminals had now prevented the elimination of Hamas and its terrorist enclave in Gaza by the IDF, after the US-controlled Israeli government had committed crimes against humanity by brutally forcing Israelis from Jewish Hebron to make space for Hamas, PLO and FATH terrorists to massacre Jews there, and same was criminally done in Jewish Judea and Samaria to make space for Hamas and bring arab terrorists closer to Israeli cities and reduce the distance for Hamas mortars and rockets falling by the hundreds on Israeli civilians. It was the UN and the Saudi-paid Jimmy Carter who forced Israel to relinquish Jewish Sinai to defeated arab occupants of Egypt, albeit there is no case in the history of mankind that the victorious state gives its own lands to defeated enemy to make peace with him instead of destroying him or making him to capitulate as was the case with Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. Where was the UN when the aka king Hussein killed 9000 of his own subjects, so-called Palestinians by tanks in Amman, and where was the UN Human Rights Commission when the current “king” of Jordan has revoked Jordanian citizenship of 2000 so-called Palestinians, albeit they constitute 77% of Jordanian population, having a Palestinian Parliament. That arab-Palestinian state was already in existence without the UN mandate prior to the UN establishment of Israel. So the only solution to the UN and Israeli problem is to deport arab occupants from Hebron, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and Ramallah to Jordan to their own state, and the UN should bring to Jordan the so-called Palestinian refugees, who were in fact occupants, illegal settlers and mass murderers of Palestinian Jews. Said arab culprits who were armed by the Brits and incited to pogrom Palestinian Jews fled in 1947 to Egypt, Syria and Lebanon to avoid prosecution, and waited there for Jews to be exterminated in 1948 by assaulting Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies, so that they could return back to occupied Jewish lands in Jews-free (Judenfrei) Israel. I also remind you that Arafat, a modern Hitler, and his terrorist gangs who massacred thousands of Jews and Christians in Israel were defeated by the IDF and fled to Lebanon where they massacred local Christians without the UN investigation, to be then deported by the US Navy to Sudan, from where they were brought back to Israel by leftist traitors and criminals Shimon Peres, Iosi Beilin and Abraham Burg, were given Jewish lands via illegal deportations of Jews by the Israeli government, and were armed by Israel and USA to kill Israelis which they did by killing ten thousands of innocent Jewish victims, in the world conspiracy against Israelis. Unquestionably, arab fifth column in Israel and occupied Jewish lands has to be deported back to the lands they illegally immigrated from to Israel, namely Sudan, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc., from where local Jews had to flee to Israel from arab pogroms, as real Jewish refugees subject to large compensations for lost and stolen properties. The UN must also pass a resolution against the so-called criminal Palestinian Authority and its leaders Mahmoud Abbas, etc., to impose the return of all humanitarian aid and money they received from the UN, USA and the EU which they then sold at the open market and stolen in the amount of tens billions of dollars, to arrogantly ask now for $5B to establish their illegal arab state in Israel. Why don’t those hoodlums and terrorists apply for donations to 33 world richest arab and muslim states, instead of always begging to the Judeo-Christian world they want to destroy by their murderous religion, muslim terror and hate campaign? From the point of the UN Charter and int. laws, the UN has no legal right to further house or represent the non-existing Palestinians and the interests of these aka Palestinian imposters, occupants of Jewish lands, illegal settlers, terrorists, common thieves who had stolen and steel hundreds of thousand of Israeli cars, tons of produce and machinery, and don’t pay for the water and electricity which Israel provides to its arch enemy, who are also drugs, prostitutes and arms traffickers and money launderers on a large scale under the patronage of the UN, USA and the EU. We point out that if the UN won’t abide by the int. private law, int. human rights laws, UN Human Rights Convention, int. anti-terrorism laws and the UN Anti-Terrorism Convention with respect to Israelis and their UN-abused human rights, if the UN won’t immediately stop its neo-Nazi policy toward Israelis, and if the UN would recognize the illegal arab state in the terrorist enclaves in Ramallah, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Hebron, People of Israel would bring the UN criminals to justice via Tribunal for Israel and would have the legal and legitimate right to force arab occupants back to Jordan and Egypt from the occupied Jewish lands to liberate those native and sovereign Israeli lands infested by muslim rats that rule the world with their devilish oil from the lands stolen from Jews (includes Saudi Mecca and Medina where desert bandit mohammad had cheated and massacred local Jews and had stolen their belongings by signing an agreement he would never honor, as did his follower Arafat at Oslo). Arabs and muslims also rule the world by using and laundering terrorist money smeared in Jewish and Christian blood. The question is For Whom the Bell Tolls or for whom the UN wants to create an arab-terrorist state in Israel? For creatures who teach their kindergarten offspring to kill Jews and Christians, who use their own kids as shields against the Israeli army, who stage false death of their kids and people to blame the Israeli army while said alleged corpses are actually alive or dig our old muslim corpses to show them as the victims of Jews, who use UN ambulances and buildings and the mosques to carry and hide terrorists, explosives and weapons, who disseminate pervert lies about Israeli army to be “investigated” by a South African racist while whites and Jews in his country live under black apartheid, street violence and anarchy, who are not investigated by the UN for their arab and muslim atrocities, who blow up innocent people in buses, trains, airplanes and ships, who commit pogroms and lynching of Jews, cut off peoples’ heads and cut to pieces Jewish children and pregnant women, who kidnap, rape, sodomize (as did Arafat with his bodyguards to then die of AIDS), name their streets after the murderers of Jews and openly celebrate brutal Jewish murders, whose Palestinian Authority-PLO charter is to throw Jews into the sea and destroy Israel (and that after the Oslo Accord), who blow up subways in London, Madrid and Moscow and buildings in New York under the very nose of the UN and kill UN officials in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza, etc., not to be investigated by the UN and its South African neo-Goebbels, who machine-gunned Israeli pedestrians and their homes in Jerusalem during “Intifada,” who shell Israeli cities for decades with Iranian, Syrian, and homemade rockets made on Israeli electricity not paid for by the HAMAS in its NIS 10M debt to the Israeli Electric Company, and who are trained and armed by the US CIA and Army in gross violation of the Oslo Accord, to then kill Israelis. If it is for the UN to create a terrorist PLO-FATH-Hamas ruled state in Israel in illegal act against a sovereign state in which the UN has no jurisdiction, why don’t the UN and Tony Blair accordingly create the IRA state in Ireland, ETA state in Spain by Javier Solana, and a Corsican state in France by Sarkozy, if that is allowed for proscribed PLO, FATH and Hamas in Israel? Is it not a racial discrimination and extermination of Jews in the UN-made second Holocaust? Why wouldn’t the UN sponsors of arab and muslim terror create the terrorist arab-Palestinian state in S. Korea, USA, the former Nazi and current neo-Nazi states of Spain, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Japan, since arabs have the same rights to S. Korean, Japanese, US and EU lands as they “have” in Israel according to the UN neo-Nazi agenda to destroy Israel with muslim hands, as the UN did with Yugoslavia to create the illegal state of Kosovo and as the UN is criminally liable for allowing the UN members and the NATO to commit hideous war crimes in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya, not investigated by the UN and its biased Tribunal and the ICJ headed by the communist Chinese judge appointed there after the massacre of Chinese civilians in the Tiananmen Square. Why Israel is prohibited from building its legal security fence against arab terrorists, while USA had built its illegal fence against Mexican refugees coming back to their US-occupied native lands, and same do the Saudis and Egypt, without any reprimand by the UN? Why Israeli citizens are prohibited by the UN, USA and the EU Nazi states to settle in their own state and native lands, while illegal EU and African immigrants are allowed to settle in USA in occupied native Indian, Mexican and Hawaiian lands, and illegal arab immigrants are allowed to settle and multiply like rats in occupied native Jewish lands? The answer to it is the criminal assembly called the UN, comprised of illegal, totalitarian, terrorist and neo-Nazi members subject to prosecution by modern Nuremberg Tribunal. To summarize: there was never a state of Palestine, never were or are Palestinian people or nation or lands in Israel or anywhere else, as compared to real Israelites, Kingdoms of Israel and Judea in Israel. Three illegal arab states where created in so-called Palestine without the UN mandate and contrary to that, prior to the UN establishment of Israel. It means that the name or term Palestine or Palestinians should be erased from the UN documents and the lexicon of political manipulators and falsifications of history, since the British-French Mandate over Palestine had expired in 1947. Same concerns the arab-terror inciting slogan “two states for two nations,” meaning Israelis and arab occupants, since arabs are not a nation, as compared to the Israelites, and since arabs consist of different tribes and islamic sects (Sunni and Shia) with contradicting religious believes for which they massacre each other as did the Christians in Medieval France and do nowadays in Ireland, while naming the Israelite Joshua of Nazareth and his 12 pupils as a Christian god and Apostles without their consent. Nota bene: the text of this legal motion will be disseminated in the mass media and the Internet, so it is advisable for you to respond to us and abide by the UN Chapter, int. law and legal demands in this letter.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Int. human rights org. has warned the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy about prosecution for aiding, abetting and financing arab terrorist enclaves in Ramallah and Gaza, muslim terror on occuped Israeli lands and criminally conspiring to create a 4th illegal and terrorist arab-Palestinian state apart of already existing Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Mrs. Ashton,
We move you to consider our legal message sent to the UN Secretary General, since it also concerns you directly. It means that if you, your staff and the EU Council members won't immediately cease and desists from supporting and financing arab terror in Israel, would illegally recognize the illegal and terrorist PA state on occupied Israeli lands, and would further finance the terrorist and illegal arab settlers enclaves in Jewish Ramallah, Judea, Samaria, Gaza abd Hebron and would allocate $5B for illegal PA state, you, et al, will be prosecuted by the Israeli Tribunal and all your, et al, personal assets will be arrested.
United Trial Group – Peoples Rights International
United Trial Group – Peoples Rights International
United Nations Headquarters
Room No. M-13047
New York, NY 10017
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Britannia Radio