US Government Contractor Claims “Al-Qaeda” Has Confirmed Bin Laden Fairytale
One of the groups behind the endless fake Bin Laden tapes and a contractor for the US government tells us that “Al-Qaeda” has confirmed the death of Osama. Although Bin Laden has been dead since 2001, the fact the US government are having to use the notorious SITE organization to prop up the crumbling Bin Laden fable that was manufactured on Sunday night shows how desperate the White House has become inits bid to sell the public on more terror fearmongering.
The Obama administration and the corporate media are concocting an ever-more elaborate and spectacular theater around the “heroic” murder of the CIA intelligence myth/CIA asset Osama bin Laden. Not content to simply to exploit the 9/11 atrocity for political gain, the administration is heaping new layers of lie and cover-up to the original crime.
• Day of the Dead: The Hit Man as Hero
• Feds Issue Terror Advisory to Justify Police State, Distract From Osama Fable
• Osama down. Gaddafi next?
• U.S. drone strike in Yemen is first since 2002
Italy will host the next major international meeting on Libya. Leaders from NATO and the Arab league will gather this Thursday to plan the political transition following the departure or ousting of Libyan leader Mamuamar Gaddafi.
• If It Is Time To Sell Gold Then Why Are Central Banks Hoarding Gold Like Crazy?
• And So It Continues: Another 92 Thousand Ounces In Physical Silver Withdrawn From Comex Despite Historic Paper Collapse
Muslims Brainwashed By MI5 Agent Choudry Reinforce Pro-War Propaganda By Rioting In London
A child of three could see through this scam. Muslims brainwashed by extremist preachers on the MI5 payroll – people like Anjem Choudry and Abu Hamza, are told to riot in London and threaten retailiation attacks for the death of Bin Laden. This not only reinforces the Bin Laden fable, but it also allows the media to whip up anti-Arab sentiment amongst British and American citizens by bombarding them with images of screaming Muslim extremists.
• Torture Nation: Enhancing the Move Toward Totalitarianism
Osama Bin Laden: The Movie
The recent fanfare on May 1st 2011 from the screenwriters in the mainstream media over the US government’s announcement of the US Navy SEALs’ killing of Osama bin Laden reminds us once again how mainstream journalism requires Orwell’s memory hole in order to function. After all, this isn’t the first time we’ve been told bin Laden is dead.
• Bin Had
Alex Jones: Terrorism’s Big Dirty Secret
Alex Jones exposes the biggest hoax of all behind the threat of terrorism and the idea that Americans should give up their freedoms only to live cowering in fear.
The Cost of Bin Laden: $3 Trillion Over 15 Years
What do we have to show for that tab? Two wars that continue to occupy 150,000 troops and tie up a quarter of our defense budget; a bloated homeland-security apparatus that has at times pushed the bounds of civil liberty.