Saturday, 16 April 2011

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 16, 2011, 5:15 PM (GMT+02:00)

Muammar Qaddafi celebrates a military stalemate

Two months after Muammar Qaddafi's vow "to purge Libya, inch by inch, house by house, zenga by zenga," he is closer to making good on his boast than even he imagined. With the US out of the military picture, NATO allies are short of warplanes for stopping Qaddafi's progress and are divided over their mission goal. At odds on how to go forward, they are dropping by the wayside as Qaddafi gains zenga after zenga in Misratah and Ajdabiyeh.

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Hamas fires 2 Grads, sets scene by charging Israel in Arrigoni murder
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 15, 2011, 7:32 PM (GMT+02:00)
Israeli tanks at ease on Gaza border

Hours after Hamas accused Israel of engineering the murder of the abducted Italian pacifist Vittorio Arrigoni in the Gaza Strip Friday, April 15, two Grad missiles exploded in the port-towns of Ashdod and Ashkelon - just five days after Israel agreed to the Palestinian extremists' plea for a ceasefire. DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources report that Hamas seized the opportunity to exploit the Italian's kidnap and murder by Al Qaeda's Al-Tahwir Al-Jihad to end the informal ceasefire.

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Saudis Buy Chinese Nuclear-Capable Missiles
Riyadh unmoved by two high-ranking US emissaries.
An Ominous Bell Tolls in Egypt
Today, Mubarak is detained. Tomorrow, the military junta's head could share his fate.
The Race for the Libyan Exit
London and Paris still fight for the rebels. But for how much longer?
