“Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth.” – Ludwig Börne (1786-1837) One of the wittier and more brilliant satirists ever to have come out of Germany, Börne identified with characteristic precision that indispensable preliminary step in Everyman’s quest for solutions to whatever plagues us. “If you seek wisdom,” he advised, “seek the destruction of the illusions you hold as true more than you seek new truths.” This is counsel that should be heeded here and now by our inveterate hawkers of megadelusion – Israel’s very own proponents of the two-state solution. Unflaggingly they peddle tattered, intrinsically disorienting delirium. Incredibly they never seem to tire of pulling the wool over their own and our eyes. They present themselves as possessors of singular insight, as harbingers of a greater truth and as wise beyond our plebeian grasp. By Daniel Freedman If all goes according to plan, by December 2012 a team of three young Israeli scientists will have landed a tiny spacecraft on the moon, explored the lunar surface, and transmitted live video back to earth, thereby scooping up a $20 million prize (the Google Lunar X Prize), revolutionizing space exploration, and making the Jewish State the third nation (after the U.S. and Russia) to land a probe on the moon. And they’re doing it in their spare time. The three engineers – Yariv Bash (electronics and computers), Kfir Damari (communication systems), and Yonatan Winetraub (satellite systems) all have high-level day jobs in the Israeli science and technology world, and also both teach and study. They all had heard of the Google Lunar X Prize independently, before being introduced by mutual friends who, as Yonatan puts it “thought we were all crazy enough to do it, so we should meet each other.” by Elad Benari, INN According to figures published on Tuesday by the Israel Export Institute and presented by the Globes financial news paper, since its establishment in 1948 Israel has multiplied the volume of goods it exports to the world by an astonishing 13,400. The figures also show that while Israel exported a “modest” amount of about $6 million in 1948, in 2010 it exported no less than $80.5 billion. Israel has also been a leader in diamond exports, according to the... Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate Quote for the Week “For every problem in the world recognized as insoluble, there is at least one Israeli energetically working on it,” Dr. Garry Neil, vice president of the Corporate Office of Science and Technology at pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & Johnson, and he should know. Is this the secret of our overwhelming success? Could very well be. The weather was perfect, a glorious spring day correcting the oft-held notion that Israel has only two seasons – summer and winter and while we’ve lived through a number of them in this amazing country of ours, is it our imagination that we seem to feel that they’re more joyous, more exciting and more pride-inducing from year to year? We’re talking about Yom Ha’atzmaut, Independence Day, the 63rd of which we celebrated on Tuesday this week. Now, it’s impossible to describe this special day in words but we’re going to try our... By Caroline B. Glick, JWR On Wednesday The Wall Street Journal reported that while Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is in Washington next week, and before the premier has a chance to give his scheduled address to a joint session of Congress, Obama will give a new speech to the Arab world. In that speech, Obama will praise the populist movements that have risen up against Arab tyrannies and embrace them as the model for the future. As for Israel, the report claimed that the Obama administration is still trying to decide whether the time is right to put the...The Börne identification
They won’t let go of the grand delusion that underlies their self-professed...Israelis on the Moon!
By the end of November 2010 they had sketched together a novel...Israel an ‘Export Superpower’
According to the report, the well-known Jaffa oranges, which were the pride and joy of Israel’s export industry for many years, have taken a few steps back. Israel’s high tech and R&D (research and development) sectors were at the top of the export list last year, totaling approximately $28.5 billion and constituting about 35 percent of Israel’s exports in 2010. However, the oranges are not out quite yet, as figures show that agricultural exports also grew in the last year, totaling $1.3 billion.Good News Israel
Obama’s newest ambush
It is hard to believe, but it appears that in the wake of the Palestinian unity deal that brings the genocidal, al Qaida-aligned, local franchise of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Hamas into a partnership with Fatah, US President Barack Obama has decided to open a new round of pressure on Israel to give away its land and national rights to the Palestinians. It is hard to believe that this is the case. But apparently it is.More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 15 May 2011
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Britannia Radio