Wednesday, 6 April 2011


The UN Charter Cannot Support GA Resolution 377


The Jerusalem Post published on March 25, 2011: Israel “only just found out” about Resolution 377. This “just found topic” has been covered by me in various publications since 2004. The responsibility to act on it was and still is the business of the Government of Israel and its UN representatives.

ICJ – Bypassing the UN Security Council

In an odd conclusion, the ICJ ‘found’ in this case a “failure of the Security Council to discharge its responsibilities [E.H., without any reference to law] then in defiance of the limited powers delegated to it by the UN Charter, by-passed the Security Council’s powers and responsibilities.

Bypassing the Security Council is part of a broader campaign that should alarm all members of the Security Council, and the United States in particular. Nabil Elaraby, the Egyptian member of the ICJ Bench, openly advocated two main vehicles for...

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Muslim victimization in US debunked

New Study on Hate Crimes Debunks the Myth of a Growing
Trend in Muslim Victimization

March 29, 2011 – The Center for Security Policy today released a revised edition of their groundbreaking longitudinal study, Religious Bias Crimes 2000-2009: Muslim, Jewish and Christian Victims – Debunking the Myth of a Growing Trend in Muslim Victimization, based on FBI statistics reported annually in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. The Center’s study contradicts the assertions that religious bias crimes against Muslims have increased, and that the alleged cause is widespread “Islamophobia” in America.

In fact, the study shows that religious bias crimes – also known as hate crimes – against Muslim Americans, measured by the categories of incidents, offenses or victims, have remained relatively low with a downward trend since 2001, and are significantly less than the numbers of bias crimes against Jewish victims.

The Center’s study also...

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Israel and Hamas near a Spring war


After nearly two months of rising tension, Israel and Hamas have taken a step towards a full-blown military confrontation: Before dawn Saturday, April 2, an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades gunmen in the Gaza Strip in an operation described by an Israeli army spokesman as pre-empting a major Palestinian terror-cum-kidnap campaign scheduled for Passover. A fourth Palestinian was seriously injured by the airborne missile which struck their car between Khan Younes and Deir el Balakh.

The Hamas Brigades warned Israel its “dangerous escalation” would have “consequences.”

debkafile’s military and intelligence sources predict that the war confrontation which Saturday brought closer to realization will be unlike any previous Israel-Palestinian showdowns in the sense that it will be less the product of the old Middle East order and fall more under the influence of the...

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Iran squares off against Saudi Arabia over Bahrain’s annexation


The accord reached between Saudi King Abdullah and the Bahraini monarch Hamas bin Isa Al Khalifa for the oil island’s virtual annexation by Riyadh has so incensed Tehran that armed Iranian-Saudi clashes with the potential for all-out warfare may soon become unavoidable, debkafile’s Iranian and Gulf sources estimate. Shiite-ruled Iraq would back Tehran in the first Shiite-Sunni collision to be sparked by the wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world – in contrast to the domestic discord raging in Libya and Yemen.

In the third week of March, debkafile reveals, King Hamad agreed to hand over to Riyadh control Bahrain’s defense, external, financial and domestic security affairs. The Saudi king’s son Prince Mutaib was confirmed by the two monarchs as commander of the Saudi and GCC forces invited to enter the tiny kingdom to put down the Shiite-led uprising, and it was agreed that Saudi Arabia would soon start building a...

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Goldstone Needs To Do Teshuvah


Judge Richard Goldstone’s recent acknowledgement that “civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy” by Israel during Operation Cast Lead could be a game changer — if Goldstone continues to do the right thing.

Goldstone’s reassessment of the conclusions reached in the Goldstone Report pulls the rug out from under those who are currently using the Goldstone Report as a centerpiece of their efforts to accuse Israel of war crimes, to delegitimize the Jewish state in the court of public opinion, to impose boycotts and to suggest a moral equivalence between the democratic nation of Israel and the terrorist-group-cum-“government” of Hamas.

Citing new evidence and reports, the carefully selected chairman of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict — picked by the U.N. precisely because he was a Jewish international lawyer of some repute who would lend credibility to the widely...

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ElBaradie threatens Israel

American-Backed Egyptian “Moderate” (Next President?) Threatens War On Israel!


Everything has been so predictable. Designated “moderate” and U.S.-backed Egyptian leader Muhammad ElBaradei has made a profoundly shocking statement that should change U.S. policy overnight, show how disastrous Obama Administration policy was, and mark the beginning of the coming electoral defeat for the president.

But presumably nothing will change.

ElBaradei, a presidential candidate, said the following:

    “If Israel attacked Gaza we would declare war against the Zionist regime.”

And he’s the moderate! In other words:

–Despite repeated ridiculing of Israeli concerns, it is increasingly likely that the next Egyptian government will tear up the Egypt-Israel peace treaty.

–Egypt will be an ally of Hamas, a revolutionary Islamist terrorist group that openly calls for genocide against Jews and the wiping out of Israel....

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Glick considers consequences of standing strong.

By Caroline Glick, CFP

Richard Goldstone’s repudiation of the eponymous blood libel he authored in 2009 provides a number of lessons about the nature of the political war against the Jewish state and how we must act if we are to defeat it. Learning these lessons is an urgent task as we approach the next phase of the war to delegitimize us.

By all accounts, that phase will culminate in September at the UN General Assembly’s annual conclave in New York. As America marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11 jihadist attacks, the Palestinian Authority’s well-publicized plan to achieve UN recognition of a Palestinian state in all of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and northern, southern and eastern Jerusalem will reach its denouement.

The UN Charter spells out the procedure through which new states receive membership. The procedure dictates that the Security Council must recommend to the General Assembly that a state receive...

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Finklestein to speak at U of B

A school in trouble

By Michael Anbar

The Muslim Student Association (MSA) at the University at Buffalo (UB) is sponsoring a talk by Norman Finkelstein, the notorious Jewish-born, anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli Holocaust denier, who was denied a tenured academic appointment at DePaul University in 2007, after having been fired by NYU and Hunter College because of his misojudaic (aka anti-Semitic; misojudaism = Gr. “hatred of Judaism”; “anti-Semitism” has little meaning) writings did not meet minimal academic standards.

Finkelstein has been invited by the MSA because of his well known misojudaic rhetoric, which is effective being expressed by a Jewish born person. That talk is scheduled to be held on the UB campus on April 6th 2011, allegedly supported by UB funds. There have been official and unofficial protests by numerous Jewish organizations and individuals to different levels of the UB administration. This far the university has refused to take any action to prevent this...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel