Friday 27 May 2011

I Can Tell You Exactly When the Next Recession Begins

By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

Friday, May 27, 2011

I can tell you when the next recession will begin…

As we were creating my latest product,
True Wealth Systems, we discovered an incredibly
simple indicator that has correctly predicted 10 out of the last nine recessions over the last

(I say "10 out of the last nine" because it once predicted a recession that didn't come –
and that was over 40 years ago.)

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I have two good pieces of news for you today…

The first piece of good news is: As you can see from the chart, this indicator typically
gives us plenty of lead time before a recession begins, and it's
not signaling now.

The second piece of good news is: Right now, this signal is a LONG WAY from signaling
a new recession…

Let me explain what our simple indicator is… You might laugh, it's so simple. But
simple is part of what we want to do in
True Wealth Systems… There's elegance in
the simplicity. And when it's simple, it's easy to understand why it works… and why
it may continue to work.

Our simple indicator signals when short-term interest rates rise above long-term
interest rates. That's it. (Specifically, it's when the interest rates on one-year
Treasurys go higher than 10-year Treasurys.)

This is an unnatural situation – an artificial one. Why? Naturally, you should demand
more interest for a longer-term loan.

But you see, the government controls short-term interest rates. And when it wants
to "put the brakes on the economy," it raises short-term interest rates. When it
raises short-term interest rates so high that one-year rates rise above 10-year rates,
the government has gone too far.

The economy can't handle that unnatural situation. But it takes a while to filter
through. And a year later (or so), a recession begins.

Right now, based on this indicator,
we're in no danger of recession.

On the contrary, based on this indicator, we're at risk of "bubbles" in the economy.
The government has created the opposite unnatural situation… It has cut short-term
interest rates to essentially zero, and it has promised to keep them there for "the

foreseeable future."

It takes a while for the effects to filter into the economy… But a year from now,
the economy could be soaring because of this unnatural situation. This is what the
government wants. Then, eventually, it will want to put the brakes on… And the
cycle will repeat.

It is safe to say our recession indicator won't signal for well over a year –
more likely years from now. And after the signal, it then takes roughly a year
for the recession to kick in.

In short, you've likely got years of boom ahead of you… Our
True Wealth Systems
indicator says recession is years away.

(We've also developed a totally different
True Wealth Systems indicator that
pinpoints the
end of a recession before anyone else knows it's happened. But that's
a story for another day…)

You can pile many other factors in of course… The economy is certainly a
complicated beast.

But again, we like to keep it simple. Our extremely simple
True Wealth Systems
recession indicator has successfully predicted 10 out of the last nine recessions.

Right now, it's saying there's no recession on the horizon… Boom is more likely
than recession. And its track record makes it worth paying attention to!

Good investing,


P.S. This simple indicator is a great example of the power of what we're doing in
True Wealth Systems… Knowing exactly when a recession is around the corner
will let you sell a business or property closer to the top of the cycle, not at the
bottom of the recession.

The money you keep by following this one indicator alone could pay for your
Wealth Systems
subscription a thousand times. And we're tracking dozens more
profitable indicators in
True Wealth Systems… To learn all about it, click here.
Further Reading:

Steve has shared several
True Wealth Systems lessons over the past few weeks.
Take a look:

The Most Important Lesson from One of the Best Traders I've Ever Known
"In most cases simple trend-following systems have proven to make money better
than just about anything else."

These Stocks Will Soar During Bernanke's Inflation
True Wealth Systems historical databases prove these stocks experience incredible
booms and busts. If you can catch a boom, you can make some serious profits."

My Favorite Way to Buy Gold Today
"When the gold bull market really hits a bubble, these things will likely go nuts,
especially the smaller ones."