I posted the story on our web site and then watched to see what kind of reaction, if any, there would be. A small part of me wondered if The Independent — something we have worked so hard to establish as a credible and reliable community news source — would be written off as a bunch of crackpots. After all, we’re not even members of the Associated Press. We’re not even the third largest newspaper in mostly rural Mohave County. Then, a day later, the Boston Globe published its story, written by reporter Sally Jacobs, which included the following: ”The INS documents, released to this reporter through a Freedom Of Information Act request in 2009 in the course of research on a biography of the elder Obama to be released in July, reveal Harvard’s crucial role in the tumultuous course of the president’s father’s life. The documents were made public Wednesday by the weekly newspaper, The Arizona Independent.” Sally Jacobs is later identified as a member of the Globe staff and the author of “The Other Barack, The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama’s Father,’’ to be published in July. This revelation — that the Boston Globe had these documents since 2009 — could be the biggest story of all, and it certainly has me rethinking the role of journalism in rural America. I can’t help but wonder how many other reporters at the Boston Globe — and other major news outlets for that matter — are working on novels while they are withholding information from their readers? It’s not the first time the state-run media concealed information on Obama from the public. It’s probably more common than we realize. Talk about your proverbial can of worms. Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama's Immigration file was the impetus for President Obama to release his "long form" last week. If he thought that would put the matter to rest, it has had the opposite effect. It has all raised more questions than it answered, as does the release of shocking revelations in BHO I's immigration file. Clearly, BHO I was never divorced from his first wife in Kenya. Further, INS suspected the BHO I/Stanley Ann Dunham marriage was a sham, arranged strictly to secure immigration status for him. But if Barack Senior was a Muslim polygamist, his "marriage" to Stanley Ann Dunham was invalid. Obama Senior was a Kenyan citizen. Kenya was still under English law at this time. Illegitimate children had different rights -- at least they certainly did in 1789. There is no way that the founders of this great nation intended for an illegitimate child of a foreign bigamist to attain the highest, most powerful position in the new land. Further, when BHO I returned to Kenya, he apparently lived with his first Kenyan wife and his third American wife, suggesting that the Dunham "divorce" was a transitory ruse. In the last decade of his life, Barack Obama Sr. slid slowly into the abyss. He was fired from a series of jobs. He had, as Firstbrook puts it, “a reputation for having a massive ego and a big mouth, both of which grew alarmingly when he started drinking.” He was also, according to Ruth’s son Mark, abusive to his wife and children, and Ruth eventually left him, taking her sons with him. President Hussein Obama is not natural born. His father was not a US citizen; he is, by that very fact, disqualified to serve as US President. For those who believe that "natural born" is no longer relevant, you are wrong. Armaros points out in the comments, "The reason the founders have created this requirement was to prevent a British person from assuming US citizenship with the purpose of ascending to higher office and compromise the USA. To prevent a sort of sleeper spy/traitor from getting power in the new nation." Clearly, from Obama's performance, that is a very clear and present danger. Multiple attempts to get comment from the White House press office have not been returned (here). An INS investigator, M.F. McKeon, wrote on June 8, 1964: “They (Harvard officials) weren’t very impressed with him and asked us to hold up action on his application until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him. They were apparently having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.” (NY Review of Books) For years, the media and the left have excoriated anyone who questioned the circumstances and events surrounding the birth of the President of the United States. The lack of transparency and honesty only gave rise to more suspicion. And rightly so. One doesn't hand over the reins of power to just anyone, particularly those with an unknown or sketchy past. The dearth of documentation and paperwork led to more speculation. The American people were like Helen Keller and the Obama machine kept moving the furniture. Who is this man, and what is he hiding? The birth certificate issue became the rallying cry for those of us who questioned the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility for the oval office. Our media did not vet BHO. In fact, they took it upon themselves to destroy and smear those who did, or tried to. The release of Barack Hussein Obama I's immigration file is stunning in what it reveals and the questions it poses. BHO I's visa expired August 8, 1961 -- it that why they married? A white girl in a family way with a mixed race child desperate for legitimacy in a culture that condemned such behavior as abject immorality, and a con man from Kenya desperate to stay in the USA? Was the marriage merely a business arrangement (she was 17 when she was knocked up)? She could not have been so savvy as to know that BHO I was a Muslim polygamist. Is that why it was so important to place the ads in the advertisers -- because he was about to be deported? It is interesting to note that BHO I claims in the documents to have divorced first wife Kezia "verbally." According to the sharia, a man can divorce his wife by repeating it three times. Despite the fact that BHO I had married Dunham, the government wasn't buying it: A memo from Lyle H. Dahlim of the INS, written in April, 1961, says the agency “recommend(s) that Subject be closely questioned before another extension is granted – and denial be considered. If his USC (United States Citizen) wife tries to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.” The child sealed it -- but who was the father? And it bears mentioning that BHO I did not marry a different high school minor whom he impregnated, according to these documents; most probably she went to London for an abortion. But he married Stanley -- why? Immigration status. The Boston Globe got the immigration file in 2009; why did they sit on it? And who is Heather Smathers (the journalist who requested the FOIA)? (Here) Documents also show that Obama, Sr. entered the country in 1959, and received several extensions to his visa prior to being denied in July, 1964. A memo from Lyle H. Dahlim of the INS, written in April, 1961, says the agency “recommend(s) that Subject be closely questioned before another extension is granted – and denial be considered. If his USC (United States Citizen) wife tries to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.” The wife is Stanley Ann Dunham, the President’s mother, who married Obama, Sr., in February, 1961. The documents also show that the CIS investigated the elder Obama as a polygamist, having a wife in Kenya and a “wife and child in Honolulu.” Dahlim’s memo adds that “Polygamy is not an excludable or deportation charge as Subject is a non-immigrant.” Documents show that Obama, Sr. was denied an extension on his student visa in July, 1964, in part because Harvard University, where Obama, Sr., was a Ph.D. candidate, sought his removal. Obama Sr. eventually left the United States willingly after becoming an illegal alien for remaining in the country past the expiration of his visa. An INS investigator, M.F. McKeon, wrote “They (Harvard officials) weren’t very impressed with him and asked us to hold up action on his application until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him. They were apparently having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.” Documents show that Harvard officials considered Obama, Sr. to be a “slippery character,” and conspired with the INS to have him deported. Inquiries with the White House were not immediately returned. The revelation of the handwritten memo mentioning the President’s birth comes as lawmakers across the country grapple with so-called “birther” bills, with Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoing proposed legislation requiring all candidates for any office to produce a birth certificate prior to their name appearing on the ballot. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, however, has said he will sign a similar bill. If he was born August 4, 1961 in a first pregnancy, it is likely that conception occurred 40 weeks previously or so. I make this to be in early November, and wonder how old Stanley Ann Dunham was then, where she was living, with whom, and what level student she may have been. Obama implied that his father and mother’s wedding may not have been properly documented. "How and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I have never quite had the courage to explore. There's no record of a real wedding, a cake, a ring, a giving away of the bride. No families were in attendance; it's not even clear that people back in Kansas were informed." Obama writes that in his memoir. And this, Michelle Obama says that Senior and Anna were never married. She described Anna as "very young and very single when she had him (Obama)." (2nd source) And this -- There is no evidence whatsoever that Senior and Anna ever lived together anywhere, any time. The living arrangements between the announcement of the wedding and the birth of the child were uncertain. Most likely, Senior remained in his dorm room while Ann lived with her parents. Letters written by acquaintances of Senior during the period 1960-1961 with accompanying photographs do not mention or show Anna at all. Another interesting note -- BHO I's multiple misrepresentations of his birth year. He mixes it up a lot. Coming from a well-to-do, influential family in Kenya, it is ridiculous to suggest that he didn't know. Perhaps BHO I deliberately and fraudently lied about his date of birth so that he could continue to live in the U.S. -- it leads one to suspect that perhaps his scholoarships or other funding may have been cut off at age 28. Some of his financial backing would have cut off at age 28. And who was funding Obama Senior? According to Harvard: Jeff Neal, a spokesman for Harvard University, said that university documents predating the INS file, which was compiled between 1961 and 1965, indicate “the University’s Center for International Affairs faced serious constraints in providing financial support for research by international graduate students in Cambridge, and that these students were required to secure and demonstrate independent and sufficient sources of funding in order to remain on campus.” (more here at the Independent) And this curious factoid: In 1959, Tom Mboya announced the “Airlift Africa” program, with fund-raising assistance from African-American public figures such as Jackie Robinson, Harry Belafonte, and Sidney Poitier, as well as various white liberals. The aim was to allow future Kenyan leaders to study on American campuses. Obama, having left high school without doing his final exams, didn’t get one of these scholarships. But eventually he prepared for and took the exams, and, with the financial assistance of two American women who were living in Nairobi, he was able to study at the University of Hawaii, in Honolulu. Firstbrook adds, “The records of Barack’s move to the United States are incomplete, but it seems that he also received some funding from Jackie Robinson.” (NY Review of Books) Add to this the timeline of BHO junior's mother. In October 2008, I published emails concerning the inconsistencies in Stanley Ann Dunham's timeline here: When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know. See official emails from U of Hawaii and U (see below) I'm concerned with the unlikely dates: Sept 26 1960 First day at U of Hawaii for Ann (Why did she start 6 weeks late?) One month later - conception Two months later - drops out of University of Hawaii Three months later - married 10 months later - back in Washington attending classes at University of Washington These are implausible dates, and may imply that Ann got pregnant in Seattle and THAT is why her family moved to Hawaii. University of Washington records place Stanley Ann Dunham in Washington State in Aug 1961 so how could she be in Honolulu 2680 miles away birthing Barack the same month. When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know. When I published in this post here, speculating as to who might be the real father of BHO Jr., the leftwingers exploded and sought to destroy me with it. So rabid was their response that it reminded me of the military saying, if you are catching flak, you're over your target. As graduation neared for the class of 1960, Stanley “Ann” Dunham (Barack’s mother) had hoped to join many of her classmates at the University of Washington. She was also accepted to the University of Chicago, according to Obama's memoir, the best-selling "Dreams from My Father.", but she popped up instead at the University of Hawaii nearly 6 weeks after the start of the 1960 Fall semester. (See email from U of Hawaii at Manoa below) In a highly unlikely scenario, she then conceived Barack Hussein Obama Jr. only one month after she started classes Sept 26th 1960. Then, while only two months pregnant in early January 1961, Stanley “Ann” Dunham drops out of college. She then supposedly married Briarack Obama Sr. three months after conception and only four months after arriving in Hawaii. And only 10 months after first arriving in Hawaii, she is back at the University of Washington, 2680 miles away. (See email from U of Washington below). Contrary to a massive disinformation scheme by the Obama campaign and the news media, Stanley Ann Dunham did not return to the U of Hawaii until Barack Obama Sr. left the island. Madelyn Dunham, Barack’s maternal grandmother, abruptly left a lucrative career in Seattle WA as VP Bank Officer in the late summer of 1960 to work in Hawaii as an hourly wage bank teller. This afforded her time to raise Barack Hussein Obama Jr. from birth. Madelyn reportedly did not return to her previous salaried banker management level until years later when Ann snatched Barack Jr. to go to Indonesia. Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother, Stanley “Ann” Dunham, gave a telling admission while still in Washington State as a recent high school graduate in the summer of 1960 when she told her friends: "I don’t need to date or marry to have children”. Oddly, although Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was already married with children in Kenya, Ann supposedly married him in order to legitimize her child’s birth. Free Republic has an excellent summation here. In my opinion, a deal was cut in 2008 to validate both John McCain and Barack Obama as eligible for the position of President though it was likely, neither were. I recently posted a video under the title Obama is clearly not constitutionally eligable to be President. While, in my opinion this title was accurate the video didn’t substantiate it. The video discusses all the clauses of Senate Resolution 511. While this resolution affirmed that to be a natural born citizen, one must be born on American soil and whose parents are both US citzens. So far so good. This resolution was passed with unanimous consent without a recorded vote and averred It did not say that if one is born in a US army base on foreign soil that that means that they were born “on American soil”. It simply said he was a “natural born citizen”. Read carefully. According to the Video, this resolution was to confirm two things, 1) that being born on an army base in Panama is being born on American soil and 2) that both parents had to be American citizens. First of all this is a matter of law for the courts to decide and not of legislation. In effect the Senate was prepared to by-pass the law and consider McCain eligible though he was not truly born on “American soil”, in exchange for a commitment to not challenge Obama’s eligibility on the basis that his parents were not both American citizens. This whole story is clearly set out by Laurence Sellin in Obama’s ineligibility: Were Americans set up by the press and then scammed by the Congress? published by Canada Free Press. Remember, Obama lectures in constitutional law and he is the one who has little regard for the constitution. He said just prior to the resolution which he co-sponsored, He might as well have been talking about himself. I believe that Americans were set up. All court cases demanding the issue of eligibility have been dismissed for lack of standing on the part of the Plaintiffs. This dismissal has been appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the court is hearing oral argument on May 2 on the standing issue. All three Judges who will hear the argument were Democrat appointees. If the Court grants the appeal, the lower court will have to proceed with the case and discovery of all documents will be part of it. Will the American people get their day in court? We’ll see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: The LA Times is holding a video that shows Barack Obama celebrating with a group of Palestinians who are openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama even gives a toast to a former PLO operative at this celebration. If the American public saw this side of Barack Obama he would never be elected president. LA Times writer Peter Wallsten wrote about Barack Obama’s close association with former Palestinian operative Rashid Khalidi back in April. According to Wallsten the evening not surprisingly turned into a classic Jew-bash: “During the dinner a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, “then you will never see a day of peace.” One speaker likened “Zionist settlers on the West Bank” to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been “blinded by ideology.” Barack Obama also praised the former PLO operative during the event. His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases… It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.” …The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times. Khalidi and the Obamas were great friends in Chicago and often shared meals together. On Wednesday I talked with Peter Wallsten from the Los Angeles Times about the article on Obama and Khalidi: Wallston was one of the few mainstream media reporters to report on this radical Obama associate. Wallston said that the article was written after he watched video taken at the Khalidi going away party. When I asked him about the video he said that as far as he was concerned he was through with the story. I asked him if he was planning on releasing this video of Obama toasting the radical Khalidi at this Jew-bash. He told me he was not releasing the video. He also would not comment on his source for the video. Wallston also said he did not know if Khalidi’s good friend Bill Ayers was at the event or not. So, there you have it. More on Khalidi— Barack Obama funnelled thousands of dollars of cash to Rashidi’s anti-Israel Foundation through his work on the Woods Fund. In 2000, Rashid Khalidi, a former PLO operative who justified Palestinian terrorism as contributing to “political enlightenment,” threw a fundraiser for his friend Barack Obama. Although he is described as a former PLO operative, via Free Republic, this is what Rashid Khalidi has to say about Palestinian terrorism against Jews– he said anti-Israel violence contributed to “political enlightenment”: On Palestinian violence. Khalidi glorifies anti-Israel violence as contributing to “political enlightenment”[vii] and unsurprisingly admires those who carry it out. His loyalty to Palestinian terrorist groups run so deep that he actually dedicated his 1986 valentine to the PLO, Under Siege, to “those who gave their lives . . . in defense of the cause of Palestine and independence of Lebanon.”[viii] The book whitewashes PLO violence against Israelis and Lebanese, as well as the Syrian occupation. Khalidi and Ayers were practically best friends. In Chicago, the Khalidis founded the Arab American Action Network, and Mona Khalidi served as its president. A big farewell dinner was held in their honor by AAAN with a commemorative book filled with testimonials from their friends and political allies. These included the left wing anti-war group Not In My Name, the Electronic Intifada, and the ex-Weatherman domestic terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. (There were also testimonials from then-state Senator Barack Obama and the mayor of Chicago.) It’s hard to imagine that the LA Times would hold onto a video of Sarah Palin praising an anti-Semitic radical and former PLO operative… Tom Maguire has more on this radical friend of Barack and Michelle Obama. Previously: UPDATE: There’s more– Debbie Schlussel gave Wallsten information.In 1964, Ann Dunham filed for divorce. By then, Barack had taken up with Ruth Nidesand, a teacher of Lithuanian-Jewish ancestry who became his third wife. A year later, he gave up his doctoral studies and returned home.
“That John Sidney McCain, III, is a ‘‘natural born Citizen’’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”
“Senator McCain has earned the right to be his party’s nominee, and no loophole should prevent him from competing in this campaign.”
Confirmed: MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash & Toasting a Former PLO Operative… Refuse to Release the Video!
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 24, 2008, 8:22 PM
But, the media refuses to release this video.
Wallsten discussed a dinner held back in 2003 in honor of Khalidi, a critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights.
Barack Obama has denied his close association with Khalidi, too.
And, Obama confessed that his family often shared dinner with the Khalidis:
By the way, Khalidi was also best friends with Bill Ayers.
Terrorist Bill Ayers— Barack Obama— Jew-hater Rashid Khalidi
The LA Times has video of Obama toasting a former PLO operative at a Jew-bash but will not release the video.
This is outrageous.
Obviously, this video would do great damage to Obama who struggles with Jewish voters due to his circle of close anti-Semitic friends.
Maybe this is the reason it is not being released?
Not only does Barack Obama’s church of 20 years support Hamas and Hezbollah but Barack Obama also has a longtime close friendship and financial association with suspected former PLO operative and Israel hater Rashid Khalidi.
Earlier this month Sean Hannity dared to report on Barack and Michelle Obama’s radical associate and friend, Rashid Khalidi:
And, both Ayers and Obama signed the commemorative book given to Khalidi at his going away party:
But, that is today’s mainstream media.
** Obama’s Fancied the Chicago Terror Gang– Partied With Bombers & Former PLO Operative
** Jewish Voters Confront Barack Obama On His Close Association with Former PLO Operative Rashid Khalidi
** LA Times Won’t Release Video of Obama Publicly Praising Former PLO Operative & Jew Hater
Media Refuses to Release Video of Obama Toasting & Praising Close Friend Rashid Khalidi–
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Boston Globe Reporter Hid Information on Obama’s Father From the Public For 2 Years
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, April 30, 2011
This was a big catch by Brian Wedemeyer from the Arizona Independent. A Boston Globe reporter hid information on Barack Obama’s father for at least two years as she worked on a novel about the man’s life.
An Illegitimate Child, An Illegitimate President: Despite Multiple Attempts, "No Comment" from the White House
April 30, 2011
The source docs are here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/54015762/Barack-Hussein-Obama-Sr-Immigration-File.
The GOP and the Dems colluded on the eligibility question
By Ted Belman May 1, 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio