Matthew Yglesias of Think Progress unwisely waded into Israeli politics once again last week, writing about a phenomenon that he terms “post-Jewish Zionism.” This is his theory that Christians and conservatives are becoming increasingly pro-Israel, a concept that isn’t exactly groundbreaking. But according to Yglesias, the impact of this is that American Jews—who are typically politically liberal—are becoming “decreasingly relevant to the politics of Israel.” By Victor Sharpe Jerusalem Unification Day will again be celebrated in Israel and throughout the world with the exception of that 7th century alternate universe: the Muslim world. It marks 44 years since the amazing and miraculous event took place when the Jewish people’s 3,000 year old capital city was restored to the Jewish state in the 1967 Six-Day War. The Legion went on to desecrate the Jewish graves on the ancient Mount of Olives and use the headstones as latrines. They desecrated over 50 synagogues and forbade Jewish pilgrims to worship at their holy places. They had turned... Felix Quigley, who comments on Israpundit, is one of he leading experts on what really happened in Serbia leading up to and including the attack by NATO, updates us in these three articles. Felix and I both drew attention to the concern that Israel may find itself in the same place as Serbia, with the UN or NATO attacking it for defending itself and then unilaterally creating Palestine just as it did Kosovo. Obviously Libya is a current example of the new found jurisdiction for the UN and for NATO. Is Israel next? THE WHOLE OF THE SREBRENICA MASSACRE HOAX WAS BASED ON THE “EVIDENCE” OF A SUPERGRASS TADIC SELLS HIS “SOUL” FOR EU MEMBERSHIP…FIRST RECORDED CASE OF RAT JUMPING ONTO SINKING SHIP! Excerpt: So the arrest of Mladic is in this new situation. It is not the old situation of the war on Yugoslavia at all, perhaps partly, but the new situation is one of the ascent of The Muslim... The killing of Osama Bin Laden by American Navy SEALs forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan in early May represents a new peak in the ongoing tension between the United States and Pakistan regarding the issue of combating terror in general, and in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas within Pakistan’s sovereign territory in particular. Nevertheless, at this stage, the two sides are avoiding an irreparable divide based on their clear mutual interests: Pakistan needs the economic support of the United States and aims to prevent unilateral American backing for India, Pakistan’s bitter rival, and the United States needs comprehensive Pakistani assistance in the war against regional and international terrorist elements – the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and al-Qaeda – whose ability to act against the interests of the United States is dependent, to a large extent, on Pakistan’s policy toward them. ...Ann Barnhardt: Attacks on Israel = Attacks on Humanity
The Left Is Decreasingly Relevant to Politics of Israel
Jerusalem and Judaism are joined at the hip
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Tuesday, 31 May 2011
She says what needs to be said, and she says it well.
Posted by Bill Levinson
5:00 Hatred of Israel = Hatred of Humanity
6:00 Call to exterminate Israel = call to exterminate Humanity. Defense of Israel = defense of all human life.
“The existence of Christian Zionists is, of course, not new,” Yglesias wrote. “But what is new is that Israeli politics has drifted toward the hawkish right over the past ten years even as Jewish Americans remain on the progressive left.”
The insinuation is that American Jews have a more “progressive” perspective on how to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than either Christian Zionists or Israelis themselves, and that these conservatives may hijack the issue and...
For 19 long years, from 1948 to 1967, Jordan had occupied Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and the eastern half of Jerusalem. Only Pakistan and Britain had ever recognized Jordan’s illegal occupation.
The British officered Jordanian Arab Legion had forced out at gunpoint the Jewish residents of the Old City and the neighboring Jewish villages: It was Apartheid and ethnic cleansing, Arab style.
Schweitzer, Yoram and Barak, Dan
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