Sunday, May 29, 2011
Perfidy: Palestinian Police Purposely Fired on Peaceful, Hassidic Jewish Worshippers at Joseph's Tomb, According to IDF Probe
Obama Finally Visits Joplin, Lies to Victims and Survivors
Israel Braces for Riots Along Borders
Palin: Obama Borrows from China to Give to Muslim Brotherhood
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Proudly Calgary, Proudly Pro-Israel
Friday, May 27, 2011
G-8 Pledges $20 Billion for Egypt, Tunisia
Unlike Obama and Europe, Canada is Solidly Pro-Israel
Monday, 30 May 2011
A young Jew, whose only "crime" was bypassing procedure to pray at a sacred site, was gunned down by Palestinian Arab goons. The so-called police purposely shot him, as reported here.
Where is the outrage?
Not in the White House, where the likes of Samantha Power and other Israel-hating advisors are plotting to support cross-border riots aimed at isolating and weakening the Jewish State.
Not in the offices of the infamous J Street, where turncoat Jews are aiding Hitler's heirs.
Not on the Left, where Useful Idiots of Appeasement--and worse--are siding with the worst reactionary scum on earth, Islamists, in order to bring down America, capitalism, democracy.
Not in the newsrooms and executive offices of CNN and MSNBC and The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times....
A Warning and a Reminder
What happened to 25-year-old Ben-Yosef Livnat should be considered as both a warning and a reminder. A warning of the nightmare to come if the liberated eastern part of Jerusalem, including the ancient, walled Old City, again comes under Arab (or international) control ... and a reminder of the nightmare that was ... before the end of the War of Independence ... when, during the British Mandate years, Jews could only pray at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, under threat of Arab attack, and after the armistice and before June 1967, when handfuls of brave, young Jews (mainly from Israel's poor Sephardic neighborhoods located on the divided Jerusalem city borderline) dared to sneak into the Jordanian-occupied Old City, at night, disguised as Arabs, just for the chance to touch the Wall.
In spite of the obvious differences, the murder of the Breslav Hassid Ben-Yosef Livnat echoes the story of another Jewish martyr, the Betari Shlomo Ben-Yosef. He, too, died at the age of 25. But he was killed by the British imperialists. Click here to read about Shlomo Ben-Yosef, a Hero of Zion.
In fact, ordinary victims of the tragedy will receive very little--or zero--federal assistance.
Contrary to what the liberal media would have you believe, Obama could not care less about ordinary Americans.
"The Muslim world"--that is his chief concern.
Emboldened by the West (except for Canada), Israel's enemies are plotting fresh rounds of border violence, as reported here.
Every effort will be made to avoid bloodshed, Israeli officials, say, but there will be "red lines," including zero tolerance for attempts to burst through borders.
Prediction: there will be blood, unfortunately, and Barack Obama's most viciously anti-Israel advisors--Samantha Power and Zbigniew Brzezinski--will press the President to intervene on the side of Israel's implacable foes. Not for nothing has Power pushed the so-called Responsibility to Protect doctrine. R2P was in part applied to the Libyan civil war to pave the way for its eventual use against Israel. That day is nearing. The Israel-haters believe that a Jewish State in Palestine should never have been allowed to come into existence in the first place; so their evil objective is to facilitate its step-by-step dismantling or sudden destruction.
Sarah Palin's Facebook note is spot-on:
Should we be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Given that we are running massive deficits and are drowning in more than $14 trillion in debt, and despite not knowing who will rule Egypt until its election this fall, this strange strategy may be the end result given President Obama’s announcement that he is committing $2 billion to Egypt’s “new government.” It’s part of a $20 billion foreign aid package laid out with the Group of 8 countries in Europe today.
Now, given that Egypt has a history of corruption when it comes to utilizing American aid, it is doubtful that the money will really help needy Egyptian people. Couple that with the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is organized to have a real shot at taking control of Egypt’s government, and one has to ask why we would send money (that we don’t have) into unknown Egyptian hands?
Throwing borrowed money around is not sound economic policy. And throwing borrowed money around the developing world is not sound foreign policy. Foreign assistance should go to American allies that need it and appreciate it, and for humanitarian purposes when it can truly make a difference.
Considering the Obama Administration’s continued strange strategies on the economy and foreign policy has us counting down the days to the next election. November 2012 can’t come soon enough.
Foreign Confidential Comment
No foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood. A corollary is no policy that emboldens or in any way encourages the Muslim Brotherhood and rightwing political Islam, or Islamism. What too few Americans appreciate is that their President--America's most leftwing-ever President--is actually pro-Islamist. This is worth repeating: the most leftwing-ever leader of the world's greatest democracy is pro-rightwing political Islam. Like other leftists and liberal loons, Obama sees Islam as the religion of the poor, and the clerical fascist creed that has become practically synonymous with organized Islam as somehow progressive. The sword of Islam, according to Obama and those advising him (e.g. Samantha Power) slices in sync with and serves to advance the "moral arc of history."
His policy from the outset has been to narrow the definition of the Islamist foe to Al Qaeda and "irreconcilable" Taliban, and to engage (appease and attempt to align with) all other Islamist entities and organizations, including: the Hitler-admiring Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned Al Qaeda and its offshoots; nuclear-arming Iran; and supposed "moderate" wings of Hamas and Hezbollah.
As this reporter predicted, the long overdue killing of AQ leader Osama Bin Laden has given Obama political cover to be even more pro-Islamist. Put differently, Obama now seems to see himself as a sort of leftwing 007, an agent of radical change, if you will, with a license to kill ... Israel.
Fact is, Obama betrayed Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, who for three decades following the Islamist assassination of his predecessor, Anwar Sadat, was an American ally who maintained his country's peace pact with neighboring Israel. Obama effectively gave a green light to the Egyptian revolution by emboldening the Muslim Brotherhood through a series of secret US-MB meetings and by making sure that the group's leaders were prominently present at his disgraceful Cairo speech--an address to the so-called Muslim world, which is itself an Islamist concept as it assumes the existence of a global Muslim nation united by belief in the Koran to a degree that transcends all political, national, and ethnic boundaries and differences. For this alone--for validating and pandering to this core Islamist concept--Obama should have been/should now be rejected by all decent Americans and their friends abroad.
POSTSCRIPT: Why Obama is Worse than Chamberlain
The Left's alliance with Islamism recalls the infamous Hitler-Stalin pact. But even the foreign Communists who stuck by Stalin for the most part didn't dare argue that Naziism was "progressive." In contrast, today's Left is positively enthusiastic about its alliance with rightwing political Islam. Such is their hatred of America, Israel, capitalism, Judaism and Christianity, Western democracy.
Similarly, Obama's engagement of Islamism is worse than Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Nazi Germany. Chamberlain was not pro-Nazi; he foolishly believed that Germany under Hitler could be satisfied with territorial concessions and that a policy of appeasement could preserve the peace in Europe. Obama, on the other hand, is pro-Islamist. He believes in oxymoronic Islamist/Islamic democracy, or Islamocracy. Imagine FDR and Churchill pressing for negotiations with "moderate" branches of the Nazi party....
"Ceding the lands seized during that [Six-Day] war would not be part of a peace process, for doing so would only make Israel a sitting duck for future attacks. "
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Britannia Radio