Friday, 13 May 2011

Here is your Crux PM update:

Don't forget about Japan: Nuclear crisis could be far worse than believed
"Fukushima Reactor 1 fuel rods are fully exposed... Reactor 4 is in danger of collapsing..."

Twenty everyday items you're paying way too much for
Stop getting "taken for a ride."

Seven stocks that could be taken over at a huge premium
"Takeovers can enrich investors instantly..."

Exxon CEO: Oil should be $60
"In truth, big producers are not necessarily in favor of skyrocketing oil prices..."

Another deflationary shock could be about to begin
Could set off a major correction in stocks and commodities...

A huge sign of a top in commodities
Giant commodity trader Glencore's IPO is receiving unbelievable investor interest...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux