Further reality checks about the "killing of
Osama bib Landen."
That his little group was funded and trained
- and even named - by the CIA is beyond
That he was allowed to "get away" after 9/11
is common knowledge.
That the CIA was working with his group
in the former Yugoslavia in the years right
before 9/11 (using them to help break that country
apart) and may even be working with them in
Libya now for the same purpose has been
speculated by very knowledgeable parties.
Osama's last role before they wrote him
out of the plot? Helping justify a US war
against Pakistan.
We are at war with them you know. We
bomb them regularly. What else would
you call that?
Video from 2007:
- Brasscheck
Monday, 2 May 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio