Questions About Bin Laden
Everything could change minute by minute, but right now there are serious questions... The face photo of a dead bin Laden that has been circulating on British media online sites is a fake. That has been confirmed by The Guardian site. It's a composite of an old bin Laden photo and an unknown dead man whose face was mashed up. The Guardian has the photos on its site, and you can see the fake was put together from two others. GEO TV, a Pakistani media outlet, had apparently been.....
by Jon Rappoport
Of Silliness and Carnival Barkers
Some of us heard, some of us read, the sarcastically uttered words of Barack Hussein Obama on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. With so many much more important things on the American agenda, like campaigning, golf and appearing on The Oprah Show, Barack Hussein Obama II pronounced, with great flourish and fanfare, that the issue of his birth certificate was a silly sideshow worthy of carnival barkers. This sarcastic pronouncement, by Obama, is really nothing more than.......
by Lynn Stuter
Osama Dead - Mission Accomplished
Congratulations to Seal Team 6 for taking out Osama bin Laden, the killer of thousands. Since Osama is now dead, we can withdraw from Afghanistan. After all, we’ve been there for ten years. The reason we went there was to get Osama, right? This is an excellent opportunity to withdraw with victory. We went into Afghanistan in 2001, in response to the Twin Towers attack. We overthrew the Taliban and helped establish a new government. We have pumped.....
by Allan Wall