Saturday, 14 May 2011
Dear DailyWealth reader,
Last week, billionaire hedge-fund manager John Paulson predicted that gold will hit $4,000 an ounce.
Yesterday, Bloomberg reported that Hal Lehr, a Deutsche Bank managing director said: “I’m bullish on gold despite its current levels. It could reach $2,000 an ounce in the next eight months.”
And one of the best commodity traders in the world, Andrew Hall (a former Citigroup trader who runs the hedge fund Astenbeck Capital and trades for Phibro), says that precious metals will "march higher" unless we see "an imminent rise" in interest rates.
But what few Americans know is that there’s a unique gold investment that soars – AFTER gold prices go up…
“When gold goes up, [this investment] follows and eventually rises much more than gold,” says the Blanchard Economic Research Unit, a private firm of gold analysts.
In fact, a study done for the House and Senate’s Joint Committee on Taxation showed that over a 30 year period, the average annual return on this investment was more than 300% greater than the return on gold…
We’ve helped hundreds of ordinary Americans take advantage of this situation already. It could be the safest, most lucrative investment you could make in the next 12 months.
Good investing,
George Rayburn
Executive Director, S&A Investment Research
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Britannia Radio