The British Universities Minister, David Willetts, is famously known as ‘Two Brains’ on account of the superiority of his intellect. Published in: Spectator Given some reactions to the killing of Osama Bin Laden, you really do have to wonder whether, if Britain were fighting World War II today, Hitler would have won. Just consider for a moment an instructive comparison. Published in: Daily Mail It is hard to imagine a more graphic demonstration of the lamentable failure to understand the Arab world by Britain and the west than its response to the "Arab Spring". Published in: Jewish Chronicle Dear Prime Minister, Published in: SpectatorLatest Article
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Just about every single thing it is possible to have got wrong, it has got wrong.
I was interested to read that, when you met Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, you said:
‘Britain is a good friend of Israel and our support for Israel and Israel's security is something I have described in the past, and will do so again, as unshakeable