Saturday, 07 May 2011 08:43
'We have to look in other direction too when we see a big event revealed to be a hoax. We have to look in the opposite direction to see what the other hand is doing. The vote on raising the debt ceiling is coming up for a vote in congress.There is a very good chance the debt ceiling will not be raised were the Congress will not borrow anymore money and move towards having a balanced budget.
Saturday, 07 May 2011 08:22
'Bankers recognized a good system when they saw it, and dozens of speculative non-physical hedgers followed Goldman's lead and joined the commodities index game, including Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Pimco, JP Morgan Chase, AIG, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers, to name but a few purveyors of commodity index funds. The scene had been set for food inflation that would eventually catch unawares some of the largest milling, processing, and retailing corporations in the United States, and send shockwaves throughout the world.'
Saturday, 07 May 2011 07:40
'This week, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner proposed raising the debt ceiling by $2 trillion. I thought, this should be big news! After all, a trillion is a thousand billion. This adds up to 2 thousand billion over the next 2 years!! The mainstream media greeted this story with a great big yawn. I do not get that because the Republicans and Democrats fought for weeks to only cut the budget a measly $38 billion. The press was non-stop, and Congress was only an hour away from shutting down the government.
Even the $38 billion cut was a big fat lie according to CBS News. The story said in mid-April, “Well, thanks to the Congressional Budget Office and some great reporting by the Washington Post, it turns out the government won’t be cutting $38 billion in one year after all. No, the real cuts will be more like $352 million! You heard me right, $352 million, NOT $38 billion. The rest? Mostly smoke, mirrors and accounting gimmicks".'
Read more: $2 Trillion Mile Marker on Road to Perdition
The reason for Timothy Geithner's ludicrous proposal is simple. As I have been saying for years, the plan is to use America to destroy America and bring it under the heel of a world government.
Thus, Rothschild Zionist frontman, Geithner, was made Treasury Secretary 'by' Barack Obama (his masters) to drown the United States in debt through scandalous bail-outs of the same banking system 'stone' from under which Geithner emerged.
In the same way, the 'US military' is not the 'US military' at all. It is the military of the Global Cabal carrying out the demands of the Global Cabal behind the disguise of being called 'American'.
The idea is to eventually destroy US military capability and independence and merge it into a world army that is planned to impose the will of the world government after the third world war that they seek to trigger out of the Middle East and Africa between the 'West', China and Russia.
- David Icke
Saturday, 07 May 2011 07:17