Roger Bootle

Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists. In his column
he sheds light on how the UK and world economies are performing
and the challenges facing the world's policymakers.
We need to build up manufacturing, but not as much as you think
Britain's share of manufacturing is not ridiculously low - it is still larger than the share of financial services. Yet this is not how people commonly see things.
22 May 2011
The wrong kind of inflation
"It's not the inflation they need to sort out, Mr Bootle, it's the rising prices!"
16 May 2011
Why we should hope for a large fall in commodity prices
Last week saw sharp falls in oil and commodity prices, including a record daily fall in the price of oil – of $12 a barrel.
08 May 2011
The recovery struggles to gain momentum as Q1 figures show
Over and above their normal inadequacies, the GDP numbers will continue to be distorted for some time.
01 May 2011
Economics is far too important to be left in the care of academics
I have been using the Easter holiday to think about something different from my usual concerns – the state of economics itself.
24 Apr 2011
The challenges facing investors and investment professionals
Personal investment is a goldmine for some but a minefield for most. The decade ahead is going to pose tough challenges for both personal investors and the investment professionals who serve them.
17 Apr 2011
Eurozone ship is on the course that was set for it: heading for the rocks
Two events last week saw the crisis in the eurozone deepen - the Portuguese bail-out and the ECB's interest rate increase. But much more is brewing.
10 Apr 2011
Britain needs an injection of Thatcherite radicalism
Once our debt to GDP ratio is set firmly on a downward path, what should be on the government’s agenda for fundamental reform? The answer should constitute a modern version of Thatcherite radicalism.
03 Apr 2011