Saturday 28 May 2011

Mark Mardell's Crisis of Faith, Part III

>> FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011

BBC North America editor Mark Mardell has posted his summary and analysis of the President's visitation to Ireland and England (not the UK, but England, as we'll see in a moment). Poor Mardell has been questioning his faith in The Obamessiah for a few weeks now, ever since He decided tolisten to reason become a reluctant warrior and finally get on board lead the attack on Libya from behind. Mardell was pretty open about his opinion of military action in previous posts, and is equally revealing here. But his ultimate disappointment is betrayed by the headline: Obama's historic speech fails to soar Aw, poor dear. This isn't objective analysis, but the expression of a disappointed fan when the latest project by his hero fails to live up to expectations. Mardell shows just how twisted his world view is, and his personal biases are as clear as ever. He certainly didn't mention the bumbling errors the President made, like writing 2008 in the guest book or screwing up the toast to the Queen or acting like His Irish ancestor meant that He shared the British heritage. Or that He kept saying "England", when it's supposed to be Britain or the UK. Imagine if Bush had kept saying England like that, or done any of these things. The Beeboids would have led every programme with a laugh, across the spectrum of broadcasting. Before getting into what disappointed him, though, Mardell spoke sympathetically about a colleague's desire to share in this historic event:

I was talking to a colleague beforehand about the eternal tension for broadcast journalists, whether to watch such a speech from an edit suite - which can make practical sense when time is short - or live, which we would all prefer. He complained: "I'm not going to tell my grandchildren I watched Obama from a cutting room!"
Surely this colleague is a Beeboid, or Mardell would have said he wasn't, as this is so blatantly impartial. Sadly for the North America editor, the speech didn't live up to his expectations, but I thought the "historic" bit was that it was The Obamessiah, and the first time a US President spoke at Westminster and not about the content of the speech. But Mardell shares in this worship, and sees nothing biased about his colleague's attitude or in telling you about it. So what did Mardell find wrong? Essentially, he felt that the President was too American for his tastes. Sure, he tried to make it sound as if the speech was incoherent, the logic poorly constructed. Have we ever heard Mardell say such a thing about His oration? Only when it's a message he doesn't like, like bombing Libya. Mardell does just what defenders of the indefensible accuse us of doing on this blog: complaining when the BBC reports something we don't like, instead of making an objective case for what they did wrong. Read this bit, and then consider whether or not Mardell says anything further to support the statement:
But it didn't quite work. It was flat and lacked soaring passion. That is part of the Obama conundrum. Sometimes this tremendous orator doesn't pull it off. It is often when the argument is over-constructed and the raw emotion can't burst through the stretched logic.
Nowhere does Mardell explain how the speech didn't hold together, where the ideas expressed failed to connect into the wonderful whole he was looking for. Instead he complains about certain things the President said, and then reveals his own world view.