The Coming Smart Meter Rebellion Federal-Raids Lawsuit: Who Will Help? Russian TV and Code Pink Disrupt Memorial Day Activities Officially-sponsored gun smuggling harmful to Mexico - and hypocritical
Across the United States a growing rebellion is starting to gain momentum as reports about SMART METERS have begun to find their way into to local newspapers, radio, and television news. In California, as Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), began to roll-out their SMART Meter installation program, residents began to learn more about these meters, in many cases learning this lesson the hard way as some of their bills skyrocketed upward at alarming rates......
by Rosalind Peterson
Unfortunately, even state officials either do not recognize the federal government’s usurpation of constitutional power or do not care and choose to jump on the “war on drugs” bandwagon for whatever reasons they find justifiable. I, however, hold what I believe to be the correct constitutional position on both a state and federal level. That is, (1) the people of Montana (and any state) have the right to choose for themselves (see, popular sovereignty, Art. 2, Sec. 1; Art. 3, Sec. 4&5; Art. 5, Sec. 1, Mont. Const. [1972]) how they will treat their bodies and how they will seek their own medical treatment.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
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The Kokesh stunt, which included advance notice to the press and demonstrators armed with cameras to record the inevitable confrontation, appears to have been designed to generate interest in Kokesh’s show on the Russian government-funded propaganda channel and to depict the U.S. as a police state. An “anti-war” veteran, former Republican candidate for Congress, and Ron Paul supporter who called for the.....
by Cliff Kincaid
Both Mexico’s Calderon administration and the U.S. Obama administration blame U.S. gun shops for the proliferation of guns in Mexico. This concerns American firearms owners who think it may be used as an excuse to take away their gun rights. The gun smuggling problem is part of the lack of border security. For various reasons, neither the U.S. nor the Mexican government really want to secure the U.S.-Mexican border......
by Allan Wall
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
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Britannia Radio