Thursday, 26 May 2011

British Muslims for Israel

  • I'm impressed!!!

  • god belss you for doing that! finaly i can say not all of the muslims are bad : )

  • @chalitzah it's not merely a website... it's an organisation.

  • is this guy for real?

  • "Hamas joins a tiny minority of leaders who have condemned the death of Osama bin Laden. Since Hamas have taken power, violent Islamists have begun to thrive in the Gaza. By promoting the Islamist ideology, worldview and narrative, Hamas has planted the seeds of Jihadism. Not only is this a threat to Israel, but a threat to all decent people in the Middle East and beyond."

    British Muslims for Israel’s spokesperson, Hasan Afzal

  • @chalitzah Thats great to know. The link for Paypal clearly state it goes to Institute for Middle Eastern Democracy.

    I'm not advocating to send them money, but I find their reasons for getting involved seem sincere & somewhat echo my own reasons. I have also found the more you learn about how Israel is getting the short end of the stick, the more you want to do,and it can easily turn into a full time job. And if you want to produce websites, videos etc, expense add up.

  • מעניין היה לדעת מה תגובתם של השמאל הישראלי המצורע.

  • @theresmoretoit1

    I know plenty of Muslims who are friendly to Jews. My own family is from Muslim countries, and we still have Muslim friends. The reason I don't trust this website has nothing to do with that. It's because it looks like an obvious scam site (which is all built around linking to his paypal account).