A big welcome to The Commentator, the new on-line publication produced by the excellent Robin Shepherd. Robin is a doughty fighter for truth, decency and rationality in the world – and now in The Commentator he has created a vehicle for empowering comrades-in-arms in the defence of civilisation and enabling their voices to be heard too. Today’s inaugural edition sets out its aims: First, to provide a select but high quality quotient of original, featured news (see top middle of front page), focusing on important issues that are either downplayed or ignored by the mainstream media. We envisage reaching 3-5 new items a day. Second, to deliver top class commentary on domestic and international issues from the perspective described above. Think the Guardian's Comment is free, and then imagine its equal and opposite. ... Third, to provide a link aggregator along the lines of the big American services of this type such as Real Clear Politics or theDrudge Report. We aim to provide you with a one stop shop of the most interesting news and comment of the day so you don't need to go to 20 different sites to find it yourself. It also has an exclusive story, that the UK Foreign Office is still upholding the Goldstone Report even though Goldstone himself has now recanted his core claim that the Israelis deliberately targeted civilians and has admitted that the UN Human Rights Council which sponsored the report is driven by an animus against Israel. Here’s hoping that The Commentator becomes a terrific success.Welcome!
Thursday, 7 April 2011
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Britannia Radio