April 16, 2011UK Crusader Challenges Elite Tyranny
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Left, Anthony John Hill
"All of the courts are "her majesty's" courts and ALL of the judges have sworn an oath to, and draw their authority from, the queen. But if she is a fraud, then NONE of the courts are operating lawfully since they gain their authority from her."
By Debra Siddons
(for henrymakow.com)
Are you looking for a way out of the System?
A unique opportunity has presented itself to create a new government in a peaceful and logical manner. We don't have to take up arms. All that is required is our solidarity and support for someone who is doing the hard work for us all.
That man is Anthony John Hill.
He is striking at the very heart of the NWO. He needs our support right now, not only for his benefit but for OURS. And all we have to do is spread the word to everyone we can.
The essence of this unique and unprecedented opportunity rests in an unusual court case involving John Hill, Producer of the documentary film "7/7 Ripple Effect" which can be googled and downloaded for free. Please see http://jforjustice.co.uk/77/
The 7/7/2005 London bombings were a false-flag terror attack orchestrated by the British government against the British people, much like 9/11.
The film exposes this in less than an hour using nothing but mainstream media reports which is why the British government has been persecuting John Hill for more than two years.
THEY don't want you to watch the film because it leaves no reasonable doubt in the rational mind of the guilt of the British government and the mainstream media, who all work for the same person...
Elizabeth Battenberg/Mountbatten, also known as Elizabeth II, has been fraudulently pretending to be the queen now for 58 years.
To better understand just how evil this really is, it must be understood that she is the richest woman on the planet.
She is the single largest landholder, reportedly owning over 6600 million acres, which is 1/6 of the present land-mass of this planet.
She is the head of the United Kingdom and all of the Commonwealth countries. She is the head of the Church of England. She is the head of the Committee of 300. She is at the top of the NWO power structure.
For Americans who may be wondering why this is important to them, she controls the U.S. as well, through the banks and the legal system.
The same group of people who own the Bank of England own the Federal Reserve. The B.A.R. association serveS her. B.A.R. stands for "British Accreditation Registry". Most congressmen and US judges are lawyers.
The John Hill case is about proving that Elizabeth II is a fake. A fraud. A criminal impersonating the monarchy. And John Hill has rock-solid proof.
This is why THEY imprisoned him for 150 days, officially for sending DVDs of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" to a U.K. court as an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the court) brief. (He was recently released on bail.)
He sent the DVDs after both the judge and the QC barrister lied to the jurors about the guilt of the four alleged 7/7 suicide bombers. They rewarded him by arresting him and threatening him with life in prison.
This gross injustice has afforded John Hill the opportunity to challenge the authority and the jurisdiction of the so-called "queen" and expose her as a fraud.
All of the courts are "her majesty's" courts and ALL of the judges have sworn an oath to, and draw their authority from, the queen. But if she is a fraud (and she is a fraud), then NONE of the courts are operating lawfully since they gain their authority from her.
It is this contradiction in the legal system that John Hill will be exposing in painstaking detail at the trial. Please see this article for more details about the case.
It's about proving that Elizabeth II is a fake. A fraud. A criminal
impersonating the monarchy. And John Hill has rock-solid proof that
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg/Mountbatten knowingly, and with
malice-aforethought, was UNLAWFULLY crowned upon a fake Coronation
Stone. John Hill also has documented proof that she has violated her
Coronation oath at least 3401 times to date, even if she had been
lawfully crowned in the first place, which she most definitely was
John Hill is now awaiting this trial on May 9th, 2011 in the Southwark Crown court in London, England. Please see http://mtrial.org for the latest details in the case.
He needs our support, and more importantly WE need him to win. This is our opportunity to make a REAL difference in this world. Will YOU finally take action against this sea of hatred or will you fade into the shadows? There are a number of ways to support this effort. First of all, please spread the word. Contact any and all media outlets. Tell your friends. Spread the word any way you can. You cannot afford to sit idly by on this one. And for any of you that have the means, be there at the Southwark Crown court in London on the 9th of May. Overfill the courtroom. Show the system that we will not go down without a fight.
As you know, the NWO puppet governments don't want to surrender their power peacefully, so they will try to cheat somehow. The more people that are watching this trial, and in attendance that day, the harder it will be for the system to cheat.
If the idea of a peaceful revolution interests you, then please spread this information to everyone that you know that cares about freedom and justice. Do it right now and make sure it gets done. You know you've never seen anything like this before. Opportunity knocks only once and this is a fight or die situation for all of us.
This is not only an unprecedented opportunity, it's a blueprint. Once this idea is proven in England, peaceful and lawful revolutions can take place in the USA, Canada Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, etc. Or we can wait around to be exterminated just as the NWO has told us they are going to do to most of us. Simple choice really.
This is our most desperate hour. Our actions now can change this world forever for the better. Our inaction will result in the suffering and deaths of billions. Do the right thing, and you will be giving yourselves and your loved ones a fighting chance to survive by breaking this legislative stranglehold and delivering this crucial blow to the NWO.
Godspeed to you Anthony John Hill and thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for all you are doing.
Debra Siddons works as a freelance reporter and Truth activist,
covering topics of religious, political, and historical importance.
She can be contacted at online.debra@gmail.com
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Britannia Radio