Laura: Europe threatens Israel that either it negotiates with hamas or Europe will recognize a terror state of “palestine”. So essentially the EU is demanding Israel surrender territory to hamas’ voluntarily. Europe is irredeemably anti-Semitic. It has chosen to side with the barbarians over the civilized, industrious Jews and the Jewish state. How’s that working out for you Europe? Maybe Europe will benefit from all the scientific, technological and medical advances coming out of the muslim world and will undoubtedly be coming from the newly created sharia terror state of “palestine”. Europeans Threaten to Recognize Palestinian State Unless Israel Negotiates With Terrorist Group Soeren Kern, Hudson NY Several European countries are threatening to recognize an independent Palestinian state — on the basis of the pre-1967 boundaries to include the West Bank, Gaza, and with East Jerusalem as its capital — if Israel refuses to return to the... The Simon Wiesenthal Center today praised the guilty verdict for John Demjanjuk, who stood trial in Germany for his complicity in the murder of 27,900 Jews at the Sobibor death camp in 1943. “John Demjanjuk’s Nazi past finally caught up with him,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Wiesenthal Center. “For decades he skirted justice, living a normal life with his family in the United States, successfully covering up his past as a guard at the notorious Sobibor death camp, where 250,000 Jews were murdered,” he added. “Today a German court finally put an end to his disguise and set the record straight that he was, in fact, one of the sadistic and brutal murderers at Sobibor and sentenced him to, what for a 91-year-old man, is a life sentence in jail,” Rabbi Hier concluded. For more information on the history of this case, click here... Like Mark Twain’s famous quip about reports of his death being “greatly exaggerated”, assertions of a weakening in Jewish affection for Israel are grossly overstated. In fact, they’re patently false. But that hasn’t stopped American Jewish writer Peter Beinart from making a minor career out of advancing that thesis. The ‘disaffected Jew’ meme also popped up last year in the pages of the Leftwing NewMatilda magazine.... MONTREAL – On March 22, 2004, a rocket fired from an Israeli helicopter gunship terminated the life of the terrorist leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. As expected, world reaction was swift and almost unanimous in its condemnation of Israel. By Yisrael Ne’eman, MID-EAST ON TARGET The Fatah-Hamas rapprochement announced in April is another attempt at unifying two major conflicting trends in the Arab/Muslim world. Fatah represents the national secular approach (anthrocentrism) to state building while Hamas as the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood views themselves as Allah’s emissaries on earth and the guardians of the Divinely established religious order (diocentrism) of Islam. While professing mutual respect for each other, Muslim Brotherhood ideologues such as Sayyed Qutb consider national loyalties akin to paganism and while the Hamas Covenant expresses a certain respect for Palestinian nationalism it insists on a transformation to a strictly Islamic nationalism as one’s true identity. Fatah/PLO’s Palestine National Charter speaks of the Palestinian Arab People including Christians. In reality Hamas has taken on a secondary Palestinian Arab identity while Fatah through the Palestinian... Manhigut Yehudit 35: And if your brother becomes poor, and his means fail with you; then you shall uphold him: as a stranger and a settler shall he live with you. 38: I am Hashem, your G-d, Who has brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the Land of Canaan, to be your G-d. (From this week’s Torah portion, Behar, Leviticus 25) The central debate over eligibility remains. The key question has never been where he was born. The key question has always been whether he is constitutionally eligible to serve as president. I don’t know about you, but I’m persuaded the birth certificate released by Barack Obama’s White House is fake, phony, a fraudulent forgery. Jerome Corsi, who has personally investigated Obama’s constitutional eligibility more seriously than anyone else, agrees. Why? Op-ed: Israel should adopt defiant, politically incorrect but principle-driven strategy Yoram Ettinger, YNET Secretaries of State Schultz and Baker did not agree with Prime Minister Shamir’s worldview, but they respected his principle-driven tenacity. Upon concluding a meeting with then Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, George Mitchell and Bob Dole, the latter told Shamir: “Irrespective of our disagreement with your policy, we respect you, because you’re tough.” The international arena does not respect Israeli prime ministers who seek popularity rather than respect, transforming Red Lines to Pink Lines, in order to avoid confrontation. The world does not appreciate prime ministers who subordinate long-term vision and conviction to short-term diplomatic and political convenience. In contrast to the legacy of Prime Ministers Ben Gurion, Eshkol, Golda Meir, Begin and Shamir, Israel’s current public diplomacy reflects frail conviction, while expressing... By Ted Belman In the wake of Israel withholding taxes collected for the Palestinians because of the Unity Agreement, Fayyad is now begging the Arab countries to “save” the PA. “We say to our Arab brothers: save us. We need your help more than any time before. It is the moment of truth,” Israel’s concern is that the money will find its way to Hamas. Fayyad: Palestinians may ask UN to intervene on Israel’s...German Court to Demjanjuk: A Murderer at 91 – Still a Murderer
The meme of the ‘disaffected Jew’ has been greatly exaggerated
Double standard when fiends are slain
Fatah – Hamas Reconciliation?
Judaism, Capitalism and Socialism
Cairo to move Meshaal’s Hamas base to Gaza. Assad threatens Israel with war
Questioning Obama’s eligibility
Ettinger: Time for new diplomacy
Israel’s moment of truth is fast approaching
Sunday, 15 May 2011
A year ago he generated worldwide headlines with an essay in the New York Review of Books entitled “The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment”. And since then Beinart has trotted the globe, peddling his argument at such venues as the Melbourne Writers Festival.
Beinart believes that traditional Zionism is in a moral “downward spiral” that alienates Israel from liberal-minded American Jews. And he claims this phenomenon is particularly acute amongst the young, who increasingly see Israel as victimiser rather than victim.
When Israel killed Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, much of the world condemned the action. But when the U.S. killed Osama bin Laden, the reaction was quite different.
Yassin, a founder of Hamas, was a virulent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demagogue who repeatedly called for the destruction of the Jewish state. Among his more memorable statements are “Reconciliation with the Jews is a crime” and Israel “must disappear from the map.”
In 1989, Yassin was arrested by the Israelis for masterminding the abduction and murder of Israeli soldiers and was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, in 1997 he was released in a prisoner exchange on the condition that he refrain from continuing to initiate suicide...
This week’s Torah portion gives us the key to the solution for the ongoing debate between socialism and capitalism. In our Torah portion, we learn about the sanctity of a parcel of the Land of Israel to its owner and the directive to the ostensibly autonomous farmer to leave the corners of his field un-harvested so that the poor can come and partake of his crop. The Torah also commands us to return entire parcels of land that we have purchased to their original owners in the Jubilee year.
On one hand, the Torah is extremely capitalistic. The property of a Jew in the Land of Israel is not mere real estate; it is designated...
Egypt’s military rulers promised Hamas’ political leader Khaled Meshaal to let him transfer his base, command center and residence from troubled Damascus to a new haven in the Gaza Strip as an inducement for signing the Palestinian unity agreement with Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah on May 4. This is disclosed for the first time by debkafile’s intelligence sources. In Damascus, Bashar Assad’s close confidante Rami Makhlouf threatened that Syria would go to war against Israel in reprisal for US and Europe backing for the uprising.
Makhlouf, an international business tycoon, is on the US and EU sanctions lists. In an interview with the New York Times Wednesday, May 11, he said: “If there is no stability here, there’s no way there will be stability in Israel. No way, and nobody can guarantee what will happen after, God forbid, anything happens to this regime.”
He advised the US and Europe not to...
Joseph Farah, WND
Why release only a digital image of a document this controversial – one that cannot, according to forensics experts, be tested for authenticity?
Why would Kapiolani Medical Center still be so sensitive about Obama’s birthplace as to refuse all inquiries about Stanley Ann Dunham’s hospital stay – even threatening this week to call the police when the non-threatening 64-year-old Ph.D. and best-selling author Corsi merely...
He said Arab countries had paid only $52 million in Palestinian aid since the beginning of 2011 — $42.5 million from the United Arab Emirates and $10 million from Oman. This compares with $236 mln from Arab countries in 2010.
The European Union paid 145 million euros ($210 million) during the same period. The EU announced Friday it would provide an additional 85 million euros ($122 million) in aid in 2011, with 45 million euros of this earmarked for salaries for key workers. It was not clear when these funds would arrive.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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Britannia Radio