Sunday, 15 May 2011

Why I've Never Married

May 14, 2011


by Joshua Daniels

I am a young 43 years old. Just today, a very pretty 19-year-old girl gave me the eye, meaning, I have no trouble getting attention from women. At least five different women have told me they wanted to marry me, I've earned nearly a million dollars in the last twelve years, I'm college educated and very smart, very handsome, I'm good at conversation, I'm in touch with my emotions, I want children, and I want to be married.
So why aren't I?
Women have laid a minefield between themselves and Men. I will not cross it. I see the bodies of the foolish and foolhardy on the ground ahead of me, and I know better. I can see the other side, and there are NO survivors. Not only that, I know that if I brave the obstacles, and so win fair maiden, she will not be my wife: I'll be hers.
That's just not an arrangement I'm interested in.
The legalities of marriage are a brazen affront to my manhood and would strip me of the authority necessary to fulfill my responsibilities as husband and father.
I'm a Man, not a boy, not a guy, not a featherless biped: I'm a Man. By my very nature as a Man, I have the right and the authority to bind myself by my signature or given word on any matter.

The States of the Union and of Europe, though, claim that I can bind myself in every matter except my own life. I can sign a contract to pay twenty million dollars for a house, and it's valid and binding, and the State will enforce it with guns and clubs, whether I actually have the money or not, but if I sign a commitment to be Husband and Father, it means nothing to the States without their permission, and they would refuse to acknowledge my rights as Husband and Father in their courts. Only the signature of some state-authorized "dignitary" has the authority to grant meaning to my signature on that marriage license; without that official's signature, legally, I didn't make any commitment at all.

What I'm describing here is the legal concept of "solemnizing," that is, for a state official to make my agreement "solemn," or, in plain English, "serious." No man or woman's signature on any marriage license anywhere in the US means anything unless a state official solemnizes it, or "makes it serious." Read the law in your state; it says exactly that.

You couldn't make this stuff up.
How about the fact of licensing itself? A license is official permission. This is true perversity. I need no one's permission to make an illegitimate child except the woman involved. I need no one's permission to join Big Brothers and be a surrogate father to someone else's child except the Big Brothers organization. But to make and raise my own sons and daughters, and to give them my name and cover them with my wing while they learn to fly, which is their birthright and beyond any government's right to deny them, the state thinks I need its permission.
Sheer fantasy. Utter arrogance, backed with weapons wielded by over-age boys who fear Men. They fear Women, too, while we're on that subject. Look at how they treat them.
But the real problem here is that women have believed this lie, and insist that a marriage be "legal." Are you more honest or committed because you got the state's permission to say "Yes?" Really? Then go away. You just admitted that your word is worthless without a gun to your head. "Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. Anything more is of the evil one." - Jesus
Legal marriage also brings me under a family court. I have never, ever, heard of a just decision from a "family court," nor will I. I have seen only devastation and destruction wrought by these family meat grinders. In law, marriage is a business. I am not making this up; it's written in the statutes. The children are the "produce" of that business, and are owned OUTRIGHT by the state, because the state licensed the business. I am also not making that up; check your own state laws on it; they're on

The State thinks it owns my relationship with my wife and children. The State thinks that it owns my children outright, and that it has the right to dismember my family, to strip me of authority while saddling me with impossible financial responsibilities, and imprison me if I refuse this theft and humiliation.
The State is wrong. It has the power to inflict evil on me, as do any group of men who are better armed than I, but never, ever, will it have the right.
Because I know these things, I understand that I'm guilty of sin against myself if I participate in my own castration. I would be guilty of sin against my family if I subject them to these wolves in black dresses who call themselves Family Judges. I would be guilty of sin against God if I yield the authority He delegated to me.
I won't do that.
Today's American woman wants a man who'll take responsibility without authority. Absolutely every time I've set down with a woman who was interested in marrying me for a serious discussion about it, she refused to address the issues. Simple questions about who would have what authority and which responsibilities belong to whom, as she sees it, have been ducked, ignored, or countered with angry changes of subject. Really. That means they want the normal arrangement, in which the husband has all the responsibility but no authority whatsoever.
When you have responsibility without authority, you are a scapegoat, pure and simple.
I am no one's scapegoat, nor shall I ever be.
American women look to the Government to be their protector and provider. The one that a woman looks to for protection and provision when she's no longer under her father's care is her husband in her heart. The man she's sleeping with, even with a marriage certificate, is the Other Man.
I'm no one's Other Man. Please notice that that sentence ends with a period.
I've saved the worst for last.
American women have repudiated the contract of marriage at its most basic level. The contract is this: he gets children, and she gets to be part of a family lineage. If the couple is infertile, the relationship takes on a different character, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but the contract, at its heart, is children for membership.
American women have declared, with the backing of men in black dresses who control sheriff's deputies, that the children are theirs no matter what, and they'll keep the name and the money and property, too. They take, but do not give, and what should be given, they claim the right to take back, with government backing, so the husband and father is always under a sword.
So, since there's nothing in it for me from any white woman I've ever met, and I won't mess with a DNA formula that's been top-notch for at least six thousand years, I'm not married.
Let me be clear, women: you have changed the arrangement so that there is NOTHING in it for me.
You've even made the "love" and "acceptance" that should come with a wife into worthless words lacking substance by the stance you've taken on the matters that weigh more.
Given the choice between dying castrated and without lineage versus frustrated and without lineage, I will choose frustrated and without lineage, every time. Other men may make other choices; that is their business, and the women who choose them will forever whine about the lack of real Men in their worlds. You harvest what you plant.

The reason women's harvests are empty of commitment is because at planting time, they planted none. They always held in reserve the right and power to steal back what they were "giving." "Giving" is in quotes there because the thing they do isn't really giving, no matter how much they whine about it being so much, all the best years, all their heart, etc.
I won't even be friends with a woman any more, though I enjoy their company tremendously, because they assume that time spent equals marriage interest, and fall hard for me, while insisting on keeping me in Other Man status and rejecting the basic marriage contract. My basic integrity prevents me from putting more women in that position of falling hard without hope, and my responsibility to God for the position and authority He's given me keeps me from settling for anything but Husband and Father status.
When, and if, I ever meet a woman who understands these things, has renounced her Government Husband-Father, and who is still of childbearing age, and who is attractive enough that I don't cringe when she reaches for me, I will consider her a candidate for Wife. Women who endorse the evils listed here are alone, or lonely, and with good reason. They are afraid of Men, and insist on attempting to join with over-age boys who accept the castration and humiliation of the system those women endorse. They wish they had Men, but fail to realize that only Women get Men.
There are real Women out there, but they have already discerned for themselves the lies of the blatantly mistranslated Romans 13:1, and have made or are making themselves ready for a real Man, who submits to God and no other. Those who threw cubs with an Other Man and were surprised to find themselves abandoned are dealing in fantasy as they search for the arrangement they can no longer fulfill. They are the "silly women" of 2Ti 3:6-7 "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."


Joshua Daniels can be reached at: