Sunday, 1 May 2011


Obama is clearly not constitutionally elegible to be President

Breyer’s willingness to curtail the First Amendment underscores his lack of fitness for any position of public trust
by Bill Levinson

Stephen Breyer’s recent statement that the First Amendment might not protect Koran burning is but the latest evidence of his total unfitness to serve as the custodian of the U.S. Constitution. He also thinks the Constitution allows developers like Donald Trump and Jim Komen (Komen Properties) to collude with municipal authorities to take private property for private use by the developers in question, and that foreign and international law can be used as “guidelines” for interpretation of the Constitution.

    He has also defended the Supreme Court’s use of foreign law and international law as persuasive (but not binding) authority in its decisions.

If we wanted foreign and/or international law to play a role in governing the United States, we would probably not have bothered to declare independence from Great Britain...

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Islam’s Christian Scapegoats

Raymond Ibrahim:

… This phenomenon — attacking one set of Christians in response to another — has roots in Islamic law. The Pact of Omar, a foundational text for Islam’s treatment of dhimmis (i.e., non-Muslims who refused to convert after their lands were seized by Islam) makes this clear. The consequences of breaking any of the debilitating and humiliating conditions Christians were made to accept in order to be granted a degree of surety by the Muslim state were stark: “If we in any way violate these undertakings … we forfeit our covenant, and we become liable to the penalties for contumacy and sedition” — penalties that include enslavement, rape, and death. Moreover, the actions of the individual affect the entire group: everyone is under threat to ensure that everyone behaves. …

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel