Sounding the Trumpet on RINO Donald Trump
Well, "The Donald" - Trump that is - has certainly shaken up things for the 2012 presidential race. Why, his persistent pounding on Obama/Soetoro's birth certificate has the MSM and pundits all in a twist. "The Donald" didn't have things quite right at the beginning, but with someone whispering in his ear, he's pretty much on track now with his spiel: the usurper's father's citizenship status at the time Barry was born makes him forever ineligible. Trump has impressed.....
by Devvy Kidd
Natural Born Follows the Natural Birth Father
The Founders borrowed the term natural born citizen from the international treatise known as the Law of Nations, which appears in the U.S. Constitution under Article I and the enumerated powers of congress to enforce violations against the Law of Nations. To be a natural born citizen of the United States, one must be.......
by JB Williams
Comcast-owned Network Sells Dope to Kids
The new owners of MSNBC at Comcast got rid of one problem when Keith Olbermann was let go by the left-leaning cable channel, but they have another big problem on their hands—their G4 cable television network is scheduled to devote an evening’s worth of programs on April 20, dubbed a “pot smoking holiday” by marijuana users, to celebrating and promoting the drug. Parents and anti-drug activists are outraged. A G4 promotion.....
by Cliff Kincaid