With a Government Shutdown Looming . . . A Federal Debt That Keeps Raging . . . And Intentionally Underreported Inflation and Unemployment Catastrophes Striking . . . Are Obama and Bernanke Sending America (and Your Wealth) on an Unavoidable Collision Course for . . . A 1970s-Style President Ronald Reagan’s Most-Trusted Adviser Reveals a “Hidden” Crisis That Very Well May Be at Our Doorstop . . . What You Are About to See Is: “A Survival Kit For You, For -President Ronald Reagan Click Here to View This Urgent Presentation Now! Dear Harold, Enclosed is a private airing of a video exposé that may alarm you. But before you proceed, I want to mention that President Ronald Reagan knew to trust the source of the information you are about to receive. In fact, this source was one of Reagan’s most respected advisers who helped rebuild this nation during one of our darkest hours. And a man whose work President Reagan described as being: “About choices, risks, freedom, Thanks to this man’s guidance, the investigative report you are about to view will give you the real story about what President Obama and Fed Chief Ben Bernanke are up to. And, more importantly, you’ll discover a plan to protect you and your family’s wealth. So please give this ENTIRE presentation the attention it deserves. You will need all the help you can get right now as your wealth is secretly being threatened by a hidden inflation assault that is being dangerously fueled by the Federal Reserve’s reckless monetary policies. You see, the White House and Ben Bernanke like to tout the “recovery,” but in reality,inflation on energy, food, and other everyday items is outpacing wage growth by a measure of4.38 to 1. So, for every additional $1 you are making thanks to this “recovery,” you are actually spending $4.38 extra at the store and the gas pump. I don’t call that a recovery. Plus, we keep hearing of unemployment levels dropping. But that’s just because our“underemployment” levels are at a historic high. The underemployed are the faithful citizens who will take any job to pay the bills, even if it is only a few hours a week for a fraction of what they were once compensated. I don’t call that a recovery either. What Obama, Bernanke, and the Democrats don’t want to admit is that we have a 1970s-style crisis on our hands now. But it actually may get worse. According to Reagan’s confidant, America’s economy could drop even further into a second Great Depression regardless of what measures we take now to dig ourselves out of this $14.6 trillion-and-growing debt abyss. How safe are you? How safe will your family be? And have you taken the necessary precautions to ensure your wealth survives the aftermath? I want to make sure you are prepared! You can click here to launch a private airing! To Your Success,
Economic Meltdown?
But the White House and Federal Reserve Don’t Want
You to Know About It!
Our Nation, and For Freedom.”
equality, and making a better
future for all of us.”
Aaron DeHoog
Financial Publisher
Newsmax and Moneynews
Thursday, 7 April 2011
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Britannia Radio