1) The 1967 lines are indefensible and not going to happen,
2) Israel can not negotiate with a Palestinian government that is backed by Hamas - the Palestinian version of Al Qaeda, and
3) the Palestinian refugee problem will not be solved within the borders of Israel.
He also stated that an equal amount of Jewish refugees were expelled from Arab lands, and were absorbed by Israel, but the vast Arab world refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees.
Posted by
The Right Scoop on May 20, 2011
Netanyahu gave Obama a schooling in his remarks today, some of which people never thought he would need to utter. He talked about how they cannot, will not go back to the 1967 borders because those borders would be indefensible. He also talked about how the Palestinian refugee problem must be solved in the context of a Palestinian state, but not within the borders of Israel. He made it clear that’s not going to happen.
But here’s my favorite quote:
We’ve been around for almost four thousand years. We’ve experienced struggle and suffering like no other people. We’ve gone through expulsions, programs and massacres and the murder of millions.
But I can say that even at the dearth, even at the nadir of the valley of death, we never lost hope and we never lost our dream of reestablishing a sovereign state in our ancient homeland, the land of Israel.
And now it falls on my shoulders as the Prime Minister of Israel, at a time of extraordinary instability and uncertainty in the middle east to work with you and fashion a peace that will ensure Israel’s security and will not jeopardize it’s survival.
Embedded video (8 minutes)
Hamas Responds to Obama’s Anti-Israel Speech:
We Will Not Recognize Israel Under Any Circumstances
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, May 20, 2011
Hamas released a statement following the far left president’s naive speech.
The terror group will not recognize Israel under any circumstance.
YNet News reported:
Obama’s Mideast policy speech Thursday was a “total failure,” Hamas said Thursday evening.
“The (Arab) nation does not need a lesson on democracy from Obama,” said Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, Sami Abu-Zuhri. “Rather, Obama is the one who needs the lesson given his absolute endorsement of Israel’s crimes and his refusal to condemn Israel’s occupation.”
“We will not recognize the Israeli occupation under any circumstances,” the Hamas spokesman said, while adding: “We object to intervention in our internal affairs.”
Abu-Zuhri also urged the Palestinian Authority not to endorse the American president’s speech. He stressed the need to coordinate Palestinian positions in the face of what he referred to as “American-Israeli arrogance.”
Related… 71% of Americans say a Middle East peace agreement must recognize Israel’s right to exist.
Obama doesn’t quite understand this yet.
Hamas responds to Obama: "We will never recognize Israel"
May 20, 2011
He called it bereft of content and said that Obama's speech was a failure, and "the nation does not need to take lessons from Obama."
Zuhri added, "Reconciliation is an internal affair and we reject the American intervention, and Hamas will not recognize Israel."
If it was Islamic Jihad, this wouldn't be news. And for Hamas, this shouldn't be news, because they have been nothing but consistent in their adamant rejection of the concept of recognizing Israel. But since so many clueless journalists and others are insisting that Hamas actually does support a two-state solution, and since this is part of the government that Israel is being cajoled to turn into a state, I am afraid that I need to post every time I see Hamas repeat what it has been saying, practically daily, for years.
Obama's Unrealizable Middle East Perestroika
Stephen Brown - FrontPage Magazine, May 20th, 2011
President Barack Obama’s speech on the Middle East on Thursday shows, if anything, that he is still a leftist who has yet to be mugged by Middle Eastern reality.
While Obama accurately listed the symptoms of the ailment crippling Middle Eastern development, such as bribery, tribalism, religious sectarianism, lack of basic economic and political rights, and citizens simply not having enough to eat, his analysis did not touch on the sickness itself, namely, Arab religious and cultural backwardness. As a result, the cures Obama put forward to assist the Arab countries’ transformation to rights-respecting, democratic states, without addressing the roots of the societal illnesses, are doomed to failure.
“We will continue to make good on the commitments I made in Cairo – to build networks of entrepreneurs and expand changes in education; to foster cooperation in science and technology; and combat disease,” Obama confidently remarked. “Across the region, we intend to provide assistance to civil society, including those that may not be officially sanctioned, and who speak uncomfortable truths. And we will use technology to connect with – and listen to – the voices of the people.”
But Arab misery does not lie in a lack of entrepreneurs, science and technology cooperation or medical facilities, but rather in the inability of a crippled culture to meet the demands of the modern world. And since Arab countries cannot meet these demands, they are destined to experience, except possibly for the few oil-rich states, more political instability, poverty and hunger.
Egypt, the heart of the Arab world and one of two countries Obama cited in his speech (the other being Tunisia), where the American effort “to promote reform across the region and to support transitions to democracy” will begin, is dangerously unstable. To begin with, it is estimated that 35 percent of all Egyptians and 45 percent of women are illiterate among a population of 80 million, the Arab world’s most populous state.
The inequality of women, the abolition of which is a precondition to any society’s progress, is deeply embedded in Egypt’s culture. An indicator of this strong, cultural backwardness regarding women’s status is that ninety-six percent of married Egyptian women have been subjected to female genital mutilation. And Egyptian mothers believe they are being progressive when they have a doctor perform the painful, dehumanizing procedure on their daughters rather than an untrained local. The columnist Spengler (a literary pseudonym) questions the doctors who carry out a shocking 75 percent of all FGM acts in the Nile nation:
“What does this say about the character of the country’s middle class?” writes Spengler, who also criticized Western news outlets for not reporting on this during Egypt’s recent political troubles.
Economically, the Arab countries’ problems are almost insurmountable. Obama’s speech pointed out 400 million Arabs export goods equal in value to those of one European country, Switzerland. Even more troubling, Arab countries do not have the corporations that can provide their numerous unemployed young people with jobs, leaving them to act as an unstable and dangerous force.
“The private sector in the Muslim countries has… languished and lags behind others in the emerging markets,” writes Ali A. Alawi in his book The Crisis Of Islamic Civilization. “Very few Muslim companies in the Muslim world have the weight to compete seriously or to bring innovations into the global markets. Of the twenty largest corporations in the Muslim world, seventeen are oil and gas companies, in most cases state-owned.”
Alawi goes even further when he states that Islamic civilization is a dying civilization, which has not created much of importance in centuries. And Alawi states there is no returning to greatness, since Muslims have distanced themselves so much from their great past’s Islamic roots. Overall, Alawi maintains, “The Muslim innovative capacity has degraded in a fundamental sense.”
So it is questionable whether the innovation and creativity Obama needs to launch the Arab countries in the new, positive direction of modernity even exists, which would cause all reform plans to be stillborn. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian opposition leader, blames the backward, learning-by-rote education system for the Arab world now being a “collection of failed states who add nothing to humanity or science.” But unlike Alawi, ElBaradei believes democracy will change this.
The lack of strong economies has also left the Middle East, especially Egypt, currently facing a grave danger to social stability in the form of a food crisis. Rising food prices have driven millions of Arabs into destitution where many now eat only once a day, if that. With food prices expected to rise even higher this year and foreign currency-poor Arab governments, like Egypt’s, unable to buy food on the international markets, mass starvation in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries is a distinct possibility, making regional reform difficult, if not impossible.
But it is in the area of religious tolerance where Obama’s hopes for reforming the Middle East will shatter decisively. While Obama said he will work to see “that all faiths are respected and that bridges are built among them” and Coptic Christians “have the right to worship freely in Cairo,” he pathetically failed to call for religious equality and to insist on an end to state-regulated anti-Christian religious discrimination.
Here’s the harsh reality staring us in the face and that Obama is blinding himself to: A poll taken last year indicated a majority of Egyptians believe in sharia law punishments, while 95 percent said “it’s good Islam plays a large role in politics.” The fact that a majority of those polled also believed in democracy indicates Egypt is on the road to becoming a democratically-elected Islamic state, where Western reforms will not be welcome.
And Egyptians may soon get their desired Islamic government. The Muslim Brotherhood announced recently it has formed a political party, which is expected to win Egypt’s next election. Extremists like the Brotherhood feel a need to Islamicize everything and believe the Koran contains all the answers. Such a poisonous political culture will maintain Egypt’s discriminatory, two-tier citizenship status, Muslim and non-Muslim, and keep the country a prisoner of rigid extremist doctrines.
Such a development will prevent Egypt from developing a positive and rich cultural, spiritual and economically-advanced society, since equality of all people is essential to a country’s prosperity and well-being. By electing an Islamist government, Egyptians will also prove, contrary to Obama’s wishful thinking, that they do no want to embrace modernity.
But the situation is even more serious than that. In Arab countries where extremists like the Muslim Brotherhood come to power, an environment of fanaticism will be created. Violence, as Egypt saw recently in the Coptic church burnings in Cairo, will become the order of the day.
It is Obama’s stunning non-recognition of this deeply embedded, Muslim extremist drive to destroy those who are different that also emerged in his speech when he called for Israel to return to its 1967 borders. This statement once again confirmed his credentials as a leftist ideologue who believes Israel is to blame for those who work to exterminate it. And despite his “assurances” of Israel’s security, the 1967 borders would be indefensible. This leads one to understand that it is not the Arab world that so much needs reforming as the destructive world outlook of an American president.
Today's Headlines:
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Ed Koch Slams Obama, ‘Most Dangerous Period Ever’ for Israel One of the nation’s most influential Democrats, former New York Mayor Ed Koch, tells Newsmax.TV that Israel is facing its “most dangerous and critical period,” and warned he may cross party lines in 2012 and vote against Pres. Obama. Koch said, “This is the most dangerous and critical period that Israel has ever faced and regrettably it does not have the support of the president of the United States.” Read the Full Story and See the Video — Go Here Now
Oliver North: Obama Mideast Plan a ‘Deadly Mistake’
Dore Gold: Obama’s Plan a ‘Radical Shift’
Obama Must Go,
America and Israel Must Stand Together
Today is the launch of our new site www.neveragainisnow.com/pro (the old site www.neveragainisnow.com is still current.) While also introducing the Joshua Campaign to new people, there is something we must also address, so that we move forward as one, to achieve our objective. The Joshua Campaign has been created to build a sizable army of ordinary citizens who, at a moment’s notice, can be brought together to create a firestorm media blitz that will effectively expose the stance of the top leaders in the administration on matters of critical importance – before their negative agendas become a permanent part of the landscape, Since the media has been delinquent in demanding an answer from the President, and he continues to be evasive about his position on so many critical issues, I knew that something had to change when I launched Operation Joshua. In April, a unique opportunity arose unlike any other over the past two years of Mr. Obama’s presidency, one that would enable us to expose his real position on the Arab-Palestinian/Israeli issue. With the UN resolution slated for September to create a Palestinian state, with Hamas at the helm in Jerusalem, it is clearly evident that the “Leader of the Free World” would have no choice but to defy the decree because Hamas is on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations. If Mr. Obama were to momentarily hesitate to consider this possibility, he would be delinquent in his duty as Commander-in-chief, thus forfeiting his right to continue his leadership position. If he were to fail to take this resolution seriously, he must still denounce it because Hamas is a terrorist organization and Israel is our ally. He has done neither – his continued silence speaks volumes. The success of the Joshua Campaign lies in our determination to make apparent to the public that there is no possible reason that the President of the United States could not come out and unequivocally declare that he would never deal with Hamas, under any circumstances, regardless of promises made now or in the future, because they are a terrorists organization. Thus on May 4th, after a month and a half of silence, there was no longer any doubt; he made it abundantly clear that he would not stand with Israel when he finally announced that this unholy Hamas/Fatah alliance may be a viable option. This was verified when Mr. Carney, the President's press secretary, declared the President’s opinion, "What is important now is that the Palestinians ensure implementation of that agreement, that its implementation advances prospects of peace, rather than undermines those prospects." This was the “gotcha!” moment I had been waiting for, for more than two years. It was now all too obvious that all Jewish groups and rabbis must summon up the courage to stand against a policy that could lead to the destruction of Israel – a policy in which the President of the United States is complicit. The Tea Party, Republicans, and Democrats have a different and equally important responsibility here. As part of their foreign policy platforms, they must stand for freedom and in opposition to fascism, tyranny, and terrorists in all circumstances, bar none, particularly with respect to our allies – among whom Israel ranks number one. Furthermore, all Americans must understand that Israel and America are bound together by covenant and decree. The proof is our credo that both nations dedicate themselves to promoting peace and prosperity throughout the world. By contrast, the enemies of freedom, religious fascists and secular tyrannies, use their lands to bring down a reign of domination upon mankind, continuing their scourge of slaughter of 270 million people over 1400 years. Those who do not grasp this crucial point are not only on the wrong side of history, but on the wrong battleground, where the final struggle to secure this world as a sanctuary free from oppression by global jihad. Therefore, the time has come for America and Israel to stand together to expel Hamas and Fatah. Despite any prior claims they assert, terrorists shall not impose their terror on any lands on this Earth. It matters not that the terrorists recognize Israel; it matters greatly that America and Israel must never recognize them. As for the naysayers among us who claim that America's input is helpful yet inconsequential unless Israel stands up first to the terrorist, regardless of the consequences, I say you should have your head examined! Of course, Israel must defend herself in the end, even if she is deserted by the whole world; she has no choice in this matter. But we must take into account that America is a super power and if Obama doesn't stand up for Israel, what's next? Russia or China’s declaring war on Israel, if she attacks Iran? The possibilities are endless and frightening, and all this because the President of the United States will not leverage his power as the Leader of the Free World to put the fear of God into any nation that entertains such a notion. Although Mr. Obama may be using his Bin Laden triumph to convince Israel otherwise, it is still another ploy for terrorist groups and UN initiatives to get their way if Israel does not acquiesce to his demands. Americans must never allow the President to put Israel in such a position. If America continues on this path, what will be our worth in the future? Nothing. What will be the value of the American brand in the future? Nothing. It is only the Leader of the Free World who has the power and influence to end this debacle and take the pressure off Netanyahu, which now makes it almost impossible for him to stand up and defend Israel from her enemies, even though he must. How can Netanyahu be expected to make a decision for Israel that is in her best interests, when he is being put under pressure by both the world at large and President of the US to sign agreements that are Jewicidal. Naysayers, we need you to stand up so we can remove Obama's noose from Netanyahu's neck. We need the entire Jewish community’s involvement in this undertaking so that Netanyahu will have the assurance he needs to stand up to Obama and say, " We will never yield one inch, not now, not ever, to any policy that would lead to the destruction of the Jewish state. Republicans, this is an opportunity of a life time, for Obama has made a fatal mistake. How can he stand with terrorists claiming they are legitimate peace partners? Republicans: let the American people know we have a President in the White House who refuses to denounce a terrorist initiative. This is your ticket to the White House in 2012 . That is why we are asking your involvement in Operation Joshua, for we must tear down the wall of silence and deception that this President continues to create as he wants us to believe that he has the best interests of America and Israel at heart. The presence of a man in the Oval Office, who is hostile to Israel, is the issue, and the survival of America and the free world is at stake. Now it is up to "We the People." Join this Joshua Call until this wall of deception falls. We must keep up the pressure from today until November, 2012 – or until he is forced to resign. To Join Joshua’s army, email us at neveragainisnow@live.com with a subject JOIN. Stanley Zir, New website: www.neveragainisnow.com/pro Email: neveragainisnow@live.com
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| | MEMRI Daily-May 20, 2011: Islamist Candidate for Egyptian Presidency: Israel's End Is Near; Former Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman: Camp David Accord Unjust, Must Be AmendedThe following is research published today from MEMRI’s Special Dispatch Series and the MEMRI TV Project. Special Dispatch No. 3851—Egypt Islamist Candidate for Egyptian Presidency: Israel's End Is NearIn an article titled "Israel's End Is Near," Dr. Muhammad Moro, an Islamist candidate for the Egyptian presidency, claimed that the path to world freedom was the destruction of Israel, as it was the spearhead of global imperialism. He said it was the national and religious duty of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and freedom seekers the world over to march peacefully in their millions to Israel's borders in order to liberate Palestine. Moro represents the National Union for Preserving the Revolution party, which is still in the process of formation, and which bills him as an Islamist alternative to the other candidates, such as former Arab League secretary-general 'Amr Moussa and Al-Ghad party leader Dr. Ayman Nour. He is considered close to the Muslim Brotherhood, his father having been a member of the organization. Moro was arrested a number of times under the Sadat and Mubarak regimes, and in the past maintained friendly relations with Fathi Shaqaqi, founder of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization. He is editor of Al-Mukhtar Al-Islami magazine and a columnist for the Egyptian daily Al-Yawm Al-Saba'. To read the full report, visit http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5300.htm. Special Dispatch No. 3850—Egypt Former Spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood Kamal Al-Hilbawi: The Camp David Accord Is Unjust and Must Be AmendedFollowing are excerpts from an interview with Kamal Al-Hilbawi, former spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood, which aired on Al-Mehwar TV (Egypt) on April 27, 2011. To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/2940.htm. 
Interviewer: "I would like to know your position regarding the Camp David Accord." Kamal Al-Hilbawi: "Did the Berlin wall fall, or is it still standing?" To read the full report, visit http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5301.htm.
Note: This speech was written by MK Yaakov Katz (“Ketsaleh”), head of the National Union party, and sent to INN for translation and posting, in the hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu will stand firm and present its message to the government of the United States.
Dear Friends, Senators and Congressmen, Representatives of the American people who are the best friend the Jewish people have had in all of history, The Jewish people and the state of Israel are honored that the Prime Minister of Israel is invited to stand here before both houses of the American Congress.
I wish, in the name of the Israel’s citizens, to thank you for this opportunity to talk to you. In 1492, two events of great historical significance occurred. An evil decree of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain brought about the expulsion of the 150,000 Jews of Spain from the country where they had once lived tranquilly and had had a semblance of civil rights. Yet an act of deliverance... Read the whole entry »
By Caroline Glick I was out sick yesterday so I was unable to write today’s column for the Jerusalem Post. I did manage to watch President Obama’s speech on the Middle East yesterday evening. And I didn’t want to wait until next week to discuss it. After all, who knows what he’ll do by Tuesday? Before we get into what the speech means for Israel, it is important to consider what it means for America. Quite simply, Obama’s speech represents the effective renunciation of the US’s right to have and to pursue national interests. Consequently, his speech imperils the real interests that the US has in the region – first and foremost, the US’s interest in securing its national security. Obama’s renunciation of the US national interests unfolded as follows:
First, Obama mentioned a number of core US interests in the region. In his view these are: “Countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing... Read the whole entry »
Dershowitz argues that Obama made a mistake when he failed to demand the abandonment of the so called right of return. Or was it that he called for borders similar to the ’67 lines subject only to land swaps, whereas as he notes, it undercuts Resolution 242. Dershowitz advises that “It also contemplated that Israel would hold onto the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the access roads to Hebrew University, without the need for any land swaps”. What? No where in 242 does it say anything remotely close to that. It is silent on Jerusalem and silent on the need for swaps. It does call for a “just settlement of the refugee issue” and the set up of “demilitarized zones”. An unbelieveable error on his part. It also called for “termination of all claims and states of belligerency”. On this both Obama and Dershowitz were silent. Furthermore it is understood that by “refugees” the resolution was referring to both...
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Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Quote for the Week I choose to stand in Jerusalem and be counted Glenn Beck Fox TV personality talking about his upcoming ‘Restoring Courage´ event. Bravo Mr Beck!
Now we don’t know what you’ve been reading about what’s happening in our neck of the woods but we’re assuming that it’s not particularly upbeat stuff so here’s a blockbuster to clear the air: Israel’s exports have grown 13,400, yes, 13,400 times since 1948 which is when it all began [it actually began about 2,000 years before that but the CBS wasn’t around to record it]. Here is a selection of figures released on Tuesday by the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute (IEICI) to coincide with and give honor to, Independence Day. We started with $6m 63 years ago and we topped $80bn last year. Even if you allow for devaluation and anything else that you can stir into the economics mix that is one huge increase.... Read the whole entry »
Transcript of speech dealing with the “peace process” “For decades, the conflict between Israelis and Arabs has cast a shadow over the region. For Israelis, it has meant living with the fear that their children could be blown up on a bus or by rockets fired at their homes, as well as the pain of knowing that other children in the region are taught to hate them. For Palestinians, it has meant suffering the humiliation of occupation, and never living in a nation of their own. Moreover, this conflict has come with a larger cost to the Middle East, as it impedes partnerships that could bring greater security and prosperity and empowerment to ordinary people.
For over two years, my administration has worked with the parties and the international community to end this conflict, building on decades of work by previous administrations. Yet expectations have gone unmet. Israeli settlement activity continues. Palestinians have walked away from talks. The world looks at... Read the whole entry »
ZOA Condemns Obama Call For A Hamas/Fatah Terror State Based On Indefensible ’67 Lines The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States, strongly condemned President Obama’s Mideast speech given today promoting and supporting the establishment of a Hamas/Fatah/Iran terrorist state on the Auschwitz 1967 indefensible armistice lines. This state would almost surely become a Hamas/Iran terror state threatening Israel and further destabilizing the Mideast. President Obama has dealt Israel a severe diplomatic blow, which harms all those who care about peace and fighting terrorism.
President Obama is either extraordinarily naïve or extraordinarily hostile to the Jewish state of Israel, despite his claims of commitment to Israel’s security. One cannot claim to care about a neighbor’s young children while renting out rooms to child predators. It is breath-taking, shocking and frightening that at a time when the Nazi-like... Read the whole entry »

“The timing for the discussion of the Har Home plan is not coincidental,” one committee member, Yair Gabai, told Ynet. “The district committee never convenes at such late hours. This is a declaration of a diplomatic nature meant to clear the fog around the Jerusalem question, so that nobody in the world would think that the Israeli government intends to discuss Jerusalem’s division.”
Ronen Medzini, YNET Next crisis with US underway? The Interior Ministry’s district committee for construction and planning approved Thursday evening two major plans for some 1,550 housing units in contentious Jerusalem neighborhoods.
The construction plans for Har Homa and Pisgat Ze’ev, both located beyond the Green Line, were given the go-ahead as President Barack Obama was delivering his major Mideast policy speech. Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s departure to Washington Thursday evening, the government secretary ordered the... Read the whole entry »
By Victor Davis Hanson, NRO This was the sort of split-the-difference address that the president is now famous for — long on Icarus-like soaring phraseology, very short on down-to-earth realities. The first third of the president’s speech was a good summary of prior (dare we say it?) neoconservative analyses: Middle East autocracies blame Israel and the U.S., and often manipulate terrorism as a way to divert attention from their own failures to provide freedom and economic security to their people. Evidently, they are unwilling to address their societies’ endemic cultural, economic, and social problems: tribalism, religious intolerance, gender apartheid, statism, authoritarian government, and on and on. Yesterday, that was a neocon fantasy of Wolfowitz, Perle, and Bush; today, it is apparently part of a landmark new diplomacy. And yet, in this comprehensive speech on the Middle East, the word “Islam” was never mentioned.
Then, in the second third of his speech, Obama... Read the whole entry »
National Judenrat Democratic Kapos tell Israelis to get into Hamas’ cattle cars by Bill Levinson Res ipsa loquitur, it speaks for itself. NJDC Praises Obama’s “Unwavering Support for Israel” and “Incredible Pragmatism” Jason Attermann — May 19, 2011 – 1:57 pm | Foreign Policy | Israel | Obama Comments (0) Add a comment The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) today praised President Barack Obama’s powerful address at the State Department this afternoon, including his strong support for Israel and the pragmatic approach he put forth to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This is the same organization that used its nominally Jewish identity to whitewash anti-Semitic hate speech from MoveOn.org.
Ted Belman Jerusalem, Israel |