Financial Sense Newshour
Financial Sense® Newshour is a free financial/market broadcast hosted by money manager Jim Puplava on the week's market action, interviews with financial experts, and Jim's personal perspective on the markets/economy.
Jim Puplava--Embracing Change Part 2: Financial Repression
Ron Griess on inflation and real yields | Ryan Puplava on this week's economic indicators
Jim Puplava's Big Picture--Embracing Change (Part 2): Financial Repression. Ron Griess of The Chart Store talks about inflation and real yields while Ryan Puplava discusses this week's economic indicators, the situation in Greece and GE's CFO Survey.
America's Moment of Truth with Former US Senator Alan Simpson
The wakeup call—will anyone listen?
Alan K. Simpson, US Senator, Retired, discusses with Jim Puplava this week the National Commision on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform: The Moment of Truth. With things as they stand now, Mr. Simpson indicates that by 2016 social security, medicare and medicaid are going to be broke and that we are headed for our own Greek moment.
Weiss Sovereign Debt Ratings: US Downgraded to "C"
Dr. Martin Weiss joins Jim to discuss the US credit concerns and what the future holds
Martin D. Weiss, PhD, chairman of the Weiss Group Inc and president of Weiss Ratings, talks with Jim Puplava this week about sovereign debt rating of the United States and the currenlty the data shows that the US goverment is at a C rating.
Is there a possibility of a "value added" tax in the United States future? Cast your vote today!
Silver Still Consolidating
Update on Metals with David Morgan and Chris Vermeulen
David Morgan from the Morgan Report talks about the 16:1 gold to silver ratio fallacy and why we see silver margin requirements imposed. And Chris Vermeulen, Founder of the popular trading site, indicates that silver is still consolidating, with the possibility of one more down draft.
Jim Puplava and Joseph Dancy, Professor at SMU School of Law and Manager of LSGI Technology Venture Fund LP, discuss the convergence of statistics and factors--recent IEA crude demand estimates, Libyan and Yemeni oil offline, China and Russia prohibiting diesel exports, and efforts to control inflation--that are likely to lead to higher oil prices later this year.
In Super Boom, Jeffrey Hirsch, President of the Hirsch Organization and Editor in Chief of the Stock Trader's Almanac, unveils the next market expansion. Building on his father's research from 1976, Hirsch has discovered that meteoric rises in stock indices are due to specific catalysts predominantly outside of the financial markets. Step-by-step, Hirsch puts together the pieces of this puzzle by revealing the central drivers of a super boom.
Diversifying currency risk; dollar down-turn still intact
Jim Puplava Says It's Time to Embrace Change and Learn to Live with Uncertainty
Also featuring Ralph Acampora
Ralph Acampora notes that Dow stocks are breaking out. Ryan Puplava returns with a market wrap up and analysis, discussing Greece, oil and the midwest floods.
A look at US and global economic environment with David Rosenberg. David sees a bifurcated situation in the US, with both inflation and disinflation (or deflation) at work in different parts of the economy.
The increasing progressivity of US taxes and the resultant shrinking tax base; tax reform unlikely prior to next presidential election
Financial Sense Newshour would like to know what you think of the future of the Middle Class in the years to come.
Silver’s next key level of support; why commodity margins have been raised on silver; bullion vs gold stocks
Chris Nelder Says Saudis Approaching Production Limits
The bigger story of Saudi production gains is the shrinking of spare capacity
Saudi production gains tells bigger story; approaching production limits as spare capacity shrinks
The next twenty years will be completely unlike the last twenty years. The world is in economic crisis, and there are no easy fixes to our predicament. Unsustainable trends in the economy, energy, and the environment have finally caught up with us and are converging on a very narrow window of time—the "Twenty-Teens." The Crash Course presents our predicament and illuminates the path ahead, so you can face the coming disruptions and thrive--without fearing the future or retreating into denial. In this book you will find solid facts and grounded reasoning presented in a calm, positive, non-partisan manner.
Casey's Alex Daley: Emerging technologies hold extraordinary investment promise
However, picking winners requires specific skills
Emerging technologies hold extraordinary investment promise.
John Loeffler With Alex Daley
Noted technician John Bollinger, inventor of the Bollinger Bands, joins Jim Puplava to discuss his market outlook. Despite a recent pull-back, John believes a bullish set-up is still in place from a technical perspective. Ryan Puplava gives a market update, and touches on silver and the rumors of Greece leaving the EU. Jim and John analyze the markets in the Big Picture.
Gabe Velazquez of the Online Trading Academy joins Jim to look at futures trading. Gabe brings over 15 years experience as a stock and commodities trader and discusses the importance risk management plays in trading and investing.
Mike McMahon of the Online Trading Academy brings 20 years experience in the market as a trader and a licensed commodities broker. Mike joins Jim Puplava to shed some light on the world of currency trading.
The end of QE2 is near. What will happen after June? Weigh in your vote.
Silver takes an "ouch" correction but long-term bull market remains stable
David Morgan's update on precious metals
Silver market correcting, but the long-term bull market in precious metals remains stable.
Saudi Arabia cutting production; improving fundamentals of natural gas; falling dollar's impact on energy and energy stocks; worsening stagflation
John Loeffler With Bill Powers
Based on a popular undergraduate seminar, entitled Financial Booms & Busts, taught by the author at Yale University, Boombustology presents a multi-disciplinary framework for identifying unsustainable booms and forthcoming busts.
Puru and Jim discuss the chances of a correction in Chinese real estate, subsidized gasoline in China, and the Chinese selling of US Treasury bonds. Puru also looks at the prospects of precious metals and energy stocks.
Trend continuing as central banks insist on burning their currencies to cover debt problems. This week’s Big Picture with Jim and John. Ryan Puplava provides an update on the markets and Ben Bernanke’s press conference. Industrial earnings surprisingly strong, but GDP slowing.
Felix Zulauf of Zulauf Asset Management AG and Jim Puplava analyze the future of the European Union, China and the developing world, the risk of higher inflation, a potential revolt of the bond market due to to massive debt creation, and much more.
Bill Laggner of Bearing Asset Management and Jim look at the Fed’s next move and also what lies ahead for China and whether or not there will be a soft landing; Federal Reserve and what comes next after QE 2.
FSNewshour would like know if you trust the Federal Reserve?
Precious metals market nervous that we're headed for a bubble, but as long as dollar continues down, gold will continue higher
Bernanke pronouncements and its effect on the energy markets; the fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi plant accident in Japan, six weeks later; the dollar--can we expect further declines and what it means for the energy industry
Green energy promises an alluring future—more jobs in a cleaner environment. We will enjoy a new economy driven by clean electricity, less pollution, and, of course, the gratitude of generations to come. There’s just one problem: the lack of credible evidence that any of that can occur.
Bud and Jim look at the nuclear reactor situation in Japan, and the unrest in the Middle East.
Bert Dohmen Says Stock Market Warning Flags Are Flying
Ron Griess Tracks the History of the US Deficit
Bert Dohmen speaks with Jim Puplava about how inflation disguises economic weakness and how the warning flags are flying over the stock market at current levels. Ronald Griess joins the show as well with Jim to explore debt, the debt ceiling, the federal budget and inflation and take a look at Federal deficit spending going all the way back to 1924.
Nicole Foss- Preparing for the next Tsunami
The peaking of oil prices and the coming Depression. Resource Wars to follow.
This week in her discussions with Jim Puplava, Nicole believes we will see the peaking of oil prices, the next bout of deflation and a looming depression. She sees resource wars as inevitable, given this deflationary scenario.
Algae to Oil- the Silver Bullet for Energy?
OriginOil CEO Riggs Eckelberry on the viable commercial applications of converting algae to oil.
This week Riggs and Jim Puplava discuss how algae can be converted into oil economically and with numerous commercial applications. Indeed, according to Riggs, the major oil companies are all working on algae projects as a future source of renewable oil.
Silver is climbing. Do you think it is fairly priced in the financial market?
Dow Jones Industrial Average charts are including in this weeks's Big Picture show to illustrate market cycles.
Gold and Silver prices- the factors driving them higher
FSN Metals Update with David Morgan and John Doody
The factors driving gold and silver prices higher, as well as the consequences of negative interest rates.
Marin Katusa on America’s looming energy disaster
Legal attacks on shale plays and fracking technology at home. Dependence on imported oil from increasingly unfriendly or unstable countries.
This week Marin and Jim Puplava discuss what Marin believes to be America’s looming energy disaster. The shutting down of shale plays, the controversy of fracking technology, and the assault of environmental litigation on many domestic energy sources make for a daunting energy future, especially combined with imported energy coming from increasingly tenuous sources.