Germany braces itself for invasion of Polish workers as it follows EU immigration rules Immigration of little benefit to the economy, report concludes The Myth Behind Multiculturalism Immigration of little benefit to the economy, report concludes Eastern European migrants' boost to economy was 'insignificant', says thinktankA selection of recent media reports
Up to a million Poles may arrive as Germany allows in a flood of workers from its neighbour for the first time.
The Daily Telegraph (02-May-2011)
The British economy has failed to benefit from the influx of eastern European migrants, according to a think-tank report.
The Daily Telegraph (02-May-2011)
Family Security Matters 2 May 2011 By Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD Multiculturalism, although theoretically a great utopian idea is proving to be a recipe doomed for failure like mixing vinegar and oil The world can no longer tolerate the increase of violence such as suicide bombings, road
Europe News (02-May-2011)
The British economy has failed to benefit from the influx of eastern European migrants, according
Expatica Uk (02-May-2011)
A claim that mass immigration from Eastern Europe gave a huge boost to B
Mail Online (02-May-2011)
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
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Britannia Radio