The 2011 TIME 100 Poll

Time uses Manning and Assange entries to bash Assange.
Piss off Time ... vote for Assange.
1. NATO weapons uranium poisons civilian population
Child born in Afghanistan suffering effects of depleted uranium
Depleted uranium has been proven to cause serious damage to troops, civilians and the environment, but the US, France and Britain have blocked a UN ban proposal. In an interview with Press TV, Conn Hallinan, of Foreign Policy and Focus in Berkeley, California, discusses the West's awareness of the immense long-term danger of using depleted uranium in weapons, and its leaching impact, which poisons the environment and water supply for billions of years. Depleted uranium is being used in Libya in NATO weapons. Out of the 800,000 troops that served in the Gulf, about 107,000 of them are down with Gulf War Syndrome. There is no question that depleted uranium played a major role in the development of Gulf War syndrome. The main problem for the civilians is that depleted uranium is extremely heavy -- about the heaviest thing you can imagine, so when it misses a target and doesn't explode, then it goes very deep into the ground -- about 25-30 inches into the ground and when the rain comes that starts leaching into the environment, and possibly, the water supply. The UN sub-committee has called for a ban on depleted uranium in munitions in violation of the Geneva Convention and UN Charter. And that action was blocked by France, Britain and the US.
Conn Hallinan, Foreign policy and focus, Berkeley, Press TV
2. Breaking The Chain Of Command - Scapegoating Whistleblowers
Photo: Mass Communication Specialist Senior Chief Kevin Elliott / US Navy
When is a whistleblower not a whistleblower? When he's a scapegoat. Pfc. Bradley Manning is an unfortunate - and challenging - case in point, and to understand why, we need to see his situation in context. Do we know what we are doing when we let military "justice" subject Manning to the inhumane punishment of solitary confinement - the equivalent of expulsion from the land of the living - for almost a year now, on the grounds of "prevention of injury" for which there is no psychiatric justification? Manning's attorney David E. Coombs, writing in The Washington Post on January 21, said, "The fact that they won't articulate any basis for it leaves you with no other conclusion than it must be punitive"... or that no articulate basis is needed when your thinking is not really legal, but mythic. Some praise the likes of Manning and Julian Assange for their courage, while others hate and fear them. Both reactions are under standable. But if, as a society, we scapegoat them, we are only trying to shift our own burden of guilt onto their shoulders, and to think we can get away with that for very long is a dangerous delusion.
Michael Nagler, Truthout
3. Leaking Assange wins Bald Archy
Ghazi says he had first thought of calling his painting Pissing Off The Empire
A painting of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has won this year's Bald Archy spoof art prize. The caricature called Bad Ass-Ange by French artist Xavier Ghazi shows Mr Assange with his trousers around his ankles, urinating into Uncle Sam's top hat. The 60-year-old artist says he is overjoyed to win the $5,000 prize for the fourth time. Ghazi says he chose Mr Assange because he agrees with the philosophy behind WikiLeaks. "It's not as much about the US as it is about global power and instruments of domination." Along with Mr Assange and Ms Gillard, former NSW premier Kristina Keneally, federal MP Bob Katter and Australian cricket captain Michael Clarke were all caricatured. The Bald Archy - a parody of the Archibald Prize for portraiture - is a competition of humorous works of art, making fun of Australian celebrities and politicians. Organisers claim the Bald Archy, which is in its 18th year, is judged by a sulphur-crested cockato o called Maude.
ABC News
4. Private Bradley Manning and Obama’s rotting image
The abusive treatment of US Army Private Bradley Manning in detention at Quantico Marine base has caused an upsurge of indignation in US society. 250 US scholars have turned to US president Barack Obama demanding that he reconsider the conditions of Manning’s imprisonment. This is the first prominent case of human rights violations during Obama’s presidency, which may seriously tarnish his image. According to Russian political analysts, there is nothing new in such treatment and the same methods have been used at Guantanamo, the prison camp Obama failed to close, political analyst Azhdar Kurtov says. "Such cruel treatment of Manning has two goals. Firstly, they want to break his will and receive information about his possible associates. Secondly, it is used as a preventive measure to intimidate other prisoners." For Barack Obama this story is a very unpleasant experience. He won the presidential election by contrasting his position against that of George Bush. Now he faces the need to explain the difference between Private Manning and Guantanamo prisoners. This incident may have a major negative impact on the image of the US president, especially now when Barack Obama has announced his plans to run for reelection. One Click Note: Nobel Peace Prize holder Barack Obama is the first black American to invade Africa. For invasion hows and whys see Libya and the gift of war and racism, John Pilger, Stop the War Coalition.
The Voice of Russia
Related Links:
* Libya and the gift of war and racism
John Pilger, Stop the War Coalition
* UN rights expert denied Bradley Manning visit
The Associated Press, The Washington Examiner
* Bradley Manning: top US legal scholars voice outrage at 'torture'
AnonOps Communications
* Should Obama Give His Nobel Peace Prize Back?
Mark LeVine, Al Jazeera
* A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Torturing Bradley Manning
Chris Floyd, Counter Currents
5. Foster care in Michigan: Well what do you know?
Maryanne Godboldo’s daughter doesn't need drugs after all
Marianne Godboldo: fighting against chemical cosh for children
Remember how workers for the Michigan Department of Human Services were so sure that Marianne Godboldo’s daughter absolutely, positively had to be on powerful psychiatric medications that they rushed into court to get an order to tear the child from her mother, by force, if necessary? Remember how they did that without giving Godboldo a chance to respond? (It must have been do urgent to get the child on those drugs that there just not enough time.) Remember how they went to Godboldo’s home and, when she would not surrender her child, called in the police, complete with SWAT team and a tank to force her to give up her child? Remember how, faced with that armed force outside, Godboldo allegedly fired one shot? It must have been really, really urgent that the child get those drugs right away. Apparently not. Because now, 25 days after Godboldo’s daughter was institutionalized, she is, not, in fact, back on the meds. DHS told the court that there is no immediate need for it at this time. Maryanne Godboldo remains institutionalized. There won’t even be another hearing in the case until April 22. By then Godboldo’s daughter will have been taken from her mother for 29 days.
NCCPR Child Welfare Blog
Related Links:
* Criminal charges against Maryanne Godboldo stayed by district judge
Eric T. Campbell, The Michigan Citizen
* Hundreds Donate Thousands For Mom's Defense Fund (Vaccines, Risperdal)
Detroit Free Press
* Detroit Mother Jailed for Weaning Daughter Off Risperdal
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
* Community Rallies Behind Mother Accused Of Stand-Off
Diane Bukowski, Voice Of Detroit
* Detroit Mother Jailed In Dispute Over Daughter's Medication - Vaccines, Psychotropics
Doug Guthrie, The Detroit News
6. A mother is threatened with imprisonment for talking to her MP
Christopher Booker
The high-handed power of social workers and the courts, working in tandem, threatens even the privileges of Parliament. Last week a heavily pregnant woman, whose name is known to millions but whom I am forbidden by law to identify, was summoned to the High Court at very short notice to show why she should not be imprisoned. The charges against her, brought by a local authority I cannot name, were that she might or might not have been in breach of a court order restraining her freedom to speak about a matter which, again, I am prohibited from identifying. One of these charges was that she attended a meeting, held last month in Westminster Hall, of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on family protection issues, at the invitation of John Hemming MP. He has been campaigning for greater justice and transparency in our highly secretive family protection system, on behalf of families torn apart by social workers for what appear to be no good reasons.
Christopher Booker, Daily Telegraph
7. The European Commission and the Intercept Modernisation Programme
Syed Kamall, a Conservative MEP for London
Regular visitors to the Big Brother Watch blog will be well aware of our opposition to the Intercept Modernisation Programme - a vast database which will log details of all 'phone calls, text messages and e-mails sent in the United Kingdom. Syed Kamall, a Conservative MEP for London, has tabled a question to the European Commission examining the legal basis for the scheme and its conformance with EU law. BBW will be watching as this story develops...
Big Brother Watch
8. Intravenous Vitamin C As Cancer Therapy
(OMNS Apr 19, 2011) Scientists have long studied the effects of mega-doses of vitamin C to treat a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. Research documents vitamin C as one of the best antiviral agents available. Vitamin C has been shown to neutralize and eliminate a wide range of toxins, and to enhance host resistance, greatly augmenting the immune system's ability to neutralize bacterial and fungal infections. Most importantly, there is extensive published research demonstrating vitamin C's anti-cancer properties. Oncologist Victor Marcial, M.D., has experience using it. He says: "We studied patients with advanced cancer (stage 4). 40 patients received 40,000-75,000 mg intravenously several times a week. . . In addition, they received a diet and other supplements. The initial tumor response rate was achieved in 75% of patients, defined as a 50% reduction or more in tumor size. . . As a radiation oncologist, I also give radiation therapy. Vit amin C has two effects. It increases the beneficial effects of radiation and chemotherapy and decreases the adverse effects. But this is not a subtle effect, is not 15-20%, it's a dramatic effect. Once you start using IV vitamin C, the effect is so dramatic that it is difficult to go back to not using it."
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service