Progressive politics and the purple peril:
The rise of UKIP
By Dr Robert Ford and Dr Matthew Goodwin; Ford is a research fellow in politics at the Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester – his research can be found here – and Goodwin is a lecturer at the University of Nottingham, whose forthcoming book, ‘The New British Fascism: Rise of the BNP’, is published on Thursday, May 5th
UKIP, a party once dismissed as being filled with “cranks and gadflies”, poses a real threat to the main parties at the forthcoming elections.
Though grassroots Tories have long voiced concern over immigration, they have seldom been tempted by a credible alternative. But after polling almost 1 million votes in the general election, recruiting the help of former Tory donors and finishing second in the Barnsley by-election, there is no question UKIP is on a roll. Labour progressives might find it all too easy to dismiss these events as a fortuitous bout of internecine warfare on the right. But as our recent study shows, supporters of UKIP are more than just grumpy old Tories. And there are good reasons why Labour should also be concerned by their rise.
We have examined citizens who voted UKIP at the 2009 European elections. The election of two BNP candidates stole much of the limelight that night, but UKIP far outperformed them: they beat Labour for second place, won more than 16% of the vote and elected more than a dozen MEPs. It was the strongest performance by UKIP at any election.
Drawing on a poll undertaken by YouGov, our study sheds light on the profile and attitudes of some 4,500 UKIP supporters. Respondents were asked who they planned to vote for in the next Westminster elections as well as the European Parliament (EP) elections; this meant we could distinguish voters who leant UKIP support for EP elections from those who expressed a commitment to UKIP in domestic elections as well.
This distinction proved crucial.
“Strategic defectors” are voters who support UKIP at European elections but return to the Conservatives at general elections: they are older, financially comfortable, middle class men with Conservative sympathies, socially conservative Eurosceptics who are motivated principally by their desire to send a message to the Conservatives. They are driven principally by Euroscepticism (unsurprisingly) and, to a lesser extent, concerns about immigration.
The “core loyalists”, on the other hand, stick with UKIP at all elections and are a very different electorate. They are more working class, more economically insecure, and more likely to say they come from Labour-voting families. In all these respects, as our chart below shows, they are more similar to the BNP’s support base than the Conservatives’.
Core loyalists are intensely Eurosceptic, as we might expect, but they are also much more deeply disaffected with mainstream politics than the strategic defectors. Core loyalists regard all the main parties as the same and politicians as deeply corrupt. Anxiety over immigration also emerges as a more powerful motive for this group, although they are distinct from BNP voters on the issue of racism.
While we found many BNP supporters quite willing to endorse statements such as “black people are intellectually inferior”, UKIP core loyalists were much more reluctant – though they expressed higher levels of agreement with such statements than either mainstream Conservatives or strategic UKIP supporters.
Unlike Griffin’s appearance on Question Time, no one is likely to accuse Nigel Farage of Holocaust denial or Nazi sympathies; but then, nor is Farage likely to defend the Ku Klux Klan. He is regarded – and treated – as a legitimate part of the political class. This empowers UKIP with the potential to win over the large pool of voters who remain disaffected from the mainstream, and are fearful about immigration – but disgusted by the extremism of the BNP.
So why should Labour worry? Our study finds UKIP’s domestic support is drawn from the same pool of angry white working class voters as the BNP, but in 2009 UKIP was already three times as popular. Since then, the political environment has changed dramatically, and largely to UKIP’s benefit. Rising unemployment and economic stagnation, combined with the coalition’s cuts to public services, will enlarge the pool of angry, economically struggling voters.
Controversies over immigration will also continue. Most migration remains outside of the government’s control and settlement rates are unlikely to hit David Cameron’s target. Voters will notice if the ‘cap’ fails, are likely to interpret the growth of already-settled minority communities as new waves of immigration and, in short, will not be happy.
There are wider consequences, as our colleague Dr Lauren McLaren has shown. When voters hold negative ratings of immigration, they are also less likely to trust their political institutions.
The entrance of the Liberal Democrats into the coalition has also changed the dynamic, for it leaves UKIP alone as the only “protest party” with national presence for voters disgruntled with the coalition but also unimpressed with Labour. This gives UKIP an unprecedented opportunity to build a national presence. They have a large electorate of socially conservative, Eurosceptic, anti-elitist, anti-immigration voters virtually to themselves.
The BNP’s bankruptcy and infighting leaves no competition on the far right; the compromises of coalition limit the Conservatives’ ability to compete from the centre-right; and Labour’s divisions over immigration leave the centre left silent on an issue which is of major concern to voters.
How concerned should those on the centre left be? In a recent study, we estimated that perhaps 20% of the British electorate are available to be mobilised by a radical right party. The Searchlight Trust recently came to the same conclusion, noting how Britain lacks a successful radical right party:
“…not because British people are more moderate but simply because these views have not found a political articulation.”
A sustained breakthrough for UKIP would have serious consequences. The emergence of powerful radical right movements in countries like Denmark, the Netherlands and France has pushed the debate over immigration, identity and integration firmly to the right. France has implemented a burqa ban; the Dutch government relies for its majority on a party whose leader compares the Koran to Mein Kampf; and the entrance of the Danish People’s Party into a governing coalition led to the passage of draconian immigration laws.
UKIP still has weaknesses, particularly in the strength of its activist base and local organisation, but it is operating in the most favourable environment it has ever seen and if it breaks through there is widespread support for its brand of politics. Those on the centre left who are cheered by the collapse of the BNP could soon find themselves facing a much more potent and respected radical right competitor. They need to develop an effective response. And now.
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- UKIP are hardly Radical RightThe University of leicester study shows that they are an Emerging Centre Right Libertarian Party, Completely incomparable wiht the BNP who are an Authoritarian Left Wing party
Comment by Mr T on April 17, 2011 at 1:21 pm
“UKIP in domestic elections, then, are the BNP minus the racism.”
Somebody missed economics class! UKIP and the BNP are as far apart on the political spectrum as one can get. UKIP are libertarian, anti-state and pro-free market. The BNP on the otherhand are socialist, statist, both in the size of government (they like it big) and in that the economy is massively centrally controlled. Saying UKIP and the BNP are nearly the same is like comparing a lemming to a clock.
To call UKIP radical right is also like likening an adult movie where a breast is exposed and calling it hardcore pornography. Since when was it radical right wing to demand the people have their voice heard, to reduce the size of the government and bring democracy back to this country? I suppose there are those who get spoonfed the lies of a scared political elite and will willingly believe their lies.
The rest of the article though was fine, but somewhat annoyed at the ignorant summing up and misleading comparison to UKIP and the BNP. But hey, that’s having a free media, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Comment by Libertarian on April 17, 2011 at 2:30 pm
An important point which I think many will gloss over:
“Our study finds UKIP’s domestic support is drawn from the same pool of angry white working class voters as the BNP”
And that white working class vote is of course the bedrock of the Labour vote. That really should worry you all.
I should perhaps point out that I was one of the press officers for UKIP in the run up to the euro-election you’re talking about here. So I do know some of what I’m talking about.
UKIP draws it’s support from markedly different groups in different parts of the country. In the Midlands and the North it is very much tha t working class vote, that vote which is disillusioned with Labour, that we’re competing for (and as you note, gaining an edge upon). In the SE and SW it’s very much more taking votes from Tories than it is Labour.
In your report you say:
Very much so. It did start out as a specifically anti-European Union, one issue, party. But that message of “Sod them all” is finding fertile soil. Because an increasingly large number of people really do want to get rid of the established political classes of all ideological flavours.
Which leads to the interesting question those established political classes should be asking themselves. How did we so lose touch with such a significant portion of the voters that they’re willing to wish a pox on all our houses? Until you’ve worked out the answer (and response) to that question then UKIP is likely to continue its rise.
Comment by Tim Worstall on April 17, 2011 at 3:00 pm
- If you need to commission polls to find out about the electorate then you’ve lost touch with people. Hence the glorious rise of UK I P.We’re the only party that really holds to our principles. Liblabcon is dying a slow and painful death and good riddance.
Comment by RNM101 on April 17, 2011 at 4:05 pm
Quite simply, today’s champagne, twittering class socialists are no different from the coalition. They are all people who have never had a proper job. They are supposed to represent us but when I talk to my labour mp I get the same bigot stuff Gordon Brown heaped on that lady. I would never vote BNP but I do now vote UKIP because they will pull us out of the EU, which is the source of all our troubles. And they take a sensible view on government interference in our liberty and freedom and stuff like the smoking ban. Labour now only represents Labour.
Comment by Northern Worker on April 17, 2011 at 4:12 pm
BNP could represent more people, if only they would clean their act up.
People are starting to realise Labour are in fact the racist party and damn to hell if they think we will be pushed out of our own homeland to satisfy their white liberal guilt.
Comment by Brad on April 17, 2011 at 4:25 pm
- “I do now vote UKIP because they will pull us out of the EU, which is the source of all our troubles.”******************************************
So when the UK does eventually leave the EU and the “troubles” continue to happen like in a normal country….who’ll be to blame for them then?
Comment by mupps on April 17, 2011 at 4:36 pm
It is disingenuous to associate UKIP with the likes of the BNP. The BNP are (apart from their racism) a Socialist/collectivist party. UKIP is a very Libertarian/individualist party. I suppose this just comes down to the inadequacies of ‘left vs right’ political spectrum, there is no room for those who support both social and economic freedom – only those who support one or the other.
Comment by First man on Mars on April 17, 2011 at 6:17 pm
Being completely fed up with the “twittering classes” I’ve decided that enough is enough. So, I’m standing for UKIP at the elections in May to give people the opportunity to vote for real change. I’ve never been involved in politcs before, but I do know when we’re being taken for idiots. Hopefully, the electorate knows this too. The proof of the pudding will be in the results, so May 5th should be very interesting to all these political pundits.
Comment by Robert Foulkes on April 17, 2011 at 8:24 pm
Tempting though it sometimes is to believe Britain’s woes are rooted in our membership of the EU and the ‘political classes’ that put us there, we ain’t that lucky.
If we want to build a prosperous Britain, where the bulk of working families enjoy improving living standards, satisfying employment and where all our children receive a top class education, we need to look a lot deeper than that.
The evidence is out there in spades that more egalitarian societies like Germany or Sweden are better equiped to deal with the challenges of a globalised economy in ways that benefit their mass populations. But going down this road in Britain would challenge powerful vested interests.
For example, ask UKIP how they will move Britain away from the disgracefully unequal two-tier education system that wastes so much of our young talent and I bet you’ll get the kind of double speak answer we’ve got used to from the established political classes.
Comment by Dave Citizen on April 17, 2011 at 9:04 pm
“The entrance of the Liberal Democrats into the coalition has also changed the dynamic, for it leaves UKIP alone as the only “protest party” with national presence for voters disgruntled with the coalition but also unimpressed with Labour.”
-I guess the technicality with this sentence is that that the green party is devolved in the UK.
On the whole I really dislike this piece. I wonder if “evidence based blogging” is becoming “academic book flogging”?
Comment by Grels on April 17, 2011 at 9:53 pm
“the BNP who are an Authoritarian Left Wing party”
Now I’ve heard everything!
Well all I can say is if UKIP want to make headway, their leader should put their manifesto on his reading list, and they should stop being out of ouch on the banks.
Comment by Mr. Sensible on April 17, 2011 at 10:14 pm
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler, Leader of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Speech on May 1 1927
Comment by Dave Atherton on April 17, 2011 at 10:43 pm
Scratch the surface and UKIP are the same dreary Daily Mail reading rigtwing reactionaries who get far too much airtime in this country.
It is laughable that one of their number posting here reckons all our problems start with the EU. There is the Partys stupidity in one characteristic assertion.
Comment by BenM on April 18, 2011 at 12:12 am