Gd bless our troops. Obama can puff himself and shamelessly strut like peacock, but hats off to the US military that has been relentless, dogged and brave for ten years in their mission to kill that devout bastard.
Here is the perspective of a military man and one of the most clear-eyed rational Americans. Observations from LTC (ret) Joseph Myers:
I will repeat myself and add that UBL was in an area that was or should have been well within PAK Army and ISI knowledge…he was in no cave and I never thought he was.
My concern is that we are not being played, as we have been in my view repeatedly over there, in that Pakistan coughs up UBL with the hope we declare victory and go home…meanwhile our Islamic jihad problem remains vibrant in Pakistan and across the world as I noted below:
Many of us already recognize that the Muslim Brotherhood is the more insidious threat than AQ….they are advising our senior leaders and have access to all levels of our government and national security apparatus.
…Good news and long overdue, but not the answer to our Islamic jihad problem.
It is here, it is clear to those who want to see it unlike our Department of Justice that has scuttled terror prosecutions in many areas and our government that has given citizenship to some who have completed sentences for terrorism.
Ironically, in many ways America is a large center of Islamic terror financing and training and preparation...our struggle continues and I hope this event does not confuse or dilute our counterterrorism efforts more they have been unfortunately confused to date in so many examples at home.
But there can be no doubt the special operations forces that did kill and capture the body of UBL conducted an extraordinary operation.My broad concern is that every time Al Qaeda is offered up, it is another torch passed to the Muslim Brotherhood.
….it is the Brotherhood that has accomplished more for the advancement of Islamic jihad and Islam politically than anything AQ has done, who in their military efforts have killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.
And current history is validating the Muslim Brotherhood methodology….patience, perseverance, stealth, subversion and political activism, mobilization and access.
This is a historic moment yet one that has great potential for us lose the bubble in the war on terror, which as I have noted endlessly..we still do not strategically understand the threat.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 02, 2011 at 01:14 AM in Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (49) ShareThis
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Breaking -= FOX News is reporting that Muslim leader Osama Bin Laden is dead and that the US has his body. Obama to address the nation, I hope he doesn't get choked up --
CBS Congressional producer Jill Jackson reporting House Intelligence Committee aide says Obama will announce Osama bin Laden is dead.CNN and other news outlets are reporting that the President will make a televised statement at approximately 10:30 PM ET. But, there's no indication yet as to what it's about. (America Blog)
Gd bless the US military. We killed him. Oorah!
I hope Muslims are dancing in the streets in America. No? Or has CAIR filed a lawsuit?
UPDATE: CNN is reporting that Osama was living in a mansion outside of Islamabad, and that's where they murdered the Muslim leader. It happened more than a week ago -- DNA has confirmed. Reports differ whether he was shot or taken out by a missile.
I am really surprised that Obama didn't insist he be brought to Manhattan to stand trial here in New York. Seriously.
UPDATE: The teleprompter is speaking *yawn* The teleprompter is taking credit for the killing. Every other word is I.
"We are not at war with Islam."
"He was not a Muslim Leader"
Sheesh ........ the man is insane.
UPDATE: Jennifer Griffith of FOX is reporting that a small team of heroic American soldiers killed the jihadist-chief in a fire fight. He was not living in a cave. This is was in an army town (Pakistan army) in a home.
UPDATE: Crowds of cheering Americans gathered outside the White House in Washington DC, chanting "USA, USA." Not a burka in the crowd.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 10:48 PM in "Palestinian" aka Fakestinian: Islamic Jihad | Permalink | Comments (131) ShareThis
I am grateful to Ms. Logan for speaking out about the sharia attack on her during the "celebrations" of freedom! democracy! gender apartheid! in the newly islamicized Egypt. One can only wonder what punishment the newly formed "modesty police" would have exacted upon her.
The silence of the enemedia after Logan's horror is an act of complicity. I don't know how any female reporter who remained quiet can look at herself in the mirror and not weep in shame.
Obama backed this movement. Never forget that. And Mubarak, our ally for over 30 years, faces possible execution. As for Assad's mass slaughter of his own people in Syria, Obama has no comment.
CBS Reporter Recounts a ‘Merciless’ Assault NY Times April 29, 2011
Lara Logan thought she was going to die in Tahrir Square when she was sexually assaulted by a mob on the night that Hosni Mubarak’s government fell in Cairo.
Ms. Logan, a CBS News correspondent, was in the square preparing a report for “60 Minutes” on Feb. 11 when the celebratory mood suddenly turned threatening. She was ripped away from her producer and bodyguard by a group of men who tore at her clothes and groped and beat her body. “For an extended period of time, they raped me with their hands,” Ms. Logan said in an interview with The New York Times. She estimated that the attack involved 200 to 300 men.
Her experience in Cairo underscored the fact that female journalists often face a different kind of violence. While other forms of physical violence affecting journalists are widely covered — the traumatic brain injury ’suffered by the ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff in Iraq in 2006 was a front-page story at that time — sexual threats against women are rarely talked about within journalistic circles or in the news media.
Ths is so misleading. Woodruff wasn't beaten. Woodruff wasd injured in a roadside explosion of an IED. That is not the equivalent of rape.
With sexual violence, “you only have your word,” Ms. Logan said in the interview. “The physical wounds heal. You don’t carry around the evidence the way you would if you had lost your leg or your arm in Afghanistan.”
Little research has been conducted about the prevalence of sexual violence affecting journalists in conflict zones. But in the weeks following Ms. Logan’s assault, other women recounted being harassed and assaulted while working overseas, and groups like the Committee to Protect Journalists said they would revise their handbooks to better address sexual assault.
Why? Why has little research been done? Why hasn't the Times and NOW and all the liberal liars "researched" this they way they "researched sarah Palin or Bush's National Service Records? These are the urbane savages.
Handbook revisions - yes that will cure Islamic misogyny and gender apartheid. The left's submission knows no bounds.
[...]The assault happened the day that Ms. Logan returned to Cairo, having left a week earlier after being detained and interrogated by Egyptian forces. “The city was on fire with celebration” over Mr. Mubarak’s exit, she said, comparing it to a Super Bowlparty. She and a camera crew traversed Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the celebrations, interviewing Egyptians and posing forphotographs with people who wanted to be seen with an American journalist.
“There was a moment that everything went wrong,” she recalled.
As the cameraman, Richard Butler, was swapping out a battery, Egyptian colleagues who were accompanying the camera crew heard men nearby talking about wanting to take Ms. Logan’s pants off. She said: “Our local people with us said, ‘We’ve gotta get out of here.’ That was literally the moment the mob set on me.”
Mr. Butler, Ms. Logan’s producer, Max McClellan, and two locally hired drivers were “helpless,” Mr. Fager said, “because the mob was just so powerful.” A bodyguard who had been hired to accompany the team was able to stay with Ms. Logan for a brief period of time. “For Max to see the bodyguard come out of the pile without her, that was one of the worst parts,” Mr. Fager said. He said Ms. Logan “described how her hand was sore for days after — and the she realized it was from holding on so tight” to the bodyguard’s hand.
They estimated that they were separated from her for about 25 minutes.
“My clothes were torn to pieces,” Ms. Logan said.
She declined to go into more detail about the assault but said: “What really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence.”
Read the rest.
As Atlas reported, though largely denied by islamic apologists and supremacists and Jew-haters:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 07:27 PM in Egypt | Permalink | Comments (36) ShareThis
Bomb rips through popular tourist cafe in Morocco:
British travel writer was one of the 16 victims of terrorist bomb in Moroccan cafe Daily MailBritish travel writer Peter Moss was named among the 16 victims of a terrorist bomb that ripped through a busy tourist cafe in Morocco yesterday.
The Jewish Chronicle said that Mr Moss, who used to write for the newspaper, had been killed in the blast in the popular Djemma el-Fna square in Marrakech.
Consular assistance was being provided to the next of kin, the Foreign Office indicated, although it was unable officially to confirm the death.
Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said: 'I am deeply saddened by yesterday's explosion in Marrakech.
'We believe that a British National was amongst the 16 people killed. My thoughts are with their friends and families and all those affected by this distressing incident.
'We are in touch with next of kin and are offering them full consular support.
'An FCO Rapid Deployment Team arrived this morning to supplement our team in Marrakech. They are co-ordinating closely with the Moroccan authorities including to determine whether other British Nationals could be amongst the victims.
'While we do not yet know the exact cause of the blast, reports from the Moroccan authorities are that this may have been a result of terrorism. An act of this kind, causing the death of 16 innocent people, is cruel and wrong, and I condemn it in the strongest terms.
Most of the people that died in the explosion were foreign nationals
'The UK stands with Morocco during this difficult time. We stand ready to provide whatever support may be needed in forthcoming investigations, and will continue to support Morocco's important reform agenda.'
On its website, the London-based Jewish Chronicle said Mr Moss was 59, had two children and had also worked as a broadcaster, comedian and novelist.
As investigations continued into the blast, the country's deadliest for eight years, Moroccan authorities said it had been packed with nails and set off remotely and not by a suicide bomber.
It exploded at lunchtime in the well-known Argana cafe on the main square which draws visitors to its snake charmers, fire eaters, tooth pullers and is next to the historic market area.
Most of the dead were foreign nationals - among them French, Dutch and Canadian tourists. At least 20 more were injured by the powerful explosion.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 06:18 PM in Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
The leader of the Muslim world, Mufti al Husseini, and his Muslim armies under Hitler
The very same Muslim army that aligned with Hitler and continues to this day with his dream of genocide and a Judenrein world -- a world devoid of Jews -- is calling the Jewish people nazis.
It's how they do. How different is this from say, Moe Hassan, the New York Moderate Muslim who beheaded his wife in an honor killing in upstate New York, claiming she abused him (after years of his documented abuse of her)?
Of course, it would be redundant to point out how the Jewish people heal the world, devote their lives to medicine, finding cures, tikun olam (repairing the world). Give me a minute while I look up jihadi Nobel Peace Prizes for medicine.
PA Libel: Israel imitates Nazis by doing drug experiments on prisoners
by Itamar Marcus
Holocaust desecration, denial and abuse are all components of Palestinian Authority ideology and discourse.
Palestinian Media Watch has reported on the ongoing PA libel that Israel imitates the Nazis by intentionally causing prisoners' "slow death." The latest of these libels is that Israel attempts to "imitate the German Nazis... use prisoners as guinea pigs, for testing the weapons and the deadly drugs... The Nazi German doctor, Josef Mengele, was the most famous among them." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2011]
Last month the PA repeated this same libel, that ""Israeli doctors also carry out medical experiments on prisoners," adding that "there are [Israeli] prisons which fall under the military administration... They resemble the detention camps during the Nazi period." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]
PMW has recently reported on Palestinian opposition to Holocaust education in PA schools because, according to the PA daily, "for more than 60 years [the Holocaust] has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication." PMW also recently reported that UNRWA workers are "adamantly opposed" to teaching about the Holocaust because it will "confuse the thinking" of children.
The PA has a long history of Holocaust abuse. In the past, a PA TV children's broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and PA schoolbooks erase the history of the Holocaust. Children are taught about Nazi racism and the Nuremberg Trials but are not taught that Jews were the object of the racism or what the Nazi crimes were.
The following are the latest Holocaust-related libels from the official PA daily:
"'Slow death' [is] the Israeli system for exterminating prisoners... [There is] an entire system called 'slow death,' which the Israeli establishment uses against Palestinian prisoners, from the moment of their arrest until they are released... The 'experiments' station is perhaps one of the most dangerous stations in the slow death of released prisoners, who suffer from diseases which they contracted in prison. Since the Israeli jailers attempt to imitate the German Nazis, who were the first to use prisoners as guinea pigs, for testing the weapons and the deadly drugs which they developed. The Nazi German doctor, Josef Mengele, was the most famous among them."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2011]
"Israeli doctors also carry out medical experiments on prisoners... There are prisons which fall under the military administration - in other words, [they are] directly under the army, and soldiers armed with weapons from head to toe are spread out among them. Often these soldiers shoot live ammunition at detainees; this has led to the injury and Martyr-deaths of many. These prisons are detention camps dotted with tents, with each group of tents forming a wing, surrounded on all sides by a fence and guards who are armed with weapons from head to toe. They resemble the detention camps during the Nazi period."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 09:50 AM in "Palestinian" aka Fakestinian: Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jew hatred | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
Is it just me, or is it positively wonderful when the vicious and morally bankupt leftists go after each other? It makes Ali/Frazier look like a night of wild lovemaking.
It has got to be bad when the uber left exposes the uber left President. And Obama's heavy handed intimidation and media strong-arming should be the top of the news across the country. Instead, the enemedia sharpens the blade that will cut them off. Over at Director Blue:
For an administration that likes to talk about "transparency", the Obama White House has earned the worst reputation for ostracizing media in modern American history.
Remember, in October of 2009, Obama's minions unsuccessfully attempted to ban cable news leader Fox News from the White House press pool.
Now, the most thin-skinned president ever (he's 'historic') is engaging in an all-out P.R. war with the ultra-left wing rag The San Francisco Chronicle.
Let's recap: First, the Chronicle reported that the 'Administration exercise[d] its control freak streak' by threatening the paper after it reported unfavorable news:It seems that Team Obama was none too pleased that veteran Chronicle political reporter Carla Marinucci posted a 40-second video of a group of supporters-turned-protesters serenading the president a cappella - "We paid our dues ... where's our change" - at a recent fundraising breakfast at San Francisco's St. Regis Hotel. The protesters' objection: the treatment of Wikileaks source Pfc. Bradley Manning.
The White House threatened that Marinucci would no longer be allowed to serve as a pool reporter during future Obama swings west. Marinucci's apparent offense was shooting video during an event that was closed to broadcast journalism...
...An administration truly dedicated to transparency would not require journalists to be "in the tank" as a condition of being in the pool.
Second, using its online public relations arm (the so-called "Politico", aka last refuge of downsized WaPo hacks), the White House denied it threatened the left-wing San Francisco newspaper.The White House is denying that it threatened to exclude the San Francisco Chronicle from presidential events in its coverage area after one of its reporters recorded a video of singing protesters at a fundraiser last week that was restricted to print reporters...
...White House spokesman Josh Earnest told POLTICO on Friday that the Chronicle’s claims are “not true,” and that no such threat was ever made, but he wouldn’t provide further details...
Finally, the Chronicle today called the White House liars.In a pants-on-fire moment, the White House press office today denied anyone there had issued threats to remove Carla Marinucci and possibly other Hearst reporters from the press pool covering the President in the Bay Area.
Chronicle editor Ward Bushee called the press office on its fib:
Sadly, we expected the White House to respond in this manner based on our experiences yesterday. It is not a truthful response. It follows a day of off-the-record exchanges with key people in the White House communications office who told us they would remove our reporter, then threatened retaliation to Chronicle and Hearst reporters if we reported on the ban, and then recanted to say our reporter might not be removed after all.
The Chronicle's report is accurate.
If the White House has indeed decided not to ban our reporter, we would like an on-the-record notice that she will remain the San Francisco print pool reporter.
I was on some of those calls and can confirm Ward's statement... Messy ball now firmly in White House court.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 09:18 AM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
It is futile to attempt to follow Obama's logic (yes, an oxymoron). What he is doing in Libya, and why, while ignoring the wholesale slaughter of civilians by the Iran puppet, Assad, in Syria? This is an ongoing disaster.
They Couldn't Even Muster a press Statement Tom Gross
* We are going to “lead from behind,” explained the Obama adviser, because “the U.S. is reviled in many parts of the world.”
* “But who truly reviles America the hegemon? The world that Obama lived in and shaped him intellectually: the elite universities; his Hyde Park milieu (including his not-to-be-mentioned friends, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn); the church he attended for two decades, ringing with sermons more virulently anti-American than anything heard in today’s full-throated uprising of the Arab Street.
“It is the liberal elites who revile the American colossus and devoutly wish to see it cut down to size. Leading from behind – diminishing America’s global standing and assertiveness – is a reaction to their view of America, not the world’s.”
* Video below: President Obama’s lighter side, at the expense of Donald Trump
* Named below: Some of the Assad family thugs working with Bashar
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 09:03 AM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
Long time grifter and thug Sharif El-Gamal continues to defraud and default on owed monies. Mind you, Gamal not only beats people upand threatens Muslims who speak out against the mosque, but he is also a tax cheat, owing a quarter of a million in taxes while defaulting on not one but two bank loans. All this while being evicted from his Soho offices for non-payment of rent. And Mayor Gloomberg kisses his ass. He has him over at Gracie Mansion for dinner. Why? What did this hustler do other than disrepect, offend and degrade millions of Americans with his 15-story triumphal mosque on Ground Zero?
Oh, and this deadbeat has applied for $5.5 million from the taxpayer 911 fund to rebuild lower Manhattan.
Check out this video.
The developer of the proposed Ground Zero mosque still can't seem to pay his bills.
GZ mosque deadbeat claim NY PostIn 2009, Sharif El-Gamal and his company, Soho Properties, agreed to settle an eviction claim by paying $56,000 to Royal Crispin Inc., landlord of the mosque-development site at 552 Broadway.
But Royal Crispin now says El-Gamal, who fled the property before the lease was finished, never paid up, and it has filed a second Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit against the beleaguered business to recoup the money.
In December, El-Gamal and Soho Properties were also accused of defaulting on $100,000 in Citibank loans.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 08:52 AM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis
As if we didn't see this coming. As if this were not an Islamic pattern: to agree to a false truce, a hudna, to gain territory, rearm, regroup, only to buy time until the next attack. Are these people ever going to abandon their gruesome ideology and join the human race without being conquered?
Did you really think that Hamas was going to recognize Israel when the first paragraph calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people in accordance with the quran?
"Haniyeh calls on PLO to withdraw Israel recognition," from the Ma'an News Agency, April 29: thanks to Robert
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh on Friday called on the Palestinian Liberation Organization to withdraw its recognition of Israel.On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the announcement of a reconciliation deal between Hamas and Fatah by saying the Palestinian Authority must "choose between peace with Israel or peace with Hamas."
Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said Netanyahu "must choose between peace and settlements."
Speaking after the Friday prayer in Gaza City, Haniyeh said that the PLO should not only demand that Israel chose between settlements and peace, but should also withdraw its recognition of the state.
In a surprise unity deal announced Wednesday, Hamas and Fatah agreed to form a transitional government ahead of elections to take place within the next year....
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 06:50 AM in "Palestinian" aka Fakestinian: Islamic Jihad, Israel, the struggle for Go