"The Pathology of Power" The forgotten history of the munition industry Norman Cousins - Recorded in 1987Brasscheck TV This video gets off to a slow start, but give it a minute or two.
Soem gems:
"War is a double suicide."
"The fleecing of the American people in the name of security"
"Under the name of security, our security is threatened."
"What makes you think that the people who can't be trusted with the finances of the American people can be trusted with their security."
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Norman Cousins was a popular figure best known
for his best selling book "The Anatomy of an Illness."
Cousins wrote a far more important book "The Pathology
of Power" which asked the question:
"What makes you think that the people you can't trust with
your finances, you can trust with your security?"
Not surprisingly the book "Pathology of Power"
which was published in 1987 was ignored when
it came out.
It's time to take another look.
- Brasscheck
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Britannia Radio