Sunday, 17 April 2011


The 2011 TIME 100 Poll

Time uses Manning and Assange entries to bash Assange.
Piss off Time ... vote for Assange.

European Medicines Agency recommends interim measures for Pandemrix, GlaxoSmithKline. The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has recommended that the product information for Pandemrix should be amended to advise prescribers to take into account preliminary results from epidemiological studies on Pandemrix and narcolepsy. Preliminary results of the Swedish registry study from October 2009 to December 2010 on Pandemrix vaccination and the risk of narcolepsy indicates a four-fold increase of cases of narcolepsy in children and adolescents (below 20 years of age) who received Pandemrix compared with unvaccinated people of the same age.
Press Release, European Medicines Agency
Related Links:
The Local, Sweden's News In English
Billy Rule, Perth Now
Perth Now
Jerome Reilly,
LÄKEMEDELSVERKET, Medical Products Agency, Sweden
Jerome Reilly,
Helsinki Times
Press Release, Finland National Institute For Health And Welfare
Carlos Jenkins, Daily Health Report
Associated Press
ABC News

Swiss drug maker Roche Holding AG has reported a 9 percent drop in first quarter sales. Its best-selling anti-influenza drug Tamiflu also experienced a sharp drop in orders year-on-year. Roche said Thursday that sales fell to 11.12 billion Swiss francs ($12.4 billion) from 12.25 billion a year earlier.
Bloomberg Business News
Related Links:
CBC News, Canada
CBC News, Canada
Dr John Crippen, NHS Blog Doctor

Dr. Poul Thorsen
Poul Thorsen, the principal coordinator of multiple studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to deny a vaccine/autism link was indicted on April 13th on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money-laundering. The charges relate to funding for work he conducted for the CDC, which claimed to disprove associations between the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, and increased rates of autism. SafeMinds demands long-overdue independent review of vaccine/autism research for data manipulation and conflicts of interest. Vaccine safety remains questionable.

From left: Rupert Murdoch, Prime Minister David Cameron
& John Yates, Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
When the New Statesman published actor Hugh Grant's *must read* article The Bugger Bugged firmly implicating Prime Minister David Cameron and the police in the British phone hacking scandal, the mainstream media response was generally stunned mullet. After all, quite of few of them have been up to their hacker cheque book necks in this and other nefarious activities for years. This topic is so hot that even the BBC Radio 4 Today programme won't touch it. Bent Britain clearly has the best police force that money can buy. Whilst this festering financial cauldron is set to hubble and bubble for the foreseeable future, it is entirely inappropriate to allow the police to investigate their own. Click on the links below to find out why.
The One Click Group
Related Links:
Hugh Grant, New Statesman
The cop turned Murdoch columnist no one's talking about
Private Eye
Jason Cowley, New Statesman
David Pilditch, Daily Express

A former police officer who passed on details about an investigation into a counterfeiting ring has been jailed for more than two years, police said. Karen Howie admitted breaking the Data Protection Act and two charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice at an earlier hearing. Tayside Police said she was sentenced to two years and three months for her part in tipping off a suspect about the investigation. The 34-year-old, who has resigned from the force, admitted telling a bathroom tradesman details about the investigation, who then passed it on to a suspect in the case. She also admitted accessing police computers to uncover details about the operation and passing them on to the fitter, 44-year-old Neil Hand. One Click Note: And this dear friends is but the tip of the extremely lucrative police data iceberg.
Press Association

The police have made an arrest of a person suspected of being involved in the pro-WikiLeaks DDoS attacks. Scotland Yard told eWEEK Europe UK just before Christmas that they had been investigating Anonymous for some time following a spate of attacks. And in late January the police then revealed that they had arrested five people suspected of being involved in the Anonymous DDoS attacks. And now the police have arrested a sixth person, according to the Daily Telegraph. Anonymous was also identified as being behind attacks against the government websites of Zimbabwe and Tunisia. Subsequent DDoS attacks by Anonymous brought down the websites of PayPal and Mastercard, because they had stopped processing payments for WikiLeaks after it published leaks of classified US diplomatic cables.
Tom Jowitt, eWEEK Europe
Related Links:
Parmy Olson, Forbes
Parmy Olson, Forbes
The One Click Group

The Welsh mother of imprisoned Wikileaks suspect Bradley Manning has made an impassioned plea for help to Foreign Secretary William Hague. There have been widespread concerns that the 23-year-old US soldier and former Welsh schoolboy is being held in conditions which constitute torture, and his mother fears for his physical and mental health. She has appealed for Mr Hague to send consular officials to check on his welfare at the military prison where he is held alone in a cell for up to 23 hours a day and reportedly stripped naked each night apart from a smock. Mr Manning, who does not consider himself British but attended Tasker Milward school in Haverfordwest, is waiting to learn whether he will face a court martial for charges including “aiding the enemy”.
David Williamson, Western Mail, WalesOnline

Maryanne Godboldo: contesting forced state kidnapping
and psychotropic drugging of children
(Caption & pic courtesy of One Click)
DETROIT — Criminal charges against Maryanne Godboldo have been postponed indefinitely, until the Michigan Supreme Court rules in a related case. Godboldo family members will now focus their legal efforts on the release of daughter Ariana from the Hawthorn Juvenile Center in Northville. “This case is very simple,” Defense Attorney Allison Fomar told the Michigan Citizen. “The child was taken out of the home without any legitimate, lawful authority. They took her in the most drastic way they could think of, which was to involve Detroit police.” Representatives for the Godboldo family say three main issues will be addressed by the defense at the hearing: The medical condition of Ariana Godboldo, the ability of family members to take custody and the lack of due process by Wayne County Child Protective Services during her removal from the Godboldo home.
Eric T. Campbell, The Michigan Citizen
Related Links:
Detroit Free Press
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
Diane Bukowski, Voice Of Detroit
Doug Guthrie, The Detroit News

Laws designed to block access to piracy websites have been thrown further into doubt after a senior advisor to EU judges suggested such measures could infringe human rights. Advocate General Pedro Cruz Villalón said similar laws in Belgium brought in to force broadband providers to detect and block unlawful filesharing were “a restriction on the right to respect for the privacy of communications and the right to protection of personal data”. He also said such a system would restrict the fundamental right to freedom of information.
Christopher Williams, Daily Telegraph

Two deeply disturbing things hit us as we wrote our guides to the new, harsh work capability assessment – the medical test for employment and support allowance(ESA) – which we’ve now published on the Benefits and Work website. The first is the ways in which the ESA50 questionnaire misleads you about what information you need to give to get an award. Not once or twice, but over and over again. And much more so than the original questionnaire. The second is the degree to which the guidance given to Atos health professionals repeatedly, in our view, misleads them about how they should assess claimants. And always to the disadvantage of the claimant. The next opportunity many people will have to make their opinions felt is the disabled people’s march and lobby of parliament due to take place on May 11. The event is being organised by the large range of disability charities which make up the Disability Benefits Consort ium.
Steve Donnison, Benefits & Work

John Pilger
At its most rapacious, the British empire produced David Camerons in job lots. Unlike many of the British Empire's Victorian “civilisers”, today’s sedentary Westminster warriors - Cameron, William Hague, Liam Fox and the treacherous Nick Clegg - have never been touched by the suffering and bloodshed which are the consequences of their utterances and actions. The Euro-American attack on Libya has nothing to do with protecting anyone; only the terminally naive believe such nonsense. It is the West’s response to popular uprisings in strategic, resource-rich regions of the world and the beginning of a war of attrition against the new imperial rival, China. President Barack Obama’s historical distinction is now guaranteed. The embodiment of this reaction is David Cameron, whose only real job has been as PR man to the television industry’s asset stripper, Michael Green. Cameron was in the Gulf selling arms to the British-inve nted tyrannies when people rose up against Yemen’s Abdullah Saleh; on 18 March, Saleh’s regime murdered 52 demonstrators. Cameron said nothing of value. Yemen is “one of ours”, as the British Foreign Office likes to say.
John Pilger, Stop the War Coalition
Related Links:
Stop the War Coalition