An ex-con trying to go straight is framed for a million dollar armored car robbery and must go to Mexico in order to unmask the real culprits. A down-on-his-luck ex-GI finds himself framed for an armored car robbery. When he's finally released for lack of evidence--after having been beaten up and tortured by the police--he sets out to discover who set him up, and why. The trail leads him into Mexico and a web of hired killers and corrupt cops. Written by Saturday, May 14, 2011
MB Playing Obama Like a Violin
China Accuses Clinton of Trying to Stir Mideast-Style Unrest
Dylan Clarifies 'So-called China Controversy'
Friday, May 13, 2011
Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood Teams With Al Qaeda-Style Salafi Groups to Create Islamic State In Post-Mubarak Egypt
America's Real Labor Candidate for President Will be Republican
Film Noir Special
The Secret Four (1952)
Kansas City Confidential (original title)Director:
Phil KarlsonCast
Complete credited cast: John Payne ... Coleen Gray ... Preston Foster ... Neville Brand ... Lee Van Cleef ... Jack Elam ... Dona Drake ... Mario Siletti ... Howard Negley ... Carleton Young ... Don Orlando ... Ted Ryan ... Storyline
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
EXPOSED: the Mission of Mirim College
Japan's U-Turn on Nuclear Power
Potash and Phosphate in the News
Corn and Soybean Prices Soften
On Obama's Declining Presidency
The bin Laden raid may have succeeded in temporarily halting a sharp fall in the president’s overall approval rating, which nosedived in April, but it has made no difference to largely negative public perceptions of Obama’s leadership on the top voter issues facing the American people. Barack Obama still looks clueless and in denial on the huge economic problems facing the United States, including the towering debt hanging over the country. He continues to preside over a presidency in long-term decline, while advancing many policies that are making his country weaker, less prosperous and more indebted.
Abbottabad's Bad Guys Belie its Leafy Image
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is designing a presidential candidate with the Obama administration in mind, as reported here.
Few Americans appreciate that their President--the first Muslim-born-and-reared President of the United States--is actually pro-Islamist. In other words, he has narrowed the definition of the Islamist enemy to include only Al Qaeda and its affiliates and offshoots and so-called irreconcilable elements of the dreaded Taliban (presently poised to retake Afghanistan). The killing of AQ chief Osama Bin Laden has given Obama political cover--a license, one might say--to advance the cause of "moderate" Islamism (an oxymoronic concept akin to moderate Nazism or moderate Communism) throughout the "Muslim world," which is itself an Islamist notion--i.e. the idea of a global Muslim nation, united by belief in "the Holy Koran" to a degree that transcends all political, national, and ethnic identities.
In the coming weeks and months, the administration will accelerate and intensify efforts to engage (code for appease and align with) the Muslim Brotherhood and supposed moderate factions or wings of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran's nuclear-arming mullahocracy--you name it.
Starting with his upcoming, new address to the Muslim world, Obama will also step up the squeezing of Israel, whose very establishment constituted a catastrophe, according to one of Obama's key foreign policy advisors, Samantha Power, in order to make possible the creation of an irredentist, Islamist-ruled Arab state in historic Palestine on disputed lands that Israel captured during its defensive war of June, 1967 (the Six-Day War). Should it come into existence, the new state will threaten both Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as the Beduin-based monarchy also stands in the way of Islamist rule over all of historic Palestine, on both sides of the river Jordan.
Why is Obama pro-Islamist? The answer, and this, too, is difficult for regular folks to understand, is that the most-leftwing-ever President regards rightwing political Islam, or Islamism, ironically, as essentially progressive as well as unstoppable. He knows that nowadays there is no real difference between Islamism and organized Islam, practically speaking, and he intends to align U.S. policy with what he views as history's "moral arc"--meaning, incredibly, the sword of Islam.
As reported here, China has accused U.S. Secretary of State Clinton of trying to bring "Middle East turbulence" into China--a "fool's errand."
One of the Greatest Songs Ever Written ...
A Nod to Bob ...
Prediction: Should a real labor candidate for President of the United States emerge, he or she will be a Republican.
The antidemocratic Democratic Party long ago ceased to be the legitimate party of labor. When the Democratic Party became the party of Jesse Jackson instead of Henry "Scoop" Jackson it became the party of the welfare class instead of the working class.
A real labor party candidate will stand for real American jobs--well paying, permanent jobs--in the private sector.
A real labor party candidate will stand for manufacturing, mining, and drilling--in the United States.
A real labor party candidate will be pro-U.S. oil-and-gas. In favor of real energy instead of phony energy.
A real labor party will be for factories--in American cities and towns.
A real labor party candidate will slash foreign aid, shun globalizing phonies, despise and crush the Islamist (clerical fascist Muslim) monster.
A real labor party candidate will secure and protect U.S. borders.
A real labor candidate will do all of the above ... in contrast with a pseudo-intellectual, second-rate academic ... who never held a real job, never worked with his hands, never built a business, never accomplished anything of real value or importance, never created wealth for anyone.
Joe Rolfe
Helen Foster
Tim Foster
Boyd Kane
Tony Romano
Pete Harris
Scott Andrews
Plot Summary | Plot Synopsis# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 6:27 PM links to this post
China Confidential apologizes for the missing posts and bad links.
Apparently, several pieces went missing--were deleted--as a result of the Blogger shutdown.
This is the first such content loss in more than six years of daily publishing on Blogger.
One of the missing original posts dealt with rising Korean Peninsula tensions. China Confidential analysts believe the North is preparing its third nuclear test--and new acts of armed aggression--and that the incidents could occur anytime between now and the end of July.
The scoop on fertilizers/crop nutrients.
The United Nations sees food production needs rising 70% by 2050 to feed the global population of 3 billion additional people. That and changing food tastes--specifically, a rising appetite for meat--should boost fertilizer demand. Key ingredients--potash and phosphate, "the other white rock"--are red hot.
Nile Gardiner on Obama's bounce in the polls and declining presidency:
Bin Laden was the top terrorist to hide in this seemingly peaceful Pakistani place ... but not the only one. Click on the above headline for details.
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Britannia Radio