Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday Western countries are preparing direct interference in his country's affairs and are trying "to strangle the country with a slipknot." "First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station," Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people. Earlier in the week, Lukashenko hit out at Western powers for "not sending condolences" to the people of Belarus following the April 11 terrorist attack at the Oktyabrskaya subway station in Kiev that killed 13 and wounded over 150 people. "These are all links of one chain aimed to plant mistrust for the authorities and to strangle the country with a slipknot. They want to force us to be just like everybody else, like they are eventually. We are like a bone in their throat," he said. "If they try to bend us, to bring us down to our knees, we will at least resist. We will fight for our plot of land," the president added. Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist since 1994, was reelected in disputed polls in December. Dozens of opposition figures, including political rivals, were arrested after violent protests in Minsk following the announcement of the presidential result. MINSK, April 21 (RIA Novosti) Paul Joseph Watson Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned today that the globalists were preparing to strangle his country because of its refusal to join the new world order, with Belarus set to become the latest target of the contrived "Arab Spring" riots as the NATO powers further encircle Russia and China. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday Western countries are preparing direct interference in his country's affairs and are trying "to strangle the country with a slipknot," reports RIA Novosti. "First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station," Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people." Highlighting how the power elite designates any country that refuses to sacrifice its own sovereignty as a "rogue state," Lukashenko spoke of how the elite, "Want to force us to be just like everybody else, like they are eventually. We are like a bone in their throat." "If they try to bend us, to bring us down to our knees, we will at least resist. We will fight for our plot of land," the president added. Just like Colonel Gaddafi and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Alexander Lukashenko is an autocrat who rules his country with an iron fist, but because he refuses to play ball with the globalists, Belarus has now become the next target of the manufactured global uprising, with US-trained militants waiting in the wings to overthrow Lukashenko and hand the country over to the NATO powers who are busy swallowing up nations as part of their long term agenda to isolate Russia and China. Belarus is in the cross hairs because of its repeated refusal to join NATO, leading globalists at the recent Globsec 2011 conference to declare the country a threat to the EU and NATO. Of course, the tiny Russian satellite state poses no military threat whatsoever, but the notion that any sovereign country would have the gall to want to run its own affairs without being dictated to by global government is intolerable in the eyes of the new world order kingpins. That's why Lukashenko and Belarus were listed by the infamous Freedom House in an article entitled "Who's Next?" that was published in the Council on Foreign Relation's Foreign Policy magazine back in February. While NATO and its allies kill protesters, women and children in Afghanistan, the western media has savaged Lukashenko for cracking down on demonstrations in Minsk. Warmongering US Senator Joe Lieberman also publicly attacked Lukashenko during a speech last month, calling for the Belarusian President to release "activists" who are in fact US-trained militants attempting to overthrow Lukashenko, which might also provide us an indication of who was behind the metro bombing that killed 12 people last week. (ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW) As Tony Cartalucci explains in his excellent article, Besieging Belarus: Next on the Globalists’ Chopping Block, "Of course, these Belarusian activists have been trained, funded, and equipped by the West along side activists that have participated in the now admittedly US-funded “Arab Spring.” Foreign Policy magazine’s article “Revolution U,”reported that the US funded and supported CANVAS organization has trained activists from 50 different countries including Belarus. Shortly after CANVAS, then called Otpor, overthrew Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, they began clandestinely traveling to Belarus to meet with student activists. Ultimately their network was discovered and shut down. They would later infiltrate Georgian and Ukrainian politics and assist in the Rose and Orange color revolutions respectively." "In 2007, the US International Republican Institute (IRI) openly admitted to funding and supporting activists inside Belarus in an appeal to garner similar support from European Union members." The National Democratic Institution (NDI) also admits conducting "democracy assistance programs" in Belarus since 2000, which is merely globalist code for violent destabilization campaigns. Current NDI President Kenneth Wollack, a key Brookings Institute and Council on Foreign Relations member, also gave a speech earlier this yearin which he demanded that Belarus be forced to join the “trans-Atlantic Community" (new world order), and called on the globalists to use the US-trained and funded opposition to fill the “political vacuum when openings occur.” Belarus has blatantly been identified as one of the next dominoes to drop if the globalists can reinvigorate their staged "Arab Spring" which has temporarily ground to a halt in Libya after the failure of NATO-backed rebels to overthrow Gaddafi. The evidence is now overwhelming that the wave of revolutions sweeping the globe which started in Tunisia earlier this year has been completely hijacked by globalist interests and is being used to mop up the few remaining "rogue states," countries like Belarus, that have steadfastly refused to become vassal states for the global elite's march towards world government. By getting out ahead of the turmoil and making it clear that Belarus is in the firing line, Lukashenko is desperately trying to avoid his country from being plundered by neo-colonialists who are in the throws of a massive geopolitical putsch to swallow up every single remaining country into the new world order borg collective. ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.World
President Lukashenko says West trying 'to strangle' Belarus
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Propaganda Matrix
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Friday, 22 April 2011
14:50 21/04/2011
Lukashenko: Globalists Are Preparing To Strangle Belarus
"They want to force us to be just like everybody else....we will resist"
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Britannia Radio