As a nation we have been asleep for years. Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim. This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal. This is the truth and what we do, or don't do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse. It is time to decide. By James Simpson Below is a trailer for a must see new video by Curtis Bowers,Agenda: Grinding America Down. It includes the perspective of many well-known policy experts, including Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese, III, Trevor Loudon, Phyllis Schafly, Brannon Howse, M. Stanton Evans, Dr. Robert Chandler, and many others. This documentary DVD is well worth the modest price. Note: while I was also interviewed for this documentary, I will not receive, nor did I ask for any remuneration. My only interest in promoting this video is seeing the facts contained herein communicated to the public -- facts that our media has utterly failed to disclose . AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo. AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Curtis Bowers onVimeo. Correction: I attributed a quote in this article to Barney Frank that "the middle class will be too distracted to fight." That was an error. Barney Frank never made that statement. The correct quote was “You don’t have to be worried about what the Middle Class is going to do. Things are so bad they have to put food on the table, get clothes on their kids, get them to school..." The statement was made in hearings with Obama economic advisor Robert Reich, where Reich proposed that stimulus dollars not go to "high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers..." but to low income groups. Rangel wanted assurances that would happen and asked if it could not be set up to happen automatically. So the dollars would not necessarily go where they could be put to most productive use, but to those groups who comprise a large part of the Democrat base. I apologize for the error. The quote has been removed. Jim Simpson gave a speech on the Manufactured Crisis Strategy last Friday, October 23, to Grassroots America We the People, in Tyler, Texas. To listen, go to the Grassroots America radio program and look to the right hand side, under the “Recent Shows” heading for the following description: This article is a shortened version of "Conspiracy of the lemmings," third in the Cloward/Piven series. It is an effort to explain what motivates socialists to inflict socialism on us despite its indisputable failure in both theory and practice. Introduction The United States of America is the world’s marketplace. Without the worldwide trade generated by American demand, the international marketplace will fail. Today we are witnessing an undeniable demonstration of this fact as world markets reel in response to our domestic financial crisis. This lesson must be burnt into our collective conscience. Our nation is the last repository of free market economic principles, and a fundamental change in our government toward socialism will spell worldwide economic disaster from which we may never recover. Yet this is exactly the endgame of the American radical Left – increasingly indistinguishable from today’s Democrat Party – and offers the only internally consistent explanation for their historic obsession with divisive policy. From their early support of Hitler to their central role in the current financial crisis, the Left’s contribution to domestic and foreign policy at federal, state and local levels can only be described as wantonly destructive. Their takeover of schools and popular culture has been equally toxic. Their environmental radicalism has spawned the energy crisis, while offering no viable alternatives. It defies logic. But there is logic, a deadly logic, and in the '60’s, two radicals gave it a name: the Cloward-Piven Strategy. As explained in a prior article in the series, the goal was to create a groundswell of demands for public services to overwhelm government, create crisis and usher in a widespread call for fundamental economic reform at the federal level, with socialism the ultimate goal. Cloward and Piven focused on welfare, voting, housing and immigration “rights,” but leftist positions on any issue, whether championing equal “rights,” abortion “rights,” education “rights,” rights to health care, housing, legal protections of antisocial or even criminal behavior, to the point of absurdity, are intentionally divisive. They add new fiscal and regulatory burdens on government, and set new precedents that undermine the limited government concepts embedded in our Constitution, while conferring discriminatory special benefits on legally defined groups the rest of us are forced to pay for. They deliberately put our society at war with itself. And as Cloward and Piven made clear, the true purpose is not even to help those groups, but rather to duplicitously enlist them as part of an offensive to collapse our society from within! Democrats embrace the rhetoric of “compassion,” but look past the rhetoric to the results. This country is polarized as never before because of their relentless agitation for extremist positions on every issue, and the outrageous tactics they use to promote them. While Radical Saul Alinsky’s tactics guide today’s Democrat electoral game plan, the Cloward-Piven Strategy describes the overarching goal of almost every leftwing organization/movement/ideal today. How do they Survive? These organizations rarely produce anything of value, yet are extremely adept at not only surviving but flourishing. Many receive their financial backbone from prominent philanthropies. They also receive subsidies and tax breaks with the help of friends in federal, state and local government. This fact is unknown to most voters, who would be outraged if they fully understood how their tax dollars were being spent. For example, the radical group, ACORN, responsible for widespread voter fraud, gets about 40 percent of its revenues, from federal, state and local government. Our mass media is mostly to blame for the current state of affairs. The Left’s strategies could not survive the light of day. Radicals require a sympathetic media to deliver their message in an acceptable fashion and actively suppress inconvenient facts that reveal these organizations’ true character and agenda. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and presidency are perhaps the most poignant current example of this. Without mass media’s shamelessly biased support, Obama would still be community organizing, or perhaps be in jail. It is a tangled web of radical interconnections with the ultimate goal being an end to our Constitutional framework, the fall of our Republic and its replacement with a radical vision of socialist utopia – finally removing the last major roadblock to world socialism. These radical individuals are highly motivated, in many cases intelligent and talented, and sometimes even driven by what they would describe as altruistic motives. Yet the impacts of socialist central planning are inarguably destructive. Marx may have had some interesting insights on history, but despite his ponderous three volume “Das Kapital” he was no economist. Instead, Kapital provided the intellectual excuse for Marx’s anarchistic Communist Manifesto. And the severe verdict of history on his perverted vision is without equal: over 100 million people murdered by their own governments in times of peace, more than all the wars of history combined. The rest face abject poverty, mass starvation, economic and environmental ruin, all overseen by smothering, indescribably brutal governments – a grey, barren existence for all but the apparatchiks. So why are so many Westerners infatuated with this demented vision? Entrepreneurial Parasites The high-minded types are driven by a galling sense of intellectual superiority. They are addicted to their own egos. They know better than everyone else and can defy the verdict of history because people as smart as they are weren’t around when Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Ethiopia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Congo, Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., went Red. Living well in affluent, capitalist America, it is all theoretical, so they can indulge their fantasies with impunity while promoting this destructive agenda. For these people ignorance is literally a blessing, for if they soberly analyzed their ego-driven beliefs, they would be embarrassed. If you examine their pasts closely, you learn that most of these people also came from upper class backgrounds. PhD Chemistry Professor George Wiley, the black radical who led Cloward and Piven’s National Welfare Rights Organization, was a well-to-do son of a Rhode Island family. Wade Rathke, the NWRO veteran who started ACORN, was from a similarly well-to-do background, although he dropped out of Williams College. Obama’s radical friend Bill Ayers’ family was very wealthy. Looking at his arrest photos, and listening to his smug self-righteousness, you really get the impression that he was little more than an arrogant, spoiled brat, with a titanic sense of entitlement that allowed him to rationalize mass murder. This is a familiar story throughout the American left and indeed with many of the most infamous communist leaders around the world. For example, Communist China’s first leader, Mao Zedong, the inspiration for Ayers and many other radicals, was son of the wealthiest man in his home town. According to the incredible biography, Mao: the Unknown Story, he was lazy, arrogant, and refused to work, despite his father’s repeated attempts to find him suitable employment. He finally saw an opportunity for real advancement working for the Soviets. During theLong March Mao was carried by porters. As young idealists, many of these people are initially snared into this ideology by the exaggerated sense of self-importance that is often a characteristic of youth. But we all have to live, and as they grow up they discover that the radical profession can be a pretty lucrative racket. Despite their high-minded rhetoric about saving the poor and oppressed, communists and socialists are what I call entrepreneurial parasites. Consider what they demand of us: sacrifice of all worldly goods to the state, penurious, barren lifstyles, slavish observance of their dictates and full-time commitment to the well-being of the state, while our jobs, careers, industries, the environment, even our lives are threatened. But how do they live? Obama’s pal Ayers, who describes himself as a “small ‘c’ communist,” lives in a lavish home, in the upscale Hyde Park neighborhood, with a six-figure (or more) income. It is easy to see how, given the open spigot of money his organizations receive from the various non-profit funds he’s ingratiated himself to. Bill Ayers father, Tom, had been CEO of Commonwealth Edison, so he’s used to money, and later developments in his career point to a hand up from Daddy. Barack lives in Hyde Park too. It is difficult to find anyone in the American Marxist elite who doesn’t fully enjoy the fruits of capitalism in his or her personal life. In fact, Obama’s early career seems to have been centered on dispensing foundation money as a means to secure his career in politics. Hereand here are perfect examples. Marxist austerity is only meant for the rest of us. This taste for wealth is not limited to American socialists. Every socialist dictator from Stalin to Saddam has lived in opulent surroundings with multiple estates, scores of servants and every kind of luxury and indulgence available to them. See for example, Gorbachev’s dacha in Foros, Crimea; a testament to communist modesty if ever there was one. Same with all the leaders of communist countries. Indeed, Bulgarian defector Georgi Markov was murdered for his extensive reporting on the opulent, decadent lifestyles of Bulgarian Communist leaders. It’s a good racket, if you don’t mind blood. While socialist leaders live in lavish style, in every country where socialist policies are imposed, they measurably worsen the lives of everyday citizens in direct proportion to their scope. Even countries with vast natural resources, like Russia, founder because their economies are constructed on the fatally flawed economic principles of socialism. How? The dirty little secret of socialism is that it cannot survive without capitalism – capitalist countries provide the resources necessary for these socialist governments to continue. In addition to providing a market for their goods, Western nations keep socialist countries afloat through grants and loans from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other governmental institutions, as well as huge investments by private companies. Even China, widely misunderstood as the next “free market,” only practices market economics one-way in international trade while maintaining iron fisted central planning internally, and could not maintain its current level of economic growth without the markets provided by the United States and other Western countries. Finally, there is a vast network of American enterprises, owned covertly by foreign dictators, whose true purpose is to provide underground income for these leaders and their socialist governments, while offering convenient cover for industrial and military spies. This fact is rarely mentioned and largely unknown. At its core, socialism can only be parasitic. It cannot survive without its capitalist host. Therefore, if the United States becomes a socialist country, worldwide capital will soon dry up. Remaining market economies around the world will succumb either to their own internal socialist movements or direct military threat from abroad. Without the protective umbrella of American military might, they will have no other choice. Without the markets and resources capitalist economies provide, the many socialist countries that have survived on our largesse until now will find their income stream shut off. The world will plunge into an unprecedented, cataclysmic depression. This depression will be of indeterminate length because the wherewithal for recovery – a large capitalist economy – will no longer exist. With a world controlled by parasites, the host will die. At this point even the parasites will be in danger. The socialists’ internationalist agenda truly is a Conspiracy of the Lemmings. It is not merely a criminal conspiracy, it is criminally insane. There is nothing new under the sun. Socialism cannot cure the world's ills. It wasn't even designed to. It is merely the cleverest methodology ever devised by which the world's con men and thugs could take their rackets global and earn untold riches. It is a stark demonstration of one of man's oldest temptations: the lust for wealth and power. A much smarter man than I observed this in a little-known pamphlet titled "The History and Impact of Marxist-Leninist Organizational Theory;" and he should know. John P. Roche was the socialist founder of Americans for Democratic Action, adviser to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and until his unfortunate death in 1994, a regular contributor to National Review magazine. He understood communists and socialists better than most men living, having had to deal directly with them for most of his life. He said: "New-style mafia, far more interested in finding a rationale for seizing or wielding power..." Rings true, doesn't it? Last fall I wrote: Since his election, Obama has revealed his true nature for all to see.Described in some detail on Friday, his recent trip to Copenhagen was a poignant, unseemly example of entrepreneurial parasites at work, chief among them, the President of the United States. Yet another is the decision for the federal government to provide a $2 billion dollar loan for a Brazilian oil exploration firm owned partly by Obama benefactor George Soros, while offshore drilling in U.S. is banned. This same corrupt, power hungry, thuggish mindset is apparent in every advisor or "czar" Obama has put around him. It is apparent in every piece of legislation he has signed or supported to date. The "Stimulus" bill will stimulate only those likely to vote Democrat, and it won't start working until next year, just in time for the 2010 elections. In the meantime, the economy continues to tank and we all are left to suffer. The Health "reform" and Cap and Trade bills will confiscate huge swaths of the private economy, and make the American population more vulnerable to manipulation and control than ever. These were written to take effect in 2013, when the Democrats are gambling they will have complete control, and thus be immune to the enormous backlash this legislation is certain to create. This president is taking our country on a path to destruction. He can do no different, because he is of a type, an entrepreneurial parasite. Our one last chance is 2010. The current crop in Congress must be replaced with strong, principled leaders dedicated to upholding the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Only such a qualified, courageous, bunch will have the stomach to repeal the destructive legislation signed into law by this president, launch an investigation and prepare the articles of impeachment he so richly deserves. The hour is late and time is nigh. We cannot waste another second. This is a clarion call to action: America awaken! Arise, for the enemy is at the gates. And it seems that even the liberal media has started to notice. A devastating satire by Jon Stewart titled "The Audacity of Hos" has, for once, gotten it exactly right. And he excoriates the media for missing the story while two "kids" got the scoop. This is really worth a watch. Today, ACORN announced that it has halted acceptance of new business to investigate the activities revealed in the Breitbart videos. This will likely be little more than a whitewash. Those employees identified in the videos will lose their jobs. Indeed some already have. But the basic mission of ACORN will remain unchanged. As we reported last September, and as Glenn Beck and others have reported since then, ACORN was created specifically to execute theCloward Piven Strategy of manufactured crisis across our country. This series of videos demonstrates in microcosm how ACORN workers promote the strategy. So here’s the recommendation: RICO ACORN, right now. Seize all their assets. Seize the assets of their many hundreds of subsidiaries. Seize the assets of Wade Rathke, his thief brother, and all the top executives. Let them squeal and squirm for a while, trying to figure out how they will support their lavish, parasite lifestyles without income, and then start asking the real questions. David first exposed the Cloward Piven Strategy on his websiteDiscover the Networks. One of his recent books, The Shadow Party, is a must read and tells how George Soros and the Left took over the Democrat Party. Here, he is interviewed by Glenn Beck and he is at the top of his form: This has been reprinted with permission from Jack Wheeler of To The Point News. I subscribe to his newsletter as a source of good intelligence and fascinating reading and encourage you to consider the same. Go here to sign up. TWIN STRATEGIES TO DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN AND WITHOUT. I may have linked to the following article before and have simply forgotten, but it summarizes the true story behind Saddam's WMD program and how it was hidden from U.S. inspectors.Truth & Consequences - There is no Right and Left, only Right and Wrong
New Documentary on Leftist Cultural Destruction Strategy
Cloward-Piven Government
Cloward Piven Government
Casualties mount in Afghanistan as we fight an increasingly brazen Taliban, while President Obama continues to ignore the pleas of our military commanders for more troops. At the same time, he partieswith Obama fundraiser and supporter Jodie Evans, the terrorist-sympathizing co-founder of Code Pink, who just returned from Afghanistan after a visit with the Taliban. She brought him a package of materials. Was she acting as conduit for the Taliban, like Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, who brought a letter to Obama from the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas?
A lone Muslim terrorist guns down 13 American service members and wounds forty others in the worst domestic terrorist attack since 9-11 and the President of the United States says we shouldn’t “jump to conclusions.” The Director of Homeland Security meanwhile, directs her attention to reassuring Muslims that there won’t be a “backlash” while utterly ignoring her responsibility to protect this nation, and the Army Chief of Staff considers these killings a cost of achieving “diversity” he is willing to pay.
When Attorney General Eric Holder announced last week that the government would try admitted 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a NY civilian court, constitutional scholars, defense analysts, intelligence experts and many citizens were stunned. The precedents and possibilities are horrifying. In the same breath Holderrefused to provide names of Justice Department lawyers facing potential conflicts of interest who formerly worked in Holder’s law firm on behalf of Guantanamo terrorist detainees.
When the brave and clever initiative of two twenty-something kidsdemonstrate the community organization ACORN’s degenerate, corrupt nature, we watch the spectacle of ACORN suing these kidswhile law enforcement stands idly by. Meanwhile the Democrat-controlled Congress removes federal funding for ACORN in the about-to-expire continuing resolution, but tries to sneak it back in new legislation.
Saturday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bought off support of two “wavering” Democrat Senators to achieve cloture on the Senate’s massive, unread and unanalyzed, 2,074 page version of healthcare legislation that expanded upon the Senate Finance Committee bill, also passed out of committee without substantive review. This will compete with the House’s massive, unanalyzed and unread 1,990 page health bill, passed with a five vote margin on November 7th. And while everyone was focused on health legislation, backdoor censorship passed under the misnamed “Hate Crimes” bill. Incapable of passing as a standalone, the Dems tacked it onto defense authorization legislation.
Meanwhile, Senator Barbara Boxer’s economy crushing global warming tax bill moved out of her Environment and Public Works committee on November 5 after she violated committee rules by holding a vote with no Republicans present. While all the news outlets are now pronouncing “Cap and Trade” dead until next year, the New York Times reports there is already another plan in the works. Look for a surprise vote in December.
The media rejoiced at positive third quarter 2009 GDP growth – entirely fueled by the temporary “Cash for Clunkers” and first-time homebuyer credit programs – but at the same time, unemployment raced past 10 percent. With many unemployed leaving the labor force entirely, the true rate may be actually closer to 20%.
The “Stimulus” plan has proven a complete failure in creating promised private sector jobs. The only jobs it has created are in the public sector, and a lot of these are fraudulent. Many of us knew this would happen. Indeed, despite the administration’s claim that “most economists” agreed with the stimulus plan, the truth is that most did not. One well-known economist dubbed it “Mugabe Economics.”
Despite this, Democrats in Congress and the White House are discussing a second stimulus bill, adding yet more billions to what is already the highest deficit in post WW II history – at 11% of GDP, almost twice the previous record – while President Obama observes without irony that “people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession…” if we keep on piling up federal debt. All this is reported without comment by the mass media.
A million or more people gathered at the Washington, DC Mall on September 12, 2009. Many of these people were middle-aged or elderly. For most this was the first public demonstration they had ever attended. It was an unprecedented spontaneous outpouring of concern over this President and Congress’s reckless policies, expressed by people who one year ago didn’t know each other, had never heard of “community organizing” and had no need to. While Democrat “paid volunteer” SEIU union thugs roved town hall meetings over the summer beating up protesters, the President’s allies dismiss the 9/12 gathering as “Astroturf.”
We stand aghast at these and other astonishing statements, delivered offhandedly by the leader of the free world or his proxies, as we collectively reel from the successive body blows his initiatives are delivering to our economy and morale. We marvel at the appointment of “czars” each more radical than the next, whoseunspeakable agendas are ignored by the press.
Entrepreneurs and businesses sit on their hands, not because there is no business opportunity, but because they, like practically everyone else in this country, are increasingly uncertain about our future. With anxiety bordering on sickness, we ask ourselves “what on earth is going on?”
It is time to cast aside all remaining doubt.
In September of last year, American Thinker published Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. Part of a series, it connected then presidential candidate Barack Obama to individuals and organizations practicing a malevolent strategy for sabotaging our society. Since then the story of that strategy has found its way across the blogosphere, onto the airwaves of radio stations across the country, the Glenn Beck television show, Bill O’Reilly and now Mark Levin.
The methodology is known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and we can all be grateful to David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks for originally exposing and explaining it to us. He describes it as:
The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
Richard Cloward and Frances Piven were husband and wife, two lifelong members of Democratic Socialists of America and taught sociology at Columbia University (Piven later went on to City University of New York). In a May, 1966 Nation magazine article titled “The Weight of the Poor,” they outlined their strategy, proposing to use grassroots radical organizations to push ever more strident demands for public services at all levels of government.
The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces … for major economic reform at the national level."They implemented the Strategy by creating a succession of radical organizations but most notably the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), with the help of veteran organizer Wade Rathke. Their crowning achievement was the “Motor Voter” act, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993 with Cloward and Piven standing behind him (shown on the left, Cloward in grey, piven in green).
As we now know, ACORN was one of the chief drivers of high-risk mortgage lending that eventually led to the financial crisis. But the Motor Voter law was another component of the strategy. It created vast opportunities for fraud in our electoral system which ACORN then exploited.
ACORN’s vote registration scandals throughout the U.S. are predictable fallout.
The Motor Voter law also opened another vulnerability in the system: the registration of vast numbers of illegal aliens, who then vote reliably Democrat. Herein lies the real reason Democrats are so anxious for open borders, security be damned.
It should be clear to anyone with a mind and two eyes that this president and this Congress do not have our interests at heart. They are implementing this strategy on an unprecedented scale by flooding America with a tidal wave of poisonous initiatives, orders, regulations and laws. As Obama advisor Rahm Emmanuel said, “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.”
The real goal of “healthcare” legislation, the real goal of “cap and trade,” the real goal of “stimulus” is to rip the guts out of our private economy and transfer wide swaths of it over to government control. Do not be deluded by the propaganda. These initiatives are vehicles for change. They are not goals in and of themselves, except in their ability to deliver power, and will make matters much worse, for that is their design.
This time, in addition to overwhelming the government with demands for services, Obama and the Democrats are overwhelming political opposition to their plans with a flood of apocalyptic legislation. Their ultimate goal is to leave us so discouraged, demoralized and exhausted that we throw our hands up in defeat.
It is time acknowledge that these people are our enemies. They don’t use guns, yet, but they are just as dangerous, determined and duplicitous as the communists we faced in the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam and bush wars across the globe, and the Nazis we faced in World War II.
It is high time we overcome the denial, and fully digest and internalize this fact, with all its ugly ramifications. These people are stealing this country while we stand and watch. They have violated countless laws, and could be prosecuted, had we the political power. Not only are their policies unconstitutional, but deliberately so – the goal being to make the Constitution irrelevant, we could make them live up to their oath of office, had we the political power. Their spending is off the charts and will drive us into hyperinflation, but could be rescinded, had we the political power. These policies are toxic, but could be stopped and reversed, had we the political power. Their ideologies are poisonous, but could be exposed for what they are, with long jail sentences as an object lesson, had we the political power.
Every single citizen who cares about this country should be spending every minute of his/her spare time lobbying, organizing, writing and planning. Fight every initiative they launch. It is all destructive. If we are to root out this evil, it is critical that in 2010 we win competent, principled leaders willing to defend our constitution and our country. Otherwise the malevolent cabal that occupies the seat of government today will become too entrenched.
After that all bets are off.
Businessman and columnist Jim Simpson is a former White House staff economist and budget analyst. His writings have been published in American Thinker, Washington Times, WorldNet Daily, FrontPage Magazine, DefenseWatch, Soldier of Fortune and others.TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2009
Manufactured Crisis Speech
The Freedom Destroying Philosophy of Leaders in the White House Administration: James Simpson's Speech on Friday Oct 23 at Call To Action Lunch Meeting in Tyler, TX.
You can either click on the “Play” button under the description or double click on it and download the podcast.MONDAY, OCTOBER 05, 2009
Entrepreneurial Parasites: Why socialists pursue socialism to the ends of the earth
Despite this, they still manage to live on, in many cases hanging by mere threads for years.Most analyses of Marxism-Leninism are philosophical exercises coducted in the intellectual stratosphere. This approach has a limited utility, but is based on a deeply flawed premise: that Marxism-Leninism a form of high theory, rather than a operational code for a new-style mafia, (emphasis mine) far more interested in finding a rationale for seizing or wielding power than in liberating "prisoners of starvation" or the "wretched of the earth."
If [Obama] is elected we can expect a sea change in Washington. But it will not be for the better. The socialist economic agenda he has publicly articulated is enough in the current financial crisis to plunge our economy into deep recession. The disarmament agenda he has publicly articulated is enough to strip us of the meager defenses we currently have against a rogue missile attack, and Iran has already telegraphed plans to launch such an attack. What is even more frightening is the agenda he has not shared, but is implicit in his radical upbringing, his radical connections, and his limited but demonstrative experience.
ACORN Key Promoter of Cloward Piven Strategy on the Ropes
Hannah Giles, James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart deserve an award. Their four explosive videos should be enough to bring down this presidency. They won’t. But they will confront Democrats with two equally ugly choices:
1. To disavow ACORN, strip it of its funding, and possibly be forced to launch an investigation;
2. To continue shielding, supporting and defending ACORN in the face of these monstrous revelations
Right now, it looks as if they are going for option #1. Yesterday the U.S. Senate voted to strip funds for ACORN out of the federal budget. The amendment, added to the HUD and Transportation appropriations bill by Mike Johanns (R–NE) passed 83 – 7! In the House, Congressmen Darrell Issa (R - CA) and House Minority Leader John Boehner introduced similar legislation.
By agitating for mortgages that borrowers could never repay, ACORN and similar groups were primarily responsible for the conditions that led to our current financial crisis. This is not speculation or partisan blather, but a matter of historical fact, extensively documented inlast September’s article and many, many others.
But there are other ways to gnaw at the fabric of our society. ACORN's daily activities are also devoted to corrupting and overloading our society with social ills of every description. The gameplan seems to be: if it is illegal and/or immoral, pile it on! These videos underscore just how low they will go.
We have witnessed ACORN offices in four different states advising O’Keefe and Giles how to violate a host of criminal statutes to promote a brothel using underage prostitutes. We have witnessed ACORN advising O’Keefe and Giles how to violate tax laws. It has also now been revealed that ACORN has been operating illegally in Maryland since 2006.
How could an organization be so willfully corrupt? Here’s the latest shocker: California ACORN worker describes on video how she murdered her husband!
Obviously ACORN deliberately seeks out people with criminal backgrounds, people on the margins of society, who can be discarded at a moment's notice with plausible deniability if their illegal activities are discovered. Indeed, this has been ACORN's grand excuse with every single instance of the massive vote registration fraud they have been caught at. But everywhere and always, the organizational goal of creating societal crisis is in evidence.
Now recognize that Barack Obama was an ACORN trainer. In fact, in this video prior to the election, he makes the unequivocal statement that ACORN will help shape President Obama’s agenda. So perhaps he did not specifically train field representatives to help people create underage prostitution rings, but he fully understands ACORN's mission and trained them in the Crisis Strategy. This is our president.
Earlier this summer Congressman Issa, who is also minority ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, commissioned a report on ACORN. Completely overlooked by Democrats and the mass media – no surprise there – this report chronicled ACORN’s legacy of criminal activity.
Appendix 2 of the report analyzes the viability of criminally prosecuting ACORN as a continuing criminal enterprise under the Racketeer Influenced, Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) statutes. It concludes that ACORN does indeed qualify as a candidate for prosecution under these statutes. This law authorizes authorities to seize all the assets of any organization or individual deemed part of a RICO.
This was how federal prosecutors obtained a conviction againstDrexel Burnham Lambert Junk Bond magnate, Michael Milken, on much flimsier evidence. An in-depth investigation of ACORN assisted by the power of the RICO statutes, conducted by seasoned prosecutors untainted by Democrat Party or Obama administration connections, would likely produce evidence of rampant corruptionboth within the Obama administration as well as the Democrat Partyat large. There has been a symbiotic relationship between ACORN and the left wing of the Democrat Party for decades at this point and a particularly close relationship between Obama and ACORN.
It is almost a foregone conclusion that the Eric Holder Justice Department will sabotage any investigation before it gets that far. Holder has already unilaterally halted prosecutions of Black Panther Party members charged with voter intimidation, has initiated investigations of CIA personnel who conducted – under orders from superiors – rendition interrogations on al Qaeda terrorists, and has called us a “nation of cowards,” overall, presenting himself to be theVan Jones of the Justice Department.
With his lies, insulting remarks to the American People, and his blatantly self-serving, corrupt and indescribably destructive policies, Obama’s administration has already demonstrated itself to be utterly devoid of integrity, so there is little doubt they will seek to hobble any investigation of ACORN. But if the relationship between Obama, the national Democrat Party and ACORN can be cemented in the public mind, and if ACORN and its subsidiaries are at least denied the billions provided for them in legislation passed by Obama and the Democrats, they may be prevented from stealing the 2010 elections, which is the Democrat game plan as it stands right now.
We have been to the town halls, we have had our big shindig in DC, now it’s time to go to work. Call your Congressman and tell him/her to defund ACORN by supporting Issa’s amendment and call for an independent investigation of the group’s criminal activities. It is critical that ACORN, this key component of the Cloward Piven Strategy be utterly destroyed.SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2009
America Spoke
Washington, DC. Saturday September 12, 2009. America spoke today. Real America. Not black America, not white America, not Hispanic or Asian America, not even conservative or liberal America. Real America. There were mothers, sons, fathers, daughters, newborn children and kids on the way up; there were many, many elderly and a lot of disabled folks, young and old, in wheelchairs. Many of these people had never been to a protest before in their lives. People were pleasant, polite and considerate. There was not a drunken eye in the house. The most unlikely bunch of domestic terrorists one could ever imagine. Contrast that with the Leftists’ “peace” movement in Seattlea few years back.
We are not liberals or conservatives. We are Americans. I am not a conservative, I distain that label. It was dreamt up by some leftist so people like me could be buttonholed and dismissed as, “oh, he’s just aconservative.” And as the media has fallen further into the Left’s maw, conservative has morphed into “rightwing” which has morphed into “radical rightwing nut” and inevitably, “fascist!” Of course Hitler was in fact a leftist, and allied with Stalin until he realized he had been duped. But the left glosses over that inconvenient truth, as they do with the truth generally.
I am an American. I believe in American values; that is, the principles and guiding documents on which this country was founded. Is it conservative to understand, appreciate and defend the United States Constitution? All public officials make a solemn pledge to uphold it. Are they all conservatives? Is it conservative to believe in the First Amendment? So are all journalists conservatives? These days, many “journalists” are actively trying to suppress any news that doesn’t fit their agenda. They are not trying to suppress “conservative” speech; they are not hypocritically trying to stifle “alternative” views. They are attempting to systematically shut out the truth.
In fact, there are no “conservatives” and “progressives,” there are Americans and un-Americans. There are no “traditional values” versus “progressive values,” there are those who have values and those who do not. There is not traditional morality and new morality; there is only morality and immorality. There is no “Right” and “Left,”there is only right and wrong!
And the Left, personified today by Barack Hussein Obama and hisfreak show fiefdom, is horribly, horribly wrong.
This rally resoundingly confirmed that America has woken up. Of course, before we even got there, we fully expected the mass media to play down the event. On the bus drive in, we agreed the media would put the attendance at “tens of thousands.”
Sure enough, practically every news outlet in the United States has reported “tens of thousands.” ABC, NBC, CBS and even Fox gave those figures; however the CBS headline only said “thousands.” Dan Rather’s ghost must still haunt the editorial rooms. Interestingly, The British Daily Mail newspaper reported “up to two million.”
Early on, someone erroneously reported that ABC had said “two million.” ABC later reported an estimate of 60,000-70,000. That quickly became the news of the hour, as the Leftist netroots sought to discredit the event by focusing on this mistake, even accusing Michelle Malkin of somehow posting a fake screenshot of the march. They later recanted, but continued to accuse her of inflating the attendance numbers, a charge easily disputed by just reading what she said.
Surprisingly, MSNBC’s Tom Costello disputed NBC’s own reported “tens of thousands” which they claim came from Park Police. (Since the “Million Man March,” which the National Park Service estimated at much less than one million, they no longer provide formal estimates.) Costello said that "Our own people (NBC's) say in the hundreds of thousands." Surprisingly His report was perhaps the most honest, straightforward report of anything I saw from the networks. See it here.
I think NBC got it right. Here is a series of time lapse photos of the march from 8:00 am to 11:30am. The crowd was constantly anywhere from 25 to 50 abreast. I know. I walked in the middle of it, along the sidewalks to move forward quicker, and around the entire circuit, up to and beyond Senate Park. At times, we were so crammed together, breathing became strained. Taking the low number, and assuming a line of 25 crossing a given point every second for three-and-a-half hours, gives you about 300,000. Whatever the actual number, it was certainly magnitudes greater than “tens of thousands.”
It was fun checking out all the signs. I took tons of pictures. The collage below is just a few of the many good ones I saw.
The chants were great too. As one blogger related:Chants on the march included "Shut down ACORN!" and "Boot Charlie Rangel!" and "Don't tread on me." There was not a single "Hey Hey/Ho Ho" in evidence. Songs included "Glory Hallelujah" and "My Country 'Tis of Thee." The most moving chant might have been when we walked past the Newseum, with its ginormous carving of the First Amendment on the side, and the crowd spontaneously said "Read that wall! Read that wall!"
I was in the crowd that began shouting “Read that wall!” as we passed the Newseum. It was indeed ironic to see the First Amendment covering the entire front of that ten story building, and to consider how vicious, unprincipled and dishonest the MSM have been in their attempts to shut us up. I joined in the chorus with enthusiasm.
My two favorites though, were “You Lie!” and “Here we are!” the latter being Steve Elliot’s retort to Barack Obama’s insulting threat, “we will call you out,” which prompted a riotous uproar.
I only saw a few astroturfers at the entire event: one lonely, frightened looking ACORN girl trying desperately not to be noticed, and a singing troupe. This was obviously a professional gathering. The men were dressed in tuxedos and women in formal black dresses. They sang a well-rehearsed song about loving the evil Blue Cross/Blue Shield just as it was, and held perfectly printed signs, like “Our Death Panel Turns a Profit” and “Let them Eat Advil.”
The satire of course, was meant to convey that this is what the “status quo” gets you: bad, expensive coverage. It was a prime example of the Left’s typical non-sequitur argument: things are terrible now and you’re terrible for resisting change. The argument illogically never considers that "change" could make things worse. Newsflash: things can always get worse, and under Socialism, they always do.
Here's a great short video of march highlights. See a good Glenn Beck video about the march too, with added comments by Chuck Norris.
Meanwhile, Obama fled to Minnesota for the weekend, finding, not surprisingly, an adoring crowd to sit raptly at his feet while he expounded on the virtues of his health plan as counterpoint to the march. The White House laughingly denied having any prior knowledge of the march. As the Washington Examiner reported:On Friday the White House claimed they had no idea the rally was even planned. A ridiculous assertion that shows how dismissive the Obama administration and the Democrat-led Congress are of those who oppose their agenda. It is impossible to believe that President Obama knew nothing of the event. The denial is a perfect example of why the President is losing the trust of many Americans. He stretches his credibility to its limits, and beyond.
All it all it was a great day for America. The sleeping giant has awoken again. We are on the march, literally. Now the work begins.SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 05, 2009
Fantastic Interview with David Horowitz
Jack makes the point that not only should we turn over Congress in 2010, but we should use the momentum we now have to roll back the entire destructive Leftist enterprise. For example, stop supporting "art" that isn't. Stop supporting movies, books and news columns that trash America and promote immorality. Bring to an end the Cultural Marxists' efforts to destroy our culture. In addition to excising the leftists from politics, an even more important task is to remove them from their dominance of popular culture. Let's take this opportunity to get rid of their destructive influence once and for all, and take back the country we know and love!
By Dr. Jack Wheeler
Those who suffered through being an English major in college may recognize the literary referent.
In an essay written in 1924 entitled "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown," the English author Virginia Woolf makes the following comment:
"On or about December, 1910, human character changed. . . . All human relations have shifted-those between masters and servants, husbands and wives, parents and children. And when human relations change there is at the same time a change in religion, conduct, politics, and literature. Let us agree to place one of these changes about the year 1910."
The liberal craziness of our day - whether in religion, conduct, politics, literature, or art - is often sourced to that period of cultural insanity known as The Sixties, with its LSD-addled hippies, student riots, the hate-America radicalization of the media, academia, and the Democrat Party, and other such lunatic catastrophes.
But the Sixties had antecedents, which can be traced back to the emergence of a movement called modernism. Virginia Woolf and her "Bloomsbury Group" (named after the London neighborhood where she and its initial members lived) considered themselves founders of the movement, pegging its unveiling at a 1910 London exhibition of "modern art" held by the Curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Roger Fry.
Modernism and its efflorescence "post-modernism" is a world-view based on the rejection of rationality and objective reality. There is no such thing as truth - it's all a matter of opinion - so of what use is reason as an attempt to discern something that doesn't exist? It quickly follows there is no such thing as objective standards of morality or anything else.
In art, depiction of reality degenerated into grotesque distortion (see Picasso), then meaningless blobs of splattered paint that anyone's four year-old daughter could make (see Pollock), then the very definition of art as "the desire to destroy beauty" (quote by abstract painter Barnett Newman).
In literature, plots, narration, and characters were replaced by unintelligible "streams of consciousness" (see Virginia Woolf or James Joyce). In music, classical rhythm and melody were replaced by atonal dissonance (try listening to Schoenberg). In philosophy and politics, realism and capitalism were replaced by relativism and Marxist fascism.
Typical excrescences of modernism have been arrogant sneering at "bourgeois morality" with a flaunting of homosexuality and promiscuity (rampant in the Bloomsbury Group); arrogant sneering at any and all values of Western Civilization, with sympathy or spying for the Soviet Union, or now Moslem terrorists*, as a result; and the racist, sexist hatred of gender feminists who blame all the ills of society on heterosexual white men.
(*The German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, 1928-2007, heralded as "one of the great visionaries of 20th century music," proclaimed the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001 was "the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos.")
One hundred years of all this lunacy is enough. So here's a modest proposal.
All decent Americans can now hardly wait for the November 2010 mid-term elections to inflict a devastating defeat on the Democrats, with Pelosi and Reid and Waxman and Murtha et al thrown out of power and the current occupant of the White House humiliatingly regarded as a one-term lame duck loser.
Well, that's fine and dandy, looking forward to it - but how about something a tad more ambitious? Something like using the mid-term Dem Debacle as a springboard for junking the entire liberal intellectual agenda.
Doesn't that sound refreshing? Realism in the arts instead of smart-aleck pretentiousness, a confidence in the existence of independent reality instead of pretending it doesn't, pride in bourgeois values of personal responsibility and love of family, an assertion that not all cultures are morally equal - that ours, for example, is in objective fact morally superior to one that enslaves Tibet or imprisons infibulated women in burqas.
This will not be done overnight. It was Italian (actually Sardinian-Albanian) Marxist-Leninist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) who designed the liberal agenda as a "long march through the institutions," steadily seizing ideological control over education, entertainment, the arts, literature, politics, and all other aspects of a culture.
So let's begin our long march through the institutions 100 years after the Left began theirs - beginning with attacking the Left's denial of human nature.
Virginia Woolf could claim that "human character changed" in 1910 because cultural institutions had changed - that is, for the Left, human nature is a "social construct," a "product of the environment." There is only "nurture," there is no "nature" for humans, who thus can be molded like putty into what fascists and bureaucrats desire.
100 years ago, the Woolfs and Gramscis could make that claim. By now, there are overwhelming amounts of evidence from multiple sciences - neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, evolutionary anthropology, evolutionary psychology, behavioral genetics, to name a few - that refute the Left's claim of cultural relativism and demonstrate that there is a universal human nature wired by our common evolution as a species into our genes and present in all human cultures without exception.
Anthropologist Donald Brown has identified over 200 such Human Universals present in all cultures. In addition to basics like use of fire or language with grammar, every human culture on earth has hairstyles, dances, jokes, meal times, rape and proscriptions against it, tickling, proverbs, toys, marriage, gossip, art, music, inheritance rules, feasting... it goes on and on and on.
Armed with this irrefutable array of evidence of a universal human identity - and thus a universal human morality in accordance with it - we can launch a devastating counter-attack on "multi-culti" liberal relativism. We can drive home the reality that Liberalism and all forms of Marxist leftism are anti-human because they deny a common human identity.
The first step in this process is for the Town Hall/Tea Party folks to get this into the thick skulls of Republican politicians. This week (9/01), the best political pollster in the business, Rasmussen, found that a majority (55%) of Republican voters think Republicans in Congress are too liberal - and an overwhelming majority (84%) believe that their Congressistas should not sell out and work with Zero in the name of "bipartisanship."
The message of Republican voters is clear: no more RINOs! With that, Dem political power can be demolished, and we can begin the task of demolishing 100 years of Marxist cultural-intellectual-political insanity with a resurgence of rationality.
Then, perhaps by 2024 some brilliant young conservative intellectual will observe that "On or about December 2010, human character changed" back to what it always was after a century of Marxist perversion, and that Ronald Reagan's prediction that Marxism would end up on the ash heap of history had at lastculturally come true.
[Note: For a devastatingly comprehensive and enjoyable refutation of liberal myths regarding our species, see The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Stephen Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard University.]
© 2009 To The Point NewsTHURSDAY, JULY 30, 2009
Incisive Article by Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell is one of our country's greatest living economists/analysts. It is telling that this black man gets zero, repeat ZERO coverage from the mass media. He is to them, of course, a heretic. But like most people so branded by the Western media today, he earns that badge of honor by telling the unvarnished truth. This article is brief and to the point.
Disaster in the Making:
Obama’s repeated demonstrations of his amateurism and immaturity.
By Thomas Sowell
After many a disappointment with someone, and especially after a disaster, we may be able to look back at numerous clues that should have warned us that the person we trusted did not deserve our trust.
When that person is the president of the United States, the potential for disaster is virtually unlimited...
Youtube Rendition of Manufactured Crisis Strategy
Pretty creative! Someone in McCain/Palin was thinking. Too bad no one saw it.FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009
Youtube Rendition of Manufactured Crisis Strategy
Pretty creative! Someone in McCain/Palin was thinking. Too bad no one saw it.THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2009
By Richard Roberts
©Richard Roberts 6/7/09
After reading James Simpson’s expose of the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy America, I contacted him and informed him of the Baran-Wallerstein strategy with a similar purpose, utilized by Russia and China. This article is the result of that conversation with him.
How Marxism prepared America for the coming Obamanation
My eight year newsletter began on 9/15/01 with a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle entitled “Unholy War and Symbolic Terrorism.” When the Twin Towers were leveled on 9/11, there was much speculation in the media as to who the culprits might be, but if it had any intelligence on the perpetrators, the government was not saying. But neither the CIA nor the media are well-schooled when it comes to history. These excerpts from my letter identify the causes and the culprits for 9/11:
While the talking heads in the media speculate on the identity of the terrorist group responsible for the September 11, 2001 “Attack on America,” utterly lost upon them are the implications for the future of America implicit in the significance of the date of the attack. We are looking at a bloody future indeed, which the terrorists are symbolically telling us will not end until there is a Palestinian state, or that the land on which Israel stands is returned to Arab autonomy, thus my reference to “symbolical terrorism.” Although the attack may have had the blessing and the financial backing of Osama bin Laden, the “Black September” splinter group of Palestinian terrorists probably planned and carried out the attack. . . .
Without any hard evidence or intelligence to substantiate my theory, I base it solely upon the symbolical terrorism implicit in the date of the attack, and its relevance to other operations carried out in the past by Black September, and also by their modus operandi of plane hijackings. Let us begin with their origins in the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine(PFLP), which on September 6, 1970, hijacked TWA and Swissair planes and diverted them to Dawson Field, some 30 miles from Amman, Jordan’s capitol. A week later, a Pan Am Boeing 747 was hijacked and blown up.
In September 1971, the PLO met in Damascus to set future policy. Although at the 1971 Damascus meeting, Arafat actively opposed terrorism under the umbrella of the PLO, members of the PFLP and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) then organized a new group, Black September, which contained their most radical elements. In November 1971, in Cairo Black September shot the Jordanian Prime Minister Wash Tel, and as he lay in a pool of blood, one of the assassins bent down and lapped up some of his blood, while shouting to astounded bystanders that he and his henchmen were “Black September!” Tel was in Cairo for an Arab League meeting, but thus did Black September declare to the world and Arabs in particular that murder and not negotiation would be their “solution” to the Palestinian Question. Most of the Arab world was even more appalled than the West. . .
But the worse their publicity, the better Black September likes it, and in September 1972, they got the attention of the whole world when they murdered eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. Now in order to comprehend what sort of unmitigated barbarism we faced in the Attack on America, and we shall face in the future, the “symbolic terrorism” first has to be comprehended. On September 11, 1922, a British Mandate was declared in Palestine, over the objections of most Arabs. Part of this territory became the State of Israel. Fifty years later to the month, Black September killed the eleven Israeli athletes. On September 11, 2001, the Attack on America occurred. One needs to visualize the international members of Black September lapping up the blood of our thousands of victims to realize the relish they take in such terrorism, and also the enormity of the evil which we confront. [End of article to The Chronicle].
So immediately after 9/11 Marxists here and abroad were preparing us for the coming of the Obamanation, a world in which politically correct diplomacy would take precedence over preemption of terrorism. On 10/4/01, I again submitted an article on 9/11 to the Chronicle’s Open Forum. On Monday, 10/8/01, I opened the Chronicle to read an Open Forum article, “A Living Memorial,” published instead of my article, written by Charlene Spretnak, “co-founder of the Green Party of America.” The article depressed me acutely, for it made me aware that all my years of effort in writing this book are probably in vain, for the country is lost, lost to Marxist-Nihilism certainly, which is the result of our being unable to reason. We have become “feelings-based” animals, reacting with inappropriate emotional responses in this moment of national crisis which cries out for us to see the truth about our enemy through the fog of two generations of brainwashing.
Moreover, my depression was caused by the awareness that the Chronicle had the power to foist the Marxism in Spretnak’s article on tens of thousands of its readers, repeated of course in variation by other Leftist papers across America, while my own newsletter and this book, which demonstrably presents “the whole truth about the dangers we face,” would reach only a handful of readers.
But judge for yourselves. Here is the essence of the Spretnak “Open Forum,” but because it is so feelings-based, it is often difficult to comprehend where tenuous emotion leaves off and rationality begins. She desires “a living memorial” for the victims of September 11, but is disappointed that many “of my acquaintances have ‘moved on’ to the usual ‘rational’ ways of thinking and speaking about current issues, which seems [sic] disconnected from our deeper experience of late.”
Having said that in the first paragraph, she goes on to use the word “grounding,” twice with the adjective “deep” modifying it, and also modified by “profound,” and also as “the truth of a grounding deeper than emotion.” She wants to make “this new grounding our living memorial for the victims of September 11.”
So it was inevitable that I would confront editor Kazakoff on the phone as follows:
KAZAKOFF: I did receive your article, but it’s too sensational to publish.
ROBERTS: What’s sensational about it?
KAZAKOFF: Those references to “lapping up blood.”
ROBERTS: That’s what Black September did.
KAZAKOFF: Well, I can’t check all those things you say.
ROBERTS: You can find news stories about Black September by doing a search on the Internet.
KAZAKOFF: I know, but it’s too sensational. At this time, we want a more reasoned discussion.
ROBERTS: Well, I’m reading what you published today in Open Forum and it’s got all the Marxist arguments I warned about in my article. For example, we won’t be safe from terrorism “unless we recognize and address in some manner the various grievances of the Islamic populations. . . . [who] feel increasingly disempowered and helpless in relation to globalized economic domination by American corporations. . . .” That’s Marxism—blaming America for the terrorism.
KAZAKOFF: She’s not a Marxist. She founded the Green Party.
ROBERTS: Well, the language and party line are 100% Marxist.
KAZAKOFF: We want alternative viewpoints, but I can’t publish something as sensationalist as yours.
ROBERTS: You don’t think the manner in which the World Trade Building was taken down was sensational? That’s the whole truth of the enemy we face, and the sooner America wakes up to it, the better off we’ll be.
By now, these first two articles of which you have seen only brief excerpts, had gone out to friends as the start of a weekly newsletter. The third followed on 10/21/01, “Marxism’s and Islamism’s Promise of Paradise.”
The Attack on America may be the wake-up call we needed to prepare ourselves for further attacks by Marxist-Nihilism without and within. Then again, it may not! Marxist-Nihilism may be so ingrained in American minds after two generations of brainwashing in schools and universities, and by the media, that many of our people cannot hold in mind any thought other than America is to blame. Even in light of the attack, the Leftist media continues to disseminate that Marxist party line.
My conversation with Kazakoff of the Chronicle ended when I remarked that Spretnak’s Green Party words that America’s “corporate presence in their countries. . . . results in destructive and even murderous ideologies, now as always,” reflected exactly the thrust of bin Laden’s response to our attacks on Afghanistan, reprinted in its entirety that very same day. So whereas the Chronicle provided America’s greatest enemy with a forum, they shut out of the public “Open Forum” my criticism of bin Laden’s murderous Black September faction, and instead provided a forum for one who validated bin Laden’s “Hate America” vitriol, under the p.c. guise of “a living memorial.”
Meanwhile, back in the 1990s I had written “America Hijacked: How Marxist-Nihilism Infiltrated America.” In this unpublished book, I devoted a chapter to each group infiltrated by Marxism: The media, education, feminism, the Gay-Liberation movement, the Environmental movement, the Churches, etc. So the events that ensued after 9/11 demonstrated further the groundwork being laid for the coming of a closet Communist like Obama.
In March 2003 I discovered Lee Harris, who named the Baran-Wallerstein theory of America as “Eminent Evil” in an 11-page article.
Lee Harris cites two Marxists, Paul Baran and Immanuel Wallerstein, as advocates of the thesis that America has caused “global immiserization,” and thus names his theory after them. My role has been to rebut the thesis on my website, and to document in hundreds of newsletters since 2003 how Communism’s alliances with Islamofascism became the STRATEGY to destroy the West.
This originally created KGB doctrine of Blame America First has been spouted by Obama ever since he became President. Lest we forget, his first broadcast after attaining the Presidency was on Arab TV, and his popularity abroad can be directly attributed to his belief in the Baran-Wallerstein theory. In view of that, how could anyone doubt that he is a Communist? In order to rebut this theory, I set up in 2006 a website entitled “Suffering Fools Badly.”
I first mentioned him in my 3/23/03 newsletter “Confirmation of Worldwide Communist Conspiracy against America.” His first two paragraphs began as follows:
A specter haunts the world, and that specter is America. This is not the America discoverable in the pages of a world atlas, but a mythical America that is the target of the new form of anti-Americanism that Salman Rushdie, writing in the Guardian (February 6, 2002), says “is presently taking the world by storm” and that forms the subject of a Washington Post essay by Martin Kettle significantly entitled “U.S. Bashing: It’s All The Rage In Europe” (January 7, 2002). It is an America that Anatol Lieven assures us, in a recent article in the London Review of Books, is nothing less than “a menace to itself and to mankind” and that Noam Chomsky has repeatedly characterized as the world’s major terrorist state.
But above al it is the America that is responsible for the evils of the rest of the world. As Darius Fo, the winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize for literature, put it in a notorious post-September 11 email subsequently quoted in the New York Times (September 22, 2001): “The great speculators [of American capitalism] wallow in an economy that every years kills tens of millions of people with poverty [in the Third World]—so what is 20,000 dead in New York? Regardless of who carried out the massacre [of 9-11], this violence is the legitimate daughter of the culture of violence, hunger and inhumane exploitation.”
On 4/15/03, my weekly newsletter was entitled “The Secret Intelligence on Al-Qaim.”
A symposium in Dec. 2007 provided documentary proof of Sadaam’s missing WMDs.
FP: John Loftus, Dave Gaubatz and Ryan Mauro, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.
John Loftus, let us begin with you.
Your volunteers at the have been examining the secret documents captured from Saddam -- and it appears that they have solved a large part of the mystery of Saddam’s missing WMDs. Correct?
Loftus: Yes, now the truth is beginning to emerge. Saddam's own secret files show that he was lying to the UN, year after year. He told the UN that Iraq had no more WMD after 1991, and would never start those WMD programs again. But his own secret records show that in 2001, 2002, and 2003, Saddam was repeatedly purchasing banned chemicals, covering up radiation leaks, and generally orchestrating a cover-up.
Are the records genuine? We had NSA check the audiotapes to make sure it was Saddam's own voiceprint. It is. Now, why would Saddam and his top aides record all those tapes year after year and hide the forgeries in secret vaults? There are three shelf miles of paper records. What is the point? These are secret internal records, it is not as if he was using them in public to fool the Iranians into thinking he had WMD. These records almost did not even make it onto the light of day. They were buried amid a forest of documents that might not have been reviewed for decades, if ever. I cannot think of any explanation but these are genuine secret archives of Saddam's innermost feelings at his innermost meetings.
Moreover, at the time people like Dave Gaubatz and John Shaw were putting their statements on the record about how the WMD ended up in Syria, they did not know that we would get circumstantial corroboration from Saddam's own files. Statistically, this is beyond the realm of possibility of fabrication. . . .
Mauro: Mr. Loftus earlier mentioned Dr. Jack Shaw, who as deputy undersecretary for international technology security, tracked the WMD with some help from Ukrainian intelligence to Syria and Lebanon. The Ukrainians even had the names of the Russian Spetsnaz officers involved in the transfers. The Russian element shouldn't be surprising. The documents show that Russia passed on key details of the U.S. war plan to Iraq, and that Iraq was working to bring countries like Russia, France and China to their side using "economical agreements." Others previously published show that Russia even spied on Tony Blair for Iraq.
James Clapper from the National Imagery Agency also saw [by satellite]the convoys leaving Iraq traveling through al-Qaim to Syria. I can confirm this element of Shaw's testimony, as I have communicated with a military source who spoke to an Iraqi who used to be an Iraqi Intelligence Service captain, and had then joined the National Guard. He spoke of seeing guarded convoys travel through al-Qaim avoiding the populated areas in the months before the invasion, and why he believed they contained WMD. . . .
At this point, I began to suspect that Leftist moles in the Bush administration were undermining our security. For example, when satellite pictures showed convoys of Russian trucks moving to Syria through Al-Qaim, John Shaw, the man who revealed this publicly was summarily fired, and the report denied, suggesting that the Bush administration was turning a blind eye to Russia’s role in preserving Saddam’s rule, and along with China and North Korea, enabling Islamofascism against us. Why? Evidently to continue the charade that these Communist countries were aiding us in the war against terrorism!
Thus, what I called a Baran-Wallerstein strategy, as opposed to the theory, would be a worldwide enabling of terrorism against the West. Moreover, the strategy not only would have a military aspect to it, but also an economic strategy to weaken the West by cornering oil and other commodities necessary for modern industrial countries to survive. Putin has already used this tactic to cut off heating oil in winter to Western block supporters. But the tactic of the economic side of B-W is thousands of years old. Wikipedia has this general definition
However, at my website I document that this ancient Chinese game is in effect the game plan for the Baran-Wallerstein economic strategy, found in a 9/10/06 article on my site.
Baran-Wallerstein strategy is not a conspiracy theory, because over the years I have provided my readers with the facts and evidence which support it. Now as we move to the third level of B-W viewed as a board game, it is even easier to see how business deals made and being made by Communist nations are calculated in the long term to bring America and the West to their economic knees, a strategy very similar to the ancient Chinese game of Go.
Baran-Wallerstein Strategy Likened to Chinese Board Game “Go.”
Now let us move to the third level of the B-W strategy considered as a board game. Here, of course, we would see tokens representing an hundred tanks, missiles, WMDs (some buried in Syria), and naval assets, plus defensive and satellite systems. In this respect, the board might resemble a traditional war game, except for the fact that oil is the mother’s milk of warfare. And this is where China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and other nations in alliance with them, have outsmarted us, and Bush can do little about it because of the Fifth Column in the environmental movement. The fact is that the Chinese have played a board game called “Go” for more than 2,000 years. The Baran-Wallerstein strategy is a replication of tactics in this game whereby it seems to me that because of what is now in place on the international scene, Communism cannot lose a war with us once the actual shooting begins.[End of excerpt from Board Game GO and the relation to Baran-Wallerstein strategy].
Thus when I read James Simpson’s expose of the Cloward-Piven strategy,,
it was apparent that that and Baran-Wallerstein were twin pinchers of strategies calculated to destroy America from within and without.MONDAY, JUNE 08, 2009
WMD Slam Dunk Never Reported
This is old news, but I remain incredibly frustrated by it. It is worth reviewing today if only as a defiant stick in the eye to remind the Left that we weren’t all fooled.
With the complicity of allies in the bureaucracy, the mass media/Leftist/Democrat alliance relentlessly promoted the myth that no weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological or chemical) existed in Iraq to justify invasion, to the point where today it is accepted as fact.
But it is a patent fraud made all the more infuriating because these same people who promoted it knew the truth. Indeed many of them publicly demanded Saddam divest himself of WMD right up to the moment we invaded, and had we not done so, would have certainly accused Bush and the Republicans of weakness.
Ken Timmerman's 2006 article, Ex Officio: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD describes how Russian Special Forces dismantled and moved the entire WMD program to Syria and Lebanon in late 2002 just before we invaded. I have independent confirmation from a highly placed source within the U.S. intelligence community that satellite photos showing this move exist, and he has seen them.
But more to the point, this entire caper is academic. The Russians have long had policies in place with all their client states regarding destruction of WMD stockpiles to avoid discovery in the event of invasion. This policy was explained in detail by Ion Pacepa, former head of Romanian intelligence, who defected to the west. You can read his description of it here. And as Timmerman's article confirms: "this type [of] GRU operation, known as "Sarandar," or "emergency exit," has long been familiar to U.S. intelligence officials from Soviet-bloc defectors as standard GRU practice."
Why would our intelligence agencies suppress what they know to be true? Why would they ignore simple facts? That WMD existed in Iraq and that Saddam was doing everything he could to hide them was apparent to anyone who examined the situation at all. Even without prima facie evidence, any student of Soviet military tactics knows such deception activities are doctrine with Russia and its client states.
CIA Director George Tenet said the existence of WMD in Iraq was a "slam dunk." Most prominent politicians agreed with him at the time, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Frenchie John Kerry and practically the entire band of Senate knaves. And they had many more opportunities than Bush to debunk this intelligence, had they really doubted it, having been briefed about Saddam’s programs throughout the 1990s.
But suddenly Bush the Texas drawling, knuckle-dragging moron, fresh off the cattle drive from Hicksville, becomes Bush the Machiavellian genius, able to hustle brilliant Washington intellects like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton with a folksy “Howdy Y’All,” a smile and a breezy wave of his hand.
Now, yes, I agree, the Washington “intellectuals” grossly overrate their brilliance, but even Al Gore is not that stupid.
There is little doubt that Congressional Democrats and their allies in the CIA and the defense bureaucracy, enabled by a complicit press, conducted a massive campaign of disinformation to discredit the Bush administration's claims regarding WMD. In so doing they discredited the entire war effort, a legacy which gave us this despicable, despotic Congress, the current walking disaster of a President, a weakened defense/intelligence establishment – discredited yet again by another self-serving Democrat disinformation campaign – and a bad name throughout the world.
And they claimed to be the "loyal opposition?" That’s a joke, but it’s not funny. The Democrats have revealed themselves to be utterly self-serving and institutionally corrupt. This fact is clear for anyone with opened eyes to see.
That George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans did not soundly slap them down with the facts remains a burning mystery and an ignoble failure that utterly buries the many good things this President did.
As a writer I found myself in the baffling, frustrating position of trying to defend the eminently defensible policies of a President who stubbornly refused to defend himself.
Bush began his presidency with clear ideas and good policies, and with a Republican Congress, gave us tax and regulatory relief, regulatory and political stability, and seven years without a terrorist attack. But when the viciously jealous, unforgiving, compulsively anti-American leftist Washington establishment turned up the heat, just like his father before him, W. Bush ultimately caved. And like his father, doing so cost the Republican Party dearly.
That failure eclipsed all else. For now we are confronted with a Washington political leadership of pure evil – bent on destruction of this country as we know it, apparently for nothing more than their own aggrandizement and enrichment. It is disgusting and disheartening to witness. I hope we are able recover from what they are doing to us. If so, perhaps someday I will be able to find it in my heart to forgive G.W. Bush and the hapless Republicans who helped him and this country attempt to commit political suicide.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
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Britannia Radio