Friday 27 May 2011

U.S. dollar could ‘collapse’: UN
The United Nations warned on Wednesday of a possible crisis of confidence in, and even a “collapse” of, the U.S. dollar if its value against other currencies continued to decline.

China Gold Imports to Surge: Report

Castrated US Corporate Media Attacks Russia Today for Daring to Report Real News
The New York Times, NPR and broadcasters across the country are attacking RT for embracing a not-so-mainstream approach to broadcasting the news. Lauren Lyster fires back at allegations about the legitimacy of RT and their guests.

Second Biggest Weekly Drop Ever In Treasurys Held In The Fed’s Custodial Account As Foreigners Dump
There was one truly interesting observation in this week’s Fed balance sheet update: not that the actual balance sheet hit a new all time record (which it did at $2.779 trillion), or that the Fed added another $24 billion in Treasurys to its balance sheet, or that total reserves hit a new all time record, increasing by $53 billion to $1.59 trillion.

Are Our Leaders Really Incompetent … Or Just Pretending?
People want to assume that when someone in power messes up – especially someone who appears incompetent – it was just a mistake.

Destroying Freedom, Truth And Justice With The Power of Words
We should all reflect on the words we say, write, and think because words are powerful. Words are a bigger threat to freedom, justice, and truth than bullets because authoritarian governments can use words to enslave millions of minds and turn people into obedient machines without a will and without any understanding of their actions beyond the lies that their leaders tell them.