UK faces shortage of Foster Parents
The Evening Standard reported this week that London faces a shortage of foster carers (which is a situation reflected nationally). Almost 2,000 foster carers are needed in London as the number of children taken into care continues to rise.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Christians to step forward and apply to take vulnerable young people into their homes. Of course, it is not always easy to do so, as ‘equality and diversity’ policies can exclude those with Christian beliefs on sexual ethics from being accepted. However, we would encourage Christian parents to apply to foster regardless of the increasing difficulties. Christian parents have so much to offer to those who have been taken into care.
Equalities and Conscience Petition
Please sign our Equalities and Conscience Petition here.
We registered 1000 signatures in 1 hour. It would be great to get 100,000 signatures!
David Cameron has previously indicated that any petition with a million signatures will allow members of the public to introduce a bill on which MPs will be required to vote; and any petition that collects 100,000 signatures will be eligible to be formally debated in the Commons.
Please can you help us make this happen?
Please help us to secure as many signatures as possible. Please forward the petition to your friends, promote it on facebook and print off the sheets here to collect signatures at your church.